Thursday, October 4, 2012

He's getting better

He really did great today. He gets better each time he comes here. And I think he enjoys being here with the sheep. He follows commands much better. I think he just may become a good herd dog after all. I am proud of him.

The sheep were a little winded after a few times around the pasture and yard though. They were all panting. It was around noon when they got here so was a little warmer. But we did not over work them at all. It was only about 5 minutes total. They are getting used to the dogs too.

I love watching the sheep running. They run with their heads help up high. So regal looking.

Bonnie, the older dog, was not quite as interested in the sheep today. She's about a month along in her pregnancy now so needs more breaks. So we didn't keep her in too long with the sheep.  So another good shepherding day with the Border Collies.

And I made 2 batches of soap! One is Pumpkin Spice and the other an Orange-Clove. The house smells so good! I love making soap. I need more vegetable shortening again. I am always running out of at least one oil. I'll take pictures of the soap when it comes out of the molds.

Around the farm

It's a cool kind of wet morning here in North Georgia. The grass is real wet. Went out to hang clothes this morning barefooted and it's cold. But it looks like it will be sunny and in the low 80's. Hopefully enough to dry up some of this slippery mud.

This is Penelope and the little Boer buck, who is nameless right now. Last night it looked like that spot on his back was shaped like a heart. But not this morning. More like just a red circle. He is SO fat. And little. I really don't think he has gotten anything done since he's been here with Penelope and Sandy. They both still act like they are in heat most of the time. And teasing poor John Henry on the other side of the fence. I do believe John Henry has done the deed. All 3 of the does he's with look settled. I'll keep them all together till the middle of October.

Yesterday, I opened the fence to the North garden. It's so buggy and nothing growing good in there. So I decided to let the sheep have at it. I did get some cucumbers but they were small. The bugs ate every bit of the field peas I had planted in Aug. And the turnip greens are all holey. The okra is done. And the sweet potato patch is a jungle. So the sheep can clear all that out for me so I can find some of them. They do such a good job of weed eating for me. And the chickens love all the bugs out there too.

This is Fiona and Axel. This morning I thought maybe she was coming in heat so I put her over in the "breeding yard". Went and got Axel and he chased her all over the yard. Not at all like Leelah and Alfie the other day. And she baaahhhed the whole time she was in there, except when she was running. Poor Axel is pooped. So I  put her back over with the rest of the girls and him back with the boys. He looked really disappointed, poor guy. But there will be another try later.

I had put Gracie and Darla in with Alfie a few days ago. Gracie was in standing heat. Darla, not so sure about her yet. Didn't actually see anything. But saw Alfie hanging around her a lot. So I think Gracie and Leelah are settled. Maybe Darla.

And this is a bird nest I found under an apple tree yesterday. Made with Darla wool and grasses. So amazing. I love that the birds used the wool I left out there for them. Just amazes me the intelligence these animals have. I love it.

I went to the Battlefield market yesterday with lots of collard and turnip greens, radishes and Blue Lake and Roma green beans and bell peppers and banana peppers. Sold quite a lot of it. But had to leave early to take my daughter to work. So came home and put a lot of greens in the freezer and will cook some for dinner tonight. I feel like a big pot of collard greens with a smoked ham hock. And some cornbread too of course!

Oh, and the Border Collie's are coming again today!! So looking forward to seeing them again. It was pouring rain Monday so they had to wait til today when it was a little dried out here. They are so pretty and clean, I hate to get them all muddy.

And I will be making some soap today. Gotta get some more made. I will make an orange-clove soap and more pumpkin spice. Love that smell! Just like a pumpkin pie right out of the oven. Yum!

So that's what's going on here at Outback Farm. I hope y'all are having a great Thursday so far!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Need Motivation

I just cannot seem to get motivated lately. And I have SO much that has got to get started. And finished. The Holiday market is in 2 months and I still have lots of soap to make. And jars and vases to get done. And rag rugs to finish and start. Just too much. And I am still gardening. Going to markets. I am going today back to the market on 27. I picked a bunch of pretty collard and turnip greens. And kale and lots of pretty colorful radishes. It starts at 3 but I need to be there at least by 2:15. Then I'll have to take my daughter to work at 5 so I'll have to leave the market by 4:30, unless I can find someone else to take her. But usually, if I don't sell most everything in that first hour or so, I won't.

