Monday, January 20, 2014

It just takes one...

to rock the boat. Sheep, that is. I have been letting them in to the chicken yard side of the farm so they can have the 2 stalls at night. Then they go back over to the bigger pasture for the day. But to get them back and forth is a bit of a job. They have 3 gates to go through. And I have to get them all at the gate to go to the other side and make sure they all go through to the other side. I have a fence I put up across the driveway to keep them from going into the yard. But then there's the whole driveway they could end up going down instead. So far, it hasn't happened. Til tonight.

I have been only giving them hay at night now, since the weather has been so nice. And since I realized I only have about 30 bales left. So I'll put hay in the 2 stalls at night to get them to go over there. It's been working rather well. But last night, I saw that there was a lot of hay still in there, so I just raked it up to make it look like I had just put hay in for them.

Darned ole sheep are smart. They whined for a little while til I went back inside. But they know in the morning they get grain and bread on the other side. So they always go. No problems at all.

I guess they were onto me tonight. And all it took was one sheep to go the wrong way and they ALL go the wrong way. Down the driveway toward the road.

It just took a few minutes to get them all back to where I wanted them. With a little cussing and hollering of course. Darned ole sheep! I think they will be staying over there this week, since it's going to be cold again. Like in the teens at night til the weekend. It just makes it hard to give them the grain when they are bumping me and running all over the place. It's so much easier to get the feed into bowls with no sheep around, then get them over to the feed. SO much easier. I'll have to figure out what to do in the morning.

This morning, I trimmed all 4 does feet. It had been a few months since I have done them. Had to clean the milk room up first. They weren't as bad as I was thinking. And I didn't make any of them bleed this time. I usually get at least one hoof too close. But they look good again. And Bubba and Stella were happy dogs! They love those nasty hoof pieces.

Also did a little spring cleaning. It was so beautiful today, it got me up and doing things. I worked in the bedroom and got a lot done. Will be going to take a load to Goodwill tomorrow and some recycling to the Community Kitchen. And spend some time with my mom. We've been missing our Tuesday's together.

And will y'all please say some prayers for my husband? His right ankle is just not getting better. In fact, it's been infected. I was telling the nurse last Thursday at the would care center that I was concerned about how it's not healing at all and looks horrible. The doctor came in and did some things. He took a culture to be sent off. And we're trying a different type treatment instead of Silvedene cream. But I ran out. So will go get more tomorrow. Also put him on antibiotics. He's not been feeling too good and his blood sugar has been around 200 for over a week now. So I knew something was wrong. They may try a water treatment soon.

Y'all stay warm. It's gonna get cold again!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

And peace is restored to the Kingdom once again.

Friday, I put an ad on CL for the roosters. It was really getting bad around here. The poor hens couldn't get a moments peace with all these guys chasing them all day. And for those with chickens, you know what I'm talking about. When there is more than 1 rooster, the testosterone is flying. It's not fun at all.

So, this one rooster seemed to be the one that the hens liked. He would go into the big coop at night with all the hens. The other 2 roos would go to the chicken tractor. So I just got the 2 roos in there a few days ago, by their selves. Put the ad on CL. And got a call a few minutes later. A friend not too far away came and got them both!

I was so happy. And I could tell right away that the hens were happy, too. And Black Bart is very happy. They are ALL his now! And he is a good rooster. Doesn't have any favorites. Just goes along with whatever the girls want. He's good like that.

                                          Here's the big boy. The king in his peaceful kingdom.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Misty morning sunshine

I am so glad I carry my camera with me. This is what I saw this morning while I was feeding the animals. Isn't this awesome? There was mist across the road, gently rolling along. It got closer and closer. The sun was coming up and the sky was getting brighter. It was just beautiful. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do. I know it's beautiful all over, but to me this is the most beautiful place on earth. I love it here.

And just thought I'd throw in some bacon. This is some from the pigs I started raising then sold. This is some of the best bacon I have ever had. I am seriously thinking about getting a few more. If I can raise them where these guys finished out their happy lives. It's like the perfect place to have pigs. We shall see.

Monday, January 13, 2014

These goats.

I was looking out the bathroom window yesterday morning and saw this. How many times have you seen the same thing? At first, I thought she was just in a deep sleep. I called her a few times and got nothing. I ran back in to get boots on and go check on her. Just the way she was laying, I thought she was dead.

Then she gets up. Scares me every time! And it has happened many times. She was just laying there in a very deep sleep, enjoying that nice warm sun.

So I decided to let the goats out on the other side of the fence, in the over grown vine jungle. They love it over there.

Sandy kept going deeper...

and deeper.... til she almost disappeared altogether. I could hardly see her. Must have been some really good stuff back in there.

That lasted about 10 minutes. Then they went out into the wide open pasture next door. Where they are NOT supposed to be, because it's not ours. But they always come back in to their goat yard to rest. I have good goats.

