Thursday, September 13, 2012

Farm Country

There is corn in North Georgia. There is a huge field across the road from us and they are harvesting the corn today. Big trucks loaded with corn from the big corn combine. It's really interesting to watch that big machine cut through the tall dried corn stalks and then go to the big trucks waiting to be filled. I love living way out here and hearing the big farm machinery. Seems like there is a tractor or some type of machine for everything.

And all around us are hay fields. There is haying going on everywhere right now. We have had a great year for hay. I don't think any animal will go hungry this winter. I have around 180 bales right now and will be getting another truckload in a few weeks. My truck holds at least 40 and sometimes 45-50 depending on who stacks it. You can see a round hay baler here in this picture. This is to the South of my property. You can see Lookout Mt.

Here is the field to the North. And there is Lookout Mt. through the trees in the middle of the picture. I love the smell of hay after it's been cut and it drying. Just don't like loading and stacking it. But the smell is amazing.

I had to cut some privet and honeysuckle for the goaties. They love that stuff. They have eaten every tree and bush in their pasture. It was full of blackberry bushes and those thorn trees. Lots of stuff back there and now there are only some big tall trees. Nothing much but grass back there for them now. So I go and cut them branches for them.

There is a lot going on around me here in farm country. What's going on in your neck of the woods right now?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Little Adalaide is walking on her foot now. She seems to be ok. It could have been bruised in the commotion yesterday morning. I hope that's all. I mixed the Red Cell into their feed and they all ate it up. I like it this way. SO much easier. I won't know how much each one got this way but I know each one got some. I just could not put them or myself through that again.

Just another day at the spa.

This afternoon, I went to check on the boys. They were snoozing under the shade tree. And getting massages from the nice chickens. And getting there wool all fluffed. I thought this was so funny and so sweet of the chickens. It must have really felt good to the rams. They never batted an eye. Such is life at Outback Farm. And they looked so good after their spa treatment too.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

And now...

a broken leg. Poor little Adalaide must have broken her back right leg this morning during the chaos and confusion in the stall. I got all 8 ewes in the stall for their Red Cell and B Complex shots. It was a little crazy in there. She must have been hurt in the shuffle then. I feel so bad for her. It's right above the hoof, like the ankle. I noticed her limping this evening. I am going to see if it heals on it's own. I just can't put her through any more stress like she's been in the last few days. I need them all to be calm and happy. If it looks like it's getting worse or she's in pain, then I will have to take her in to the vet again. She's supposed to go back in 2 weeks for another blood test.

I am going to try putting the Red Cell in their feed in the morning. I just can't do all that again. It was horrible. They were all scared and running and I can't put them through that again for 13 more days. This better work.

It's always something around here. This morning when I looked out the kitchen door, there was Iris and Brie, the 2 little doelings. At the kitchen door. I looked to see how they had gotten out. The sheep were all at the gate, looking at them. The gate was open at least a foot wide. And the sheep were all behind it. Such good sheeps. I just love them.

So I put the does in the milk room. BIG MISTAKE! They had that place in the biggest mess I have ever seen. Stuff all over the floor. Broken glass under the shelves. Stuff inside the mineral bag. Poop all over the stanchions. A MESS! And they were only in there while we were drenching the sheep, about 30 minutes. Those girls are wild!. So had to clean the milk room before I could bring in the milk goats. Such fun on the farm.

How was your day? Anything like mine?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Went to the vet today

And learned a lot. I brought Adalaide with me. She has had a hard time the last month or so. As soon as she walked through the door she pooped, so Dr. Miller told his assistant to hurry up and get some to do a fecal test. Then they drew blood. It took about 15-20 minutes for them to see what was wrong.

First, they only found 2 worm larvae. That was great news. I had wormed her again last night with Ivomec because her whole head was huge and I was afraid she would not be alive this morning. I had also taken a syringe of B complex to give her but didn't. She looked a little better this morning.

So he said her red blood count was 9. The scale goes to 35 I think he said. They did it twice just to make sure. He said she should have a blood transfusion. But he didn't know what blood or how. He has done horses but never sheep. But that's how low her red blood cells are. That's bad. He said all the others are more than likely that low as well.