I guess being a last minute type person isn't a good thing right now. I would much rather be here, sitting on this porch, with the  babbling brook  at my feet. But that ain't gonna happen.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another stuck head.

This is what I saw when I went out this morning. Or really, what I heard. This is Amarillo. A few days before it was Annabelle. In the same spot. I thought only goats did this.

I have a cattle panel in front of the field fence because when my cow Mazie was over there, she tore that part of the fence down and  went into the field next door. So I put the panel up to give it more stability. But the past few days, the sheep have been putting their heads through the fence to get to the grass on the other side because I had their pasture mowed. So now this happens right there. I took the cattle panel down and tried to fix the field fence so they can't get over it. Silly sheep. It's always something around here.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sheep Sex (Graphic picture. Beware little eyes!)

This afternoon when I got home, Leelah was pacing at the fence, by herself. The others were all in the pasture up by the road. So I figured she was in heat. I led her across the driveway to the other little yard where the meat birds are. And the boys in the other pasture. I called the rams and it was going to either be Axel or Alfie, whoever went through the gate first. Alfie went through the gate first. So off he went in search of Leelah. He found her in 10 seconds and went right to work. Good boy! I'll know if he's done the job in 5 months.

She is the first to go. I hope the others follow soon after. Maybe I can put one at a time in that yard as they go in heat. That would be ideal.

While milking Abby and Sandy tonight, I caught John Henry and Zarah too! Zarah is in standing heat. Yay! This will be her first.

So here we go!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Peaceable Kingdom

This evening I went out to feed and milk. And put the Freedom Rangers and laying hens back in their pens. This hardly ever happens but they all went in without too much trouble. And I sat out in the sheep yard and got to pet Amarillo and Annabelle! I have been getting a little closer to Amarillo the past few weeks but tonight she let me pet her forehead! And Annabelle has never let me get too near her but I stood there for 5 minutes petting her little head too. It's a sheep miracle! Adelaide has been talking to them, that's what it is. She's telling them it's not bad at all. And actually is quite nice to be petted and kissed on the nose. It was so nice tonight. They are all such sweet sheep. I love my sheep!

Monday, September 24, 2012

They came back!

The Border Collies came back today. They are going to come at least once a week. I told them they could come more if they want to. They did really good today.Had a little more confidence and they actually got the sheep to move for them. Poor Darla, my biggest ewe, got ran over by the rest of the sheep. She's ok though. I think she was embarrassed. She'll get over it.

Lige is in the front. He's 7 months old now. His mother is Bonnie. She did really good with the sheep. He's still way young. He's just at the right age to be introduced to sheep, not for training yet, but just to get to know them. He's got great form. He has the crouch and stare with his mom down pat. He's a good dog and so sweet. He comes right to me when they get here. I love them both. I hope Bonnie is carrying my new puppy!


This morning I loaded Adelaide up in the car and took her to the vet. A tech came out and drew blood. The vet came out a little later and said her red blood cell count was at 24%!! After 2 weeks of the Red Cell and whatever else I've been doing, this is great news. Up 15% from 2 weeks ago. He would like to see it at least around 30% soon. And he said he'd like to do another fecal before I do any more worming. Which I hope I won't have to for a long time.

So now I need to get both pastures mowed. Then let them rest a week. Then start thinking about breeding who to whom. I think Adelaide and Annabelle are just too small still. I will wait til December to breed those two. And I want to use Abraham, the black Finn ram, on them. This is Annabelle and Amarillo is the last picture. She's a lot bigger than them but she's Finn too.

So that's what's going on here at Outback Farm these days. Lots of musical sheep and goats. Hopefully next spring, we'll have lots of cute little lambs and kids jumping around again!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Kind of funny

We have a lot of bike riders out here all the time. Like the racing-touring bikers. With sleek helmets, spandex shorts and shirts. Tight butts on little tiny narrow seats. Crazy leg muscles. They are not very friendly either. I mean they hardly ever wave or head nod or even a finger lift. They look straight ahead. They do not move over. We have little 2 lane roads out here that are hilly and lots of curves. And they don't do single file anymore. No. Some kind of law in Ga. and Tn. that says they can have the whole lane now.