I counted my hay bales a few days ago. I only have 35 bales left. It's about the middle of January. I have been giving the sheep about 1 1/2 bales a day, once in the morning and then again in the evening. They also get grain and bread in the morning. I have 18 sheep til the end of Jan. 2 of the rams go to the butcher. I just might take the other 2 as well. Then I'll just have 14 ewes. Much more manageable for me right now.

The goats get about 5 flakes, plus grain and bread in the morning too. Then more hay at night. I have 4 does and a buck.

The alpacas get a hay feeder full because they are in the back yard right now and there is not much to graze on. Plus they get grain in the morning.

I have decided to only feed hay in the evening from now on. They are all out grazing what they can all day. Plus I go out and cut privet and honeysuckle and cedar for them all to munch on. And I cannot tell if the sheep are pregnant or just fat butterballs. They are huge. If they are pregnant, it will be a few more months, because there are no udders yet. They should all be pregnant because there are 3 rams out there with them and have been for several months now.

There is SO much to do around here. But hubby has a doctor today and some errands to run. I did get in a cleaning mood this weekend. Unusual for me. Could hardly sit still before I'd get up and go clean something. It sure feels good though.

I hope you all have a great week. And stay warm and dry too.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Blue Sunday

 Just some blue to brighten up your day!

Have a great day y'all!!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Warm wool. And husband update.

Just thought I'd post some pictures of some of the wool sheep's fleece. I hope it's good come shearing time. Seems like every time I throw hay, all the wool sheep are right up under it. Hay all over the wool. It just falls right off the hair sheep. But the wool sheep wear hay. And lots of little sticks and brambles and anything else that will grab hold of the wool.

I think this is Amarillo in this picture. Her's is really nice and long right now.

And this is Adelaide. Hers is really crimpy but she tends to get really dirty. And she was sick last year so didn't get any of her wool to keep. I hope I can use it this year.

And little Buttercup. She is filthy and stays this way. I'll be washing her fleece for days! Hers is really long and has good crimp too. She's full Finn and so are Adelaide and Amarillo.

I hope to be able to buy some shears soon. I have seen what Premier has and they are pretty reasonable. I'd like to get new ones. Has anyone ever bought used shears? Would you recommend doing this?

It is now back to slippery slimy mud again here. We are due for about an inch of rain by Saturday but noce and sunny Sunday.

Also thought I might better update everyone on my husband. That fall did a number on his arm. I didn't realize how much. It's just like the skin was pulled back. He also sprained his big toe and the one next to it on his left foot. Don't really know when that happened. He said he dropped a piece of wood on it a few days before. But I didn't notice it til the next day when I changed his bandages on his ankles.

So yesterday, he had 2 appointments. The first at 11 with the wound care doctor. He goes every Thursday and every other time the doctor cuts away dead skin and stuff. It's pretty nasty. But to look at the wounds today and when I first saw them, he's doing really good right now.

His other appt. was at 1 with the skin cancer place. He had a few biopsies done a few weeks before on his left arm. The arm he hangs out the window if his truck. It looks pretty bad and I have been wanting him t go get them both checked out. Turns out he had a few places that needed immediate attention. So the doctor did a huge place on his left forearm. Huge. Right above where his arm was already messed up by the fall. So now, he really is looking like a mummy. His whole left forearm covered in gauze. Both ankles and right foot. His knee. He's a mess. But doing pretty good for an ole dude.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Prayers for a friend please.

My heart is so heavy and sad right now. My dear friend, Libby, has just found out her cancer has spread to her brain. She had stage 3 breast cancer about 5 years ago. Last year it came back, but in other places. She's been getting treatments for this. Then last week, she had the worst headaches and nausea. Her husband got her to the hospital. Tests and more tests. They did finally do a spinal tap. Results were that the cancer is in her spinal fluid and brain now. Just this morning, she had surgery to relieve pressure on her brain and a device was implanted, like a shunt, to relive pressure and to put chemo into her spine.

Her youngest son got married last year. He and his wife are going to have a baby in June. The doctor told Libby they would do all they could to buy her time. She just asked the doctor to get her to June, when her grand baby is born, so she can hold the baby. The doctor said he would do all he could for her to reach that goal. I am going to pray that she gets to hold ALL her grand babies.

Libby is the most precious woman, besides my mother, that I know. She is the most humble Christian. She is the hardest worker for the Lord I have ever known. I have known her since I started going to the Nazarene church 34 years ago. Libby has never ever stopped working. She always does the children's programs and Christmas plays. She taught elementary school for several years. She just loves children. Will do anything for them.

I just don't understand this at all. I can ask God why all day long and never understand why He would allow this to happen to Libby.

Please pray frr a miracle for Libby. Thank you.