He told me I need ed to get some Red Cell and give them all 1 oz. every day for 2 weeks plus a shot of B Complex. We need to get their blood levels built back up. I can also give them kale and other greens too. He said the goats would probably need this treatment too. I know Adabelle does for sure.

I found a gallon at the co op in town. He gave me a huge drench syringe. I have 11 sheep and 9 goats. That's 20 oz. a day for 2 weeks. I am going to need another gallon I think. It's cherry flavored too! Yum.

So gave Adalaide her Red Cell before I let her out. I forgot the B complex. I gave the rams all theirs this afternoon and Darla too. She's a pig ewe.

Also gave all the does theirs tonight. I am wearing a lot of theirs. They apparently don't care for cherry flavored anything.

I will start all the others in the morning. My daughter Heather is here for awhile so she will be helping check off their names in a book to keep track of who had what. I hope all this will get them healthy again. He also said that rotating pastures is the best thing to do. He did say that since I had the pasture mowed Sat. that the worms should be dead. But I have to keep them in the smaller pen with a stall that has a door to give them all this stuff.

I have to take Adalaide back in 2 weeks to do another blood test to see how they are by then. They sure could use some good prayers for this to work. I sure wish I had gone to the vet sooner. Lucinda would still be here with us. I miss her already.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sad news this morning.

I was hoping to wake up this morning to a healthy ewe, all better and up and eating with the rest of the flock. But when I went out to feed and do chores, I saw all the other sheep but not her. I went on in and saw her laying flat on the ground. I knew right away she was dead.

I feel bad because this could have been prevented if I had just gotten the vet to come out last week. She might be alive now. And her daughter Anabelle and the other ewe lamb Adalaide would be ok too. But those 2 have very swollen jaws even this afternoon, even after 2 rounds of Ivomec, Cydectin and Valbazen. Plus antibiotic and Thiamine shots. I might lose them too.

I am calling the vet first thing in the morning. And I will keep calling if I don't hear from him. I need him to come out here as soon as possible to check on them. And the others too. Then I am calling the guy who runs the agriculture department in town and get him to come out and evaluate my pastures to see if there is a problem with them. I need to know what is going on here and why I just lost one of my favorite ewes. What am I doing wrong?

I rotate. I keep the grass and pastures mowed. I give them organic minerals. And apple cider vinegar in their water. They get good grains and hay. I just don't know. And I only had 9 ewes. And the 3 ram lambs are in another pasture across the yard. It's not like I had a thousand sheep.

So I called a friend up the road with a backhoe. He's coming in the morning to bury her as deep as he can. I wanted to take her to the dump, as far away as possible because of the worms. Or take her way out back for the coyotes to at least have a good meal. But I don't want them to get sick. I think getting her buried at least 5 feet deep will be ok.

Right after I found Lucinda, and after milking the goats, I looked over at one of my does, Sandy, and she is in standing heat. I saw Lil Red trying as hard as he could to mount her. I hope he did. And I thought how one life just ended and one more has just been conceived. So life goes on. And I just witnessed that. I am ok with death. Just right now, knowing I could have done more, I am a little sad. I will miss Lucinda. She was one of my favorite sheep. It took her a long time to let me get close enough. But after that, I could pet her and give her kisses. She was a good ewe.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

New farmer's market

Today was my first time at a new market. I was nervous and excited. This one starts at 10 and goes til 12. So I have a lot more time to get ready and do chores and milk goats (in daylight, not darkness with animals still sleeping) and have plenty of time to get there. It's only about 35 miles away. We left this morning at 8 and stopped to get some breakfast up the road and stopped at the store for produce baggies. And still got there at 9. There were a few others earlier than us.

So I brought kale, turnip greens, 4 kinds of radishes, bell peppers and banana peppers. Also brought kombucha scobys. Sold all but 2 bags each of the greens. I couldn't sell my soap because there were 2 others that sell soap and have been coming a few years now. But we'll see about that.

This market is so different from the other market I have been going to this summer. The people are totally different. Very friendly. I felt like I belonged there right away. There was only one nice little older lady who said my greens were too much for her. So I let her have them cheaper. And  I swapped turnip greens and radishes for pumpkin bread and fresh picked bay leaves.

I really like this market. It's the Brainerd market in Chattanooga, Tn. In the parking lot of a beautiful Episcopal church.  Lots of exposure to traffic with a big sign by the road. I will be going every Saturday from now on.

