Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bees, goats and garden

 It's been really cold and wet here the past few weeks. Not how it usually is around here. We have winter, then we have summer. Just like that. It just doesn't happen like this a lot.

I got these 2 nucs last Monday. Put them in their new hives on Tuesday. I can see that on cold wet days, they pretty much stay inside. But when the sun comes out, so do the bees.

The Outback hive, in the goat yard, is doing great. Very active. I have not taken the lid off this one to look inside yet. I didn't want to disturb all the work that's been going on in there. I know the queen is big and working. I will have to though, this afternoon. I hope to add another box on this one.

This is all my company when I go check on the hive. Sp many goats! And 6 or 7 are not in this pic. I have 6 does and 9 kids. They've stayed away from the hive though. I'll keep 4 of the doe kids and sell the 3 bucks and both of Zarah's doe kids and her. I'll put the 4 doe kids in with the sheep when they're ready to wean. My friend Ron came last night and got his 2 ewe lambs! So now I really am at 12 sheep. The shearer is coming this Sunday to shear. I'll know which ewes I'll be keeping then, when I find out who's wool is better. So there still may be some moving around yet.

This is the Garden hive. I do lift the lid on this one most every day, to check to see if there are still bees in it. They are still here. Just not as active as the other hive. This is the hive that has the young queen that had no brood in the frames yet. They're really nice and easy to work with so far. I have to shake this lid to get them all off so I can put it back on. So far so good!

I can see that the bees are really working on wax and propolis, sticking the frames together. They haven't even been in the outer frames at all. A bee friend said to go ahead and give them sugar water, which I did. I'm going in this afternoon, to see what the queen's been up to. It's too cold this morning.

I've started, a little at a time, to stake the tomato plants. With all the rain, they have just taken off. I'm also trying to get everything mulched too. (It sure makes things look so much better and helps keep them cool and wet.)  My 2 very least favorite jobs in the garden. Well, #1 least would be weeding. Which there are a whole lot of out there. But it'll all get done eventually.

I am off to spend the day with my favorite person. My mother. I need to look for linoleum for the studio. And paint too. Big job, that little house. But will be worth it in the end. I can see it all done and ready to work in. Can hardly wait now!

Monday, May 19, 2014

A fiber studio-shop. Right here at Outback Farm!

This is the little house next door. This is where we had to love til the bigger house was gutted and remodeled. We had to put a roof on this house. Plus fix the ceiling that had caved in. We lived here from July til just before Christmas. It's 500 sq ft. The whole right side is living room. The left is kitchen and bathroom. Then the best part is the front porch. It needs to be painted outside and in. I want to paint it a light green. And do something about under the porch. I can't put flowers or bushes around the porch because sometimes the sheep are in this yard.

I've used it as a barn the past few years, to store hay bales. It would hold about 180 bales in here. I also used it for raising chicks and turkeys in a big brooder. You can see it to the left. I had to take it apart to get it out the door. But, with 2 sides off, it will make a great work table.

                                                                It's a mess for sure!

                                                    I just got most of the mess off the floor.

So now, the plan for this house. I have thought about using it for a vacation home. Or for a couple who could help out on the farm and stay here for free. Or as a real barn.

But, if you look in our house, you'd see a sewing machine on the dining room table. Along with sewing stuff in the window seat and table. And side cabinets.

Also felting stuff in totes in corners.

Plus lots of totes of raw wool. And washed wool. And lots of bins of yarn and yarn paraphernalia, like crochet hooks and knitting needles. And unfinished projects here and there.

All this stuff is taking over our house! And it's not a big house at all. I need someplace to put all this stuff. And we have an extra house. So why not make it into a studio-shop for fiber and art and sewing, like quilts and stuff? Why not? Why have I not done this sooner? Huh?

Well, money is a huge factor for sure. There just never seems to be enough of it. For one thing, these animals cost a lot to keep! I make a little money and have to spend it on them.And when I do have extra money, there always seems to be something  that needs fixed. So it never gets done. It just sits there, looking so lonely and forgotten. And it has the coolest front porch, in the shade of the cedar trees, with a porch swing!