So today, I'm out in the garden planting some cabbage and Brussels sprouts and chard. I see these 2 bikers heading back to town. I can always hear them when they ride by talking. Well, I heard the guy say to the other person "Look at the goats". My sheep were all up in the front pasture by the road. I almost fell over. It was so funny!  (I have nothing at all against the bike riders. I like riding down the road behind them for miles waiting for a place to pass. It's not a bad view. Really, I don't mind at all.)

                                               This is how close the sheep were to the road.                                                                                

Happy Fall, y'all!

I love saying that. Sounds so Southern and Paula Dean. Happy fall, y'all! I thought the first day of fall was yesterday. Isn't it always the 21st? This is my 54th fall, so I could be getting a little fuzzy.

Last week, I got my 3rd Taproot magazine. I love this magazine. Every page, every story, is something I am interested in. Such great writers. And the art! Oh my, It's so frame-able. All of it. I hope everyone checks out the magazine and orders one. And NO ADS! At all. How cool is that?

So I went outside, under my shade tree with the magazine and a cup of coffee. Put my feet up and sat there and read most of it. It was such a beautiful day. I don't do this enough. Just sit and read. Or meditate on good things. Listen to the sheep in the yard munching grass. I love that sound. And the clucks of the chickens. Then the loud cries of the goats. That changes everything.

The articles are amazing. So easy to read and I feel like I am there, in the story.  I feel like I know a lot of the writers because they have some of my favorite blogs. Like SouleMama, Small Measure, and several others.

 I took this right up under my tree. Pretty soon there will be no more leaves. The yard is already full of them. I go outside and there are leaves in my hair, falling everywhere. So I will enjoy these last few weeks of nice weather and go outside more. Watch the morning sun come up and go down again. Watch the leaves turn from green to orange and yellow and red and gold. Enjoy all the beautiful weed flowers of fall. Pick armloads to put all over my house.

And then just sit, like my cat, Gilbert, and enjoy my day. Under the shade tree. Til there are no more leaves.

Happy Fall, y'all!

Friday, September 21, 2012

View from the milk room

I was sitting in the milk room yesterday morning on my bucket seat milking my goats. I love the view outside the door. So grabbed my camera and took some pictures. 

Here is a closer view.The fig trees and the meat chickens and you can barely see the rams in the background. Just kind of peaceful. It was foggy too.

 And inside the milk room, all I can hear is goats munching their feed. And a cat waiting on some warm milk.

And she is happy now. Nice warm milk straight from the goat. Can't ask for much more than that, if you're a cat. Or a dog.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Outback Farm

Outback Farm

I was just fooling around and copied my Outback Farm FB business page. I need a lot more likes so if anyone would like to go like my page, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!

Border Collie visit

Today a friend came with her 2 Border Collies, Bonnie and Lige, her son. Both of them have never seen sheep before. Lige is 6 moths old. He had been sold to some people who just did not have time for him and he was bored so started eating the siding off the house. Poor puppy. So Beth got him back. The first picture is of Bonnie, Lige's mother. She has only herded a horse. She was a bit afraid of Darla, who was going to protect her friends. Bonnie really had no idea what to do with all these big sheep.

She finally got them to move. So they went out front and around the pasture a few times.

This is both dogs in the field with the rams. The rams were not impressed at all. But the dogs chased them for a few minutes.

Here they are in the yard, playing with a basketball. I was trying to get Lige's herding stance and stare. He looked good, staring at his mother and trying to herd her.

Beautiful dogs. I love Border Collies. But right now with all that's going on, I don't think it's the right time for a dog this age with no training. Bonnie is hopefully bred with a beautiful red and white BC. Her sire was red and white. She was bred the first time to a black and white BC and had all black and white pups. We are hoping for some red pups because I want a red and white puppy. So the end of December the puppies will be ready to go. By then everything will be settled down with the gardens and sheep and goats bred and Holiday Market and Christmas over. I'll have more time to spend with a Border Collie puppy. Can hardly wait!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bad dog!

I went to the garden to pick veggies for my CSA customers. Left the wagon out by the gate and went in for something. When I came back out I saw squash pieces on the ground.

Then saw Stella, the squash eating dog. I forgot she has done this before. I caught her in the act this time though. Look at that bad dog.  Well, I guess she's pretty healthy. She is a raw food dog.