Sometimes we need to change things up a bit. This was my time.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Buck Stink

Ugh! Ick! Nasty! Disgusting!Yuck! I know there are more words to describe buck stench and I will think of more. I smell it ALL OVER my farm and my 2 neighbors that live way across the road can probably smell it too. It's just plain ole stanky. I have to shower after I touch John Henry. Lil Red is not stinky yet. I hope that doesn't mean he's not doing his job. I wonder if it matters that he's smaller than Penelope and Sandy. And that he has a pink collar on? But John is 1 1/2 now and he's disgustingly nasty at the moment. I can't wait til I take John to another farm in October. I know I'll be able to smell him from there though.

It's just that time of year. This too shall pass.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Barber Pole worms in sheep

I am having the worst time with these horrible worms in my sheep this year. And especially in these 2 darker wool sheep. Lucinda, the ewe in the top picture, was lagging behind this morning. In fact, she's been doing that the last few days. I had wormed her then and gave her a shot of penicillan and thiamine too. So this morning she's not there when I bring the feed nor is her ewe lamb. I saw Anabelle over in the pasture but not Lucinda. I had a bad feeling, like maybe she was dead. But then there she was, ambling over. So I ran back inside and got some Cydectin, Ivomec, penicilla and thiamine and caught her,( not an easy thing to do) and gave her all that. I hope she'll be ok. I had to do all this with the youngest Finn ewe a few days ago as well.


And again with Abraham, the ram lamb. He got all the same treatment a few days ago. It's like they are being attacked by these worms more than any of the others. I have not had to do a thing with any of the hair sheep. They are all fine. I did worm them a few months ago just to be safe. But these 2 dark wool sheep are having a hard time.

So what I am wondering is there a natural predator that would attack and eat the Barber Pole worm larva? I have a friend who keeps the pastures mowed down and it's been awhile since the last time he mowed. I just called this morning to get him to do it again. I know that helps. But is there some kind of bug that I could get that would kill the worms? And is anyone else having a bad worm year too? What are you doing about it? I need to learn more about how to prevent this from going on every few months. What could I be doing to keep the worm population down here?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

For Sale

I have decided to sell these 2 doelings.

 Iris Josie, the Lamancha doe, will be 6 months old Sept. 10. I have both parents here. They are both full Lamancha. Iris is very friendly.

Brie is the Nubian doe. She'll be 6 months Sept 27. I have her mother here. Sandy is mostly Nubian with some Toggenburg. The father was full Nubian. Brie is a twin to a beautiful spotted buckling. She is a little skittish but with more handling, she will be a great goat.

Both of their mothers are excellent milkers with great udders. So these 2 will be wonderful milk goats when they are ready.

I am asking $150.00 each. I would love to find someone with a farm and children who will love these 2 girls. I would also love for them to go together as they have been raised together and are used to being together. They have both been disbudded. And wormed and given CDT's. Both are very healthy.

I am selling them because it will be another year before they can be bred and I really don't have the room for them. They need a place where they can grow and run and play with plenty of good stuff to eat and good shelter and fences.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Around the farm this morning.

We got some much needed rain last night. My squash was all wilted and puny. I mulched with some old hay yesterday. The rain really brought them all back to life again. They are full of flowers and the bees are busy pollinating them. I am so glad to see bees at work doing what they were created to do.

There is a bumble bee deep down in the flower to the right. They were buzzing all over the garden this morning! I see little baby squash all over now. Can't wait to actually get some to cook. The seeds I had gotten from the little feed store just were not goo seeds. I only got maybe one or two every few weeks. The zucchini too. Not but a few of those. Had to get zucchini from other people just to make bread. So I got new seeds and started over and these are good.

To the left is the cucumbers, then collard greens, turnip greens, kale and Blue Lake beans. There are little tiny cucumbers already!

Here are some pretty green bean flowers. I just love the flowers these plants make. In a few weeks I'll be picking beans again!

 Here is just some of the zucchini plants. I planted more at the end of this row and I saw a few yesterday. With this rain, they will be popping up soon. These are really pretty plants this time. I think I will not plant squash and zucchini til August from now on.