I sold 18 sheep last week. I have some money now that I WILL use to get this project going. And this will get the husband up off that recliner in front of that tv! He can help paint and make shelves and work tables. Yes he can! And he will too. This is what he needs right now. His ankles are completely healed. Just has one little tiny almost healed up diabetic ulcer on his right foot. Which is almost healed. So there is no reason for the man to be sitting around all day, right? Right!

I am just a little excited about this project. We are getting more and more traffic out here because of Mt. Cove Farm 5 miles south of us. There is a restaurant. A huge barn for events and weddings. There are motorcycles and bike riders all weekend, up and down the roads. We are also starting a farmer's market on Sunday afternoon down there. So I think a little fiber studio will be a good thing here. With yarns and wool and things like that from local people. And nice comfy chairs to sit and knit. Or make quilts. And there's a kitchen for making pots of tea. I think it's a great idea. What do y'all think?

Weaned! But NOT happy about it.

My 3 bottle lambs are weaned!! I started giving them less and less milk every day. Then just stopped a few days ago. It's SO nice to m=not have to bottle feed 3 huge lambs anymore! It was not fun at all. It was ok with just 2 of them. But 3 is a pain. And Cara is the biggest, but 5 days younger. She'd knock the nipple off the bottle and get milk all over more times than I can count. So they are done! They're eating grain, hay and grass, so they'll be fine now. A little over 2 1/2 months. I still have my little goat baby I'm bottle feeding, but she's ok.

And this is my little tiny flock of sheep. One of the little black rams isn't in this pic. I'll have only 12 after my friend comes to get his 2 lambs this weekend. And the shearer will be here Sunday to shear the ewes. IF the weather is good. It's been raining every weekend so far. But I am not complaining. We need the rain. These pastures should take off now, if it warms up. And with so few sheep, it should grow better.

See my 3 girls at the fence? They are so sweet.

Those 2 big lambs in front are leaving this weekend. My friend Ron already has Bilbo, the black Hobbit ram, at his farm up the road.

I just have the 2 ram lambs that are from Amarillo's quads. I'll castrate them in the next few weeks. They're not very big boys. They'll be 3 months in a few weeks. They are so cute. And will have some nice wool.

I am going to clean out the little house-barn today. I need to make it into a studio for my wool and sewing. There's a kitchen I can use for making jelly and salve. I'll probably take this computer over there and the tv too. So I think I have a lot of work ahead for me. I sure need more room. It's about 500 sq ft. Big living area. And a bathroom. So I can spread out and not have to put stuff away or move it from place to place, like I do here in the house.

I hope you all have a great week!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Such a relief!

I just sold 8 ewes and 10 lambs tonight!!! All my hair sheep and lambs. Oh my goodness, I feel so much better right now. It was really getting bad around here for me. I was dreading going outside any more. 32 sheep and lambs is just way too many. Plus 9 kids and 6 does. 2 alpacas. 10 hens and a rooster. 2 dogs and 6 cats. And now 2 hives of bees.

So now I have 6 Finn ewes and 6 Finn lambs. I still have 2 of the hair lambs that a friend is getting next weekend. I have all 4 of Amarillo's quads, 2 rams and 2 ewes, Adelaide's ewe lamb, Adele's ewe lamb. That's it.12 sheep. I will try to sell Adele and Darla. They are not full Finn. And possibly Annabelle and Buttercup. I'll see next week when they are all sheared, who I want to keep for their wool.

I'm going to castrate the  2 ram lambs in the next few weeks. And the ewes will be sheared finally, hopefully, next Sunday, weather permitting. So they should all be happy and have more to eat soon. I will not breed any of these sheep again. It's just too much for me.

I would really like to sell Zarah and her 2 beautiful doe kids. And Penelope. And 3 buck kids. And take my 2 borrowed does back to their farm. That will leave me with 2 does in milk and 4 doe kids. So much more manageable.

It sure takes a lot for me to learn what I need to do and not do. I was about to go crazy here. When it's not fun any more, something has to give. I still have some changes to make and animals to let go. I will get there eventually. Right now, tonight, it just feels good to know I only have 14 sheep out in the pasture.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bees are back at Outback Farm!