And this is what's left of the veggies in the wagon. I hurried and got them all in the house. They are all bagged up and ready to go. Hopefully Stella won't get in the bags. It's warming up a little so had to come out of the jacket.

First cold morning!

I had to wear a jacket this morning. It's kinda cold out there. It's really starting to feel fall-ish now. I gave the animals a little extra hay this morning too. And threw the floor hay from the sheep into the chicken coop. It got a bit wet with all the rain we've had. I guess it's time to start all the winter preparations for all the critters.

I am a little bit worried about this winter. We only have a little bit of wood. And an open fireplace. We need a big wood burning stove now. I have been looking. I want one I can cook on if the power goes out. I want a Vermont Bun Oven really bad. Have for years now. And it's really just as much as some of the newer stoves at the store we've been going to. That's what I want. Maybe when the big money comes in!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Projects. It's that time again!

This time of year makes me want to start crocheting and knitting and thinking about Christmas. But this year I am doing a holiday market the first 2 weekends in December. I am usually a very last minute type person. I can't be that way with this. I have soap to make. My vases and candle holders to make. Rag rugs to make. Dish clothes and wash clothes to make. I have to get busy!!

So today I started finishing this rag rug I had started last year. It's almost done.

Then I started on another rag rug. It's really the easiest thing to make. The most time consuming part is tearing all those strips from the sheets. After that, it's just crocheting using a huge giant crochet hook.

It's almost finished too. I will need to look for some more sheets in colors to match it to make it bigger now. I have some pretty blue sheets in checks and solids and circles I want to make a round rug with. I have a lot of material for that one. Then another in greens. I need to get to a thrift store to look for more.

And I made 2 pretty green wash clothes Friday. Then started this one yesterday. I love making these and can usually make a few an hour. Really simple to do. And they are the best for washing pots and pans with. Don't even need a scrubby anymore.

So is anyone else feeling the urge to get out their crochet hooks or knitting needles? Around here it's way too hot during the summer to touch wool or yarn. The only wool I touch is on the sheep! Til it starts to cool down some. Then I can't put it down.

Monday, September 17, 2012

It's wet here.

It's been raining off and on all day here. I had to wait this morning to go out to feed animals and do the milking til about 9:30. And tonight it was almost dark when I got out to milk again. Those goats do not like getting wet at all.

We sure did need this soaking rain. I can almost hear all the veggies out in the gardens growing and thanking God for the rain. I am thankful as well. I was getting a bit worried about my turnip greens and spinach and kale. All the fall green things. And it's supposed to be cooler too which they will love.

I noticed a lot of color in the trees on the way to town today. Little hints here and there. I hope we have a pretty fall this year. We have had rain so that should help. Lots of leaves falling too. It's beginning to feel like fall here! I am ready for some cool temps. But not too cold yet.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fiona's wool coat

It's now Sept. 16th. The middle of Sept. And Fiona's scraggly wool coat finally came off. She's been looking like a viking for months now and I finally grabbed what was left and pulled til it came off. It was basically just hanging by a few hairs so I didn't hurt her. And I think she was glad it was finally off.

She looks so much better now.

If only her sister Leelah's would come all the way off too. She rubs her back on the back scratcher board so part of her back wool is off. But the side wool is still hanging on.  I guess she'll need it in a few weeks. It's supposed to start cooling off some here. I am ready for it!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

New farmer's market

Today I went back to the Brainerd market. I love it. This is my 2 nd week there. I am so happy that there are people who are in to healthy organic food and not prices of healthy organic food. Just a totally different environment at this market. We even talk about ways to prepare the food they buy and ways they have prepared it. I sold just about everything I brought. I have some Roma beans left and one bag of kale and some radishes. The kale and radishes will go in the pot with the home grown chicken that's in the oven roasting right now along with some potatoes and onions in about an hour. The beans will be washed and put on the stove next. So I am ok with bringing a little home from the market. That's dinner!

I so hope that everyone who reads this blog will find a farmer's market near them and buy some healthy good food and support us farmers. I for one, so appreciate you! And you will appreciate the fresh food that you will have for dinner tonight too.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Every morning

Every morning, this is what I see out my kitchen door. There are usually a few more cats. Looks like they are all in line, waiting. Stella was laying down when I opened the door. Of course I had to go find my camera and when I got back, she was standing up.