 I have had really good luck with the bell peppers. I planted red, yellow, green, orange and purple this year. As well as 4 varieties of hot and sweet banana peppers. I didn't sell all of them so they went in the freezer or in jars.

I have not planted radishes in several years. I don't like them. Husband does but he's not here much to eat them. And they have to be picked right when they are ready. So I had gotten several packs of different varieties from a friend and mixed them all up and threw them in the ground. They came up pretty quick! I hope to try some roasted with other root veggies. Sounds good that way.
 This is one of the really old apple trees in the yard. I don't know why the people who had this place before us planted apple trees right in the yard. So aggravating to have to go under them to mow. I always get a branch in my hair. But the apples are SO good! I have one that is the early June transparent apple. A Granny Smith and this is a Yates. My very favorite apple is the Yates. It's crunchy and juicy and so good. Some friend of mine have an apple press to make cider and we get together every October and make cider.

The field peas. They are growing pretty good with all the weeds and cucumbers that grew back again. I love field peas. And they are so easy to grow and pick.

These are the 1st turnip greens I planted around the first of Aug. Too thick, but they are doing great. Can't wait for a big ole pot of greens and cornbread soon!

And the carrots in the cold frame. The ones I planted a few weeks ago in the garden are just barely coming up. I hope they grow now after the rain.

The day lillies have decided to show off again. I love them. They are so pretty and such happy flowers. A friend from Oregon sent these to me a few years ago.

And some weeds. I think weeds are beautiful and most actually serve a purpose. I leave a lot of weeds in some of the rows because the bugs will eat them and not the ones I want.

Stella says hello and good morning. She's such a sweet dog. But sure is starting to dig some of the biggest holes all over the yard. Then she does this. What a stinker.

SO everything looks good again. I am so thankful for good rain.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

2 years ago

September 3 2010 my youngest daughter Abby married her best friend Jason. They've known each other since she was 17. They finally realized they could not live without each other and were very much in love. And they got married! It was a beautiful wedding in a small chapel in Ringgold, Ga. The same place where my mom married my step dad almost 34 years ago.

I am so happy for them. So here is wishing and praying for a wonderful 3rd year of marriage. I hope you both grow closer each day and know how much you are both loved. You are an inspiration to me and so many others. Happy anniversary!

Love, mom

Let the breeding begin!

This morning I noticed some head butting amongst the does. I was going to start the breeding maybe Tuesday but went ahead and did some musical goats after I was done milking and feeding everyone.

I went up front and got Lil Red, the new Boer buck. He's a March kid so I hope he's old enough to figure it out. If you click on the picture, you can see he has the equipment but his body needs to catch up with it.

 Sandy took one look at him and said "Seriously? Get me out of here right now, woman!" And Penelope was agreeing with her.
 And Lil Red said " But shouldn't I be in there with these 2 pretty little ones? They are more my size." And Iris Josie and Floppsy Belle both agreed. But no, you are both too young right now. Maybe next year.

Here is John Henry with Abby and Zarah. The girls
don't seem too impressed yet. He is quite happy though.

And you can see what Adabelle thinks about the whole situation. She wants no part of this at all. It only took her 4 years to get pregnant. And it might take 4 more as far away as she is.

I'll be putting Iris and Floppsy up front when I can catch them. I can catch Iris but that stinkin' kid of Sandy's is hard to catch. But I will get her.

So here we go. Breeding season 2012 has begun. I'll leave them like this til about the end of October. Then John Henry will go visit some other ladies at The Pocket Farm over the ridge for awhile. I'll have to figure out what to do with Lil Red then.

Anyone else breeding yet?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Making bread and dog food

I thought my bread mixing machine was broken. It's been sitting in the dining room for about 5 weeks now. No bread making going on here. So yesterday, I called to order the timer switch for it. It was going to be $49 plus shipping and would have been here in a few days. I thought that was pretty good. My friend's machine was doing the same thing, so ordered her one also.

Well, a little later, a parts technician called. He wanted to know what it was doing. I have only had this DLX for like 15 years now.Have made hundreds of loaves of bread and thousands of rolls. I love this thing. Also have the Whisper Mill grinder too. Altogether it was around $800 back then. Along with a flaker for oats. I was looking at the DLX machines on line yesterday and they are around that price alone. With nothing else. I need this one to work.