Monday, my mom and I drove up to Arnold Apiary in Knoxville to get my bees. I had ordered 2 packages of Italian honeybees back in Jan. He said I could come up and get them Monday. I called and left a message on the way. He didn't call til we were almost there. He said he didn't have any packages ready. But that I could have 2 nucs instead. I said I'd take them.

I was using my husband's GPS. She was taking us to this big subdivision. Then said we were at our destination. There were houses everywhere. I mean close together houses. Then I saw 1 little bee hive in the front yard. So we got out to see if we were at the right place. We were. I saw a whole garage full of bee hives and wood for frames and more hives. Then Mr. Arnold came out. I said this was not what I expected at all. He took us around to his back yard. And there were all the bee hives, all lined up in rows. So we were at the right place.

I got my 2 nucs and came home. There were a few escapees on the way but they stayed in the back. Got home and took the heavier nuc to the garden. And the other lighter one out back. Glad I did it this way. A bee keeper friend was going to come Tuesday to help take the frames out and make sure all was well and the queens were in and working. He said to go ahead and open the little tiny doors in front. I did and bees poured out! It was amazing to see them all. Like clowns falling out of a little VW beetle. Cool.

So this is the garden hive. It was the heavier box. When Gary came to help get them out, we saw that the queen was small and young. No eggs in there yet. He said to check this hive in a week to see if there is anything going on. If not, call the apiary and get him to send a new queen. They just don't seem to be near as active as the outback hive on the hill. They stay pretty much in the hive.

This is the view from the garden hive. Lots of clover and dandelion flowers. And Pigeon Mt.

I open the top to check on them. You can see, they are in there.

This is the hive out back in the goat yard. Way back at the top of the hill. When we looked at this hive, the queen was huge and working at laying eggs! He also said these are a mix of Italians and Cerulian bees, He said that's a good thing! These were way more active. They went flying when we opened the nuc. I can see them flying around from the house, that's how many there are up there. So this hive should be a really good one.

If you enlarge this pic, you can see the queen. And you can see the difference in the 2 bees.

And some of the flowers in my "bee garden". I have lots of blue and purple flowers for the bees to enjoy. I love this garden. It's in the side yard, surrounded by 12 blueberry bushes. I have another bee garden in the garden up front.

I am SO happy to have bees again. I missed them so much. I feel better having them here.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

In the milk room tonight.

 I took this picture tonight in the milk room. This is my bottle kid, Mary Piper. (I changed her name from Mirabelle.) She follows me all over. She was jumping up on stanchions while I was milking Jessie. Seeing which one she liked the best. She'll be a good milk goat in a few years, I do believe. Her mother, Zeeboo, is.

Mother's Day alpaca shearing

This is what I did ALL day mother's day. And it did take all day. I got there at 10 and left at 6. And there were 4 alpacas left to shear.

My friend Susan came Saturday afternoon and got Misha and Sugar to take them to her farm. This is them with the boys, waiting their turn.

                                                               Misha, being sheared.

                                            All done!I know he felt much better. And cooler.

                                                                        Here's Sugar King.

                                           He had some big fighting teeth that had to be cut off.

                                                 The boys, all done and back outside again! That light brown one on the left behind the white one, had the most beautiful wool ever. Like 3 different colors all over. So pretty and soft.

These are most of the girls, waiting their turn outside. Susan has some big girls! A few were rescues and hadn't been sheared in a few years. They had full bags when done.


                                   And here are my boys, back home again. Looking for their sheeps.

It was a very long busy day. I kept looking at the alpacas waiting to be sheared and it seemed like they kept adding more to the group! It was like a plate of spaghetti that never gets finished. I was the bagger. Susan had all the alpaca's names on baggies with 2 trash bags inside. One for the blanket, the good fiber, and another for 2nds. She had about 35 bags in a stall of hers. I wish I had gotten a picture of that. I brought home my 2 bags full.

I hope you all had a wonderful mother's day! And have a great week too!

I'll post about my new bees tomorrow.