The dogs are the first to get fed. Bubba and Sophie eat outside. Stella eats inside. I don't know why, but that's the way we do it. Then the cats get fed. Then I get the milk goats and feed them. While they are eating, I fix all the feed containers for the chickens, sheep and the rest of the goats. I go feed all of them and let the meat chickens out. Then back to milk the goats. Stella is still inside because she aggravates the goats. She does come in at the evening milking though. The dogs and cats are in the milk room for their bowls of milk. They love goat milk!

And then we do it all again in the evening, except the sheep and dry goats don't get feed. I put the meat chickens back in their pen and let the laying hens out for a few hours.  The dogs get meat bones. And the cats get rabbits and birds. Really. This morning I go out to feed the back yard goats and there's a dead rabbit in their shelter. With the middle eaten and a pile of puke next to it.

Sometimes I feel like I am in the movie Groundhog Day. Same thing over and over. Day in and day out. Every day the same thing. But I love it. This is my life right now. I can't imagine it any other way.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Farm Country

There is corn in North Georgia. There is a huge field across the road from us and they are harvesting the corn today. Big trucks loaded with corn from the big corn combine. It's really interesting to watch that big machine cut through the tall dried corn stalks and then go to the big trucks waiting to be filled. I love living way out here and hearing the big farm machinery. Seems like there is a tractor or some type of machine for everything.

And all around us are hay fields. There is haying going on everywhere right now. We have had a great year for hay. I don't think any animal will go hungry this winter. I have around 180 bales right now and will be getting another truckload in a few weeks. My truck holds at least 40 and sometimes 45-50 depending on who stacks it. You can see a round hay baler here in this picture. This is to the South of my property. You can see Lookout Mt.

Here is the field to the North. And there is Lookout Mt. through the trees in the middle of the picture. I love the smell of hay after it's been cut and it drying. Just don't like loading and stacking it. But the smell is amazing.

I had to cut some privet and honeysuckle for the goaties. They love that stuff. They have eaten every tree and bush in their pasture. It was full of blackberry bushes and those thorn trees. Lots of stuff back there and now there are only some big tall trees. Nothing much but grass back there for them now. So I go and cut them branches for them.

There is a lot going on around me here in farm country. What's going on in your neck of the woods right now?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Little Adalaide is walking on her foot now. She seems to be ok. It could have been bruised in the commotion yesterday morning. I hope that's all. I mixed the Red Cell into their feed and they all ate it up. I like it this way. SO much easier. I won't know how much each one got this way but I know each one got some. I just could not put them or myself through that again.

Just another day at the spa.

This afternoon, I went to check on the boys. They were snoozing under the shade tree. And getting massages from the nice chickens. And getting there wool all fluffed. I thought this was so funny and so sweet of the chickens. It must have really felt good to the rams. They never batted an eye. Such is life at Outback Farm. And they looked so good after their spa treatment too.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

And now...

a broken leg. Poor little Adalaide must have broken her back right leg this morning during the chaos and confusion in the stall. I got all 8 ewes in the stall for their Red Cell and B Complex shots. It was a little crazy in there. She must have been hurt in the shuffle then. I feel so bad for her. It's right above the hoof, like the ankle. I noticed her limping this evening. I am going to see if it heals on it's own. I just can't put her through any more stress like she's been in the last few days. I need them all to be calm and happy. If it looks like it's getting worse or she's in pain, then I will have to take her in to the vet again. She's supposed to go back in 2 weeks for another blood test.

I am going to try putting the Red Cell in their feed in the morning. I just can't do all that again. It was horrible. They were all scared and running and I can't put them through that again for 13 more days. This better work.

It's always something around here. This morning when I looked out the kitchen door, there was Iris and Brie, the 2 little doelings. At the kitchen door. I looked to see how they had gotten out. The sheep were all at the gate, looking at them. The gate was open at least a foot wide. And the sheep were all behind it. Such good sheeps. I just love them.

So I put the does in the milk room. BIG MISTAKE! They had that place in the biggest mess I have ever seen. Stuff all over the floor. Broken glass under the shelves. Stuff inside the mineral bag. Poop all over the stanchions. A MESS! And they were only in there while we were drenching the sheep, about 30 minutes. Those girls are wild!. So had to clean the milk room before I could bring in the milk goats. Such fun on the farm.

How was your day? Anything like mine?