So he told me to take off the plastic knob and get a pair of pliers and turn the knob with them. I did. It worked. So he wanted to know if I wanted to put that order on hold. I said yes, please.

And today I made rolls and some almond, cranberry, cinnamon bread. Because I didn't have walnuts. Or raisins. It smells good. And the rolls are so good right out of the oven with butter. Yum.

So this is all my equipment and ingredients to make bread. Milk and eggs from my goats and hens. Honey (which we buy by the 5 gallon buckets) olive oil, sea salt, lecithin, yeast and gluten.

                                            You can see the pliers and the timer switch on the left of the DLX here.

                                    This is what it looks like after the first rise in the warm oven.

                          This recipe makes 3 loaves or 3 dozen small rolls. I made big rolls this time.
                                          And here are the rolls and bread ready for the 2nd rise.

Here it is all done. Nice and browned and smelling SO good! This is made with fresh ground hard white, hard red, Kamut and soft white wheat.

These are the buckets I store all the wheat berries in. There is a group of us bread bakers that get a lot of  our wheat and supplies  from The Bread Beckers in Woodstock, Ga. We also get truck loads of 50 pound bags of grain every few years from Montana Wheat Co. Some people make a lot of bread and rolls. I sell it sometimes at the market too.

And this is my dog's food. I was getting a little nervous because I only had 2 baggies of beef hearts in the freezer. And the slaughterhouse where I get the hearts and bones from had not butchered any cows in a few weeks. I went today and still none. So I got a box of pork bones and they threw in some sausage. I cooked some brown rice. I had some green beans and mac and cheese in the fridge and some chopped tomatoes. Added all that plus the 2 baggies of cut up hearts. Added some garlic powder. And had flaked some oats so added some raw oats too. Bagged up 14 bags.

All ready for the freezer now. 14 days worth of free dog food. I also add some dog chow so they'll have some crunch. They love this stuff. They also get raw bones for their afternoon snack. About 5 every afternoon, there are 3 dogs looking at me through the kitchen door, wanting their bones. I am so thankful for a place I can go to get raw food for my dogs. They all love it and are thriving on it. They've been eating raw for a few years now.I think that's why Sophie, the 15 year old Rat Terrier, is still around. She's healthy. One bag is divided between all 3 dogs with a little dog chow too. They are all fat. Not too fat though.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

If you have lots of peppers, just stuff 'em.

I have SO many bell peppers. So the other day I made stuffed bell peppers. I haven't done that in years. I cut up onions and the tops of the peppers. Cooked them with hamburger. Cut up some tomatoes. Added that and some corn and cooked rice, salt and pepper. I boiled a pot of water and put the peppers in for about 5 minutes, til soft. Then stuffed them full and added some cheddar cheese and baked. They were so good! I had a red one because I do not like cooked peppers but can handle the red ones.

I went to market today and all I had was bell peppers, sweet banana and hot peppers. And soap. Didn't sell a single pepper. But did sell some soap. So I think I might just stuff a bunch and freeze them. I have several bags of chopped bell peppers already in the freezer so don't need more. Stuffed peppers sound good.

I am in that gardening period where I am waiting on things to grow and it hasn't rained in awhile. My turnip greens are doing great though. And the radishes are too. So I hope to be taking some of those to market in the next week or so. Then I should be getting more green beans and peas soon too. And hopefully cucumbers. I'll wait to plant lettuce as it's still too hot for that yet. And I am waiting on Brussel sprouts to come. I need some bad!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Stick a fork in it and call it done!

I am done with hay!!!!! I did 16 more bales this morning before I left for town because it was starting to sprinkle and the tarp wasn't covering them all. Then when I got home I did the last 12 bales. I am officially DONE with hay til next year!!!

Did I mention that I do not like hay? At all. There is nothing fun about hay to me. I read other people's blogs and they say they have such a wonderful time getting in hay. It makes me sick! They obviously have lots of help and it makes it much easier and funner with lots of help.

But it's mostly just me and the hay. And it ain't fun at all. It's hard work, folks. It hurts too. It's like the little tiny hay particles stick in my arms and legs like needles. I bleed. A lot of blood. My arms look like that time I went to the allergy clinic and they stuck me with all those itty bitty needles to see what I was allergic to. One of which was hay. A few others were animals, like goats and dogs and cats and cows. Stuff that I live with.

There have been some fun memories getting hay when the whole family came to help. These are my grand daughters, Coryn, Chloe and Kansas. They were dressed to play in the creek, not get hay, as you can see.

Even my mom came once. She was the supervisor. She worked us hard that day! We had a beautiful field to get hay from up the road. Had a creek we had to cross over. Look at that view of Lookout Mt. Just amazing!

                              The kids and hubby and our daughter Heather playing in the creek.

                              This is our daughter Heather, my mom and youngest daughter Abby.

                                 And the grands chasing the truck full of hay. We almost forgot them.
So it is fun when there is help and lots of family around. But it's hard to get them all together anymore. But I am really thankful that I am able to do this work. And that I live on a farm. And that I have great sheep and wonderful goats and lots of happy chickens. And some pretty happy dogs and cats too. SO I guess hay really isn't that bad after all.

Monday, August 27, 2012

84 bales of hay, firewood and an old truck.

Last night my friend Garry B. called. Said the hay was laying in the field and to come get it. This is a few minutes after my husband left. He's a truck driver. He seems to have to leave at important times like this. I had just told him Garry would probably be calling this week. So hubby put more gas in the truck for me. He's a good hubby. He parks the truck where he parks his big truck, which is just about a mile from where the hay field is. 

Last time I got hay from Garry, he had hay helper guys. I didn't even have to get out of the truck. They had me loaded in about 10 minutes. This morning, there were no hay helper guys. Just me and Garry. He was already loading his trailer but hopped up in my truck to  stack. So I drove and threw hay. 42 bales. 

I took that home and unloaded that truckload. Went back for another load and Garry was not there. He had gotten his trailer full and was unloading at his barn. So I started loading hay. By myself. I got 26 bales loaded when they hay helper guys came to my rescue. Well, they loaded 17 bales. Really nice hay helper guys.

This is most of the hay all over the ground. Some on one side of the fence, some on the other side.

This is how I get the hay to the barn, in the garden wagon. ABout the handiest thing to have around. I can get 3 bales standing straight up. But then I realized I could get 4 bales another way. That made it quicker to haul.

On the right is hay from the spring. About 90 bales I think. I have them stacked in piles of 10. I think I might have between 175-185 bales right now.

This is what's still left outside. I'll have to get it tomorrow. I am tired and sore and my legs and arms hurt! I had a long day.

About half way home with the 2nd load, my friend Nancy called. She was having a tree cut down and wanted to know if I wanted the wood. Well, yeah, I do. So hurried up and got that load unloaded and got more water and headed to her house about a mile away. The tree cutter guys loaded my truck up with some really nice and really BIG White Ash wood. They wouldn't come with me to unload the wood, so had to do all that myself as well.. I did wait til evening to do that. But it was fairly easy as the big huge round ones just rolled off the truck.

But right after the truck got loaded and everyone left, I got in the truck to go home. The truck wouldn't start. It did nothing at all. So I called the husband. He said that's what he was trying to tell me about the other day, that he had to jiggle the gear thingy and turn the key and do that for awhile and it would start. So I did that for awhile and still nothing. He told me to get out and open the hood and jiggle the battery cables. I tried to get that darn hood open but couldn't. I told him good bye, that I was going to call someone to come start this darn truck. I wanted to go home.

SO called my friend Allan from up the road.  He came and got the hood up. I jiggled the battery cables. He got in the truck and started it right up. Yes he did. Do you know how many times this has happened to me? I do all the work, a guy gets in and it starts right up. Or I will pull and pull and pull on a lawn mower or tiller and a guy comes over and looks at it and it starts right up. Makes me mad! Everything mechanical just likes a guy.

So I have had a long day. I took the truck back and on the way home I stopped at Dollar General to get some ice cream. Because I think I deserved some. And it was on sale, 2 for $7.00! Edy's ice cream. My favorite! Mint Chocolate Chip, just the thing after a hard days work. And a good shower to get all that hay off of me and out of places hay shouldn't be.
                               Must be nice to be a cat, right? She looks so comfortable and cool.

But it feels good to have all the hay I'll need for the winter and a good start for firewood out there. Really good day, I must say.