Thursday, June 21, 2012

Zinnias and Cosmos

These are my very favorite flowers. And some vases I have made. They are on my dining room table. They're so pretty. Just a little sunshine for you all to enjoy. The white round ones are onion tops. I thought they looked really nice in that tall vase.

I Think I Did It!

                                                                                          I finally think I figured this picture loading thing out.I just kept on til I got them in here somehow. So anyway, here are a few more farmer's market pictures of my tables.
                                                                                       It's kind of funny when men and boys come to my table they think my soap is fudge. Almost every time. It does look like fudge and you could probably eat it, but it's soap. I have made some really smelly good soaps lately. Like lavender, peppermint, patchouli-orange, lemongrass, rose coconut and summer citrus. I have been using a peppermint bar and I love it. It's so refreshing to use that after a hot dirty sweaty day outside.

Sheep Problems

This is Lucinda. She had bottle jaw a few weeks ago. I got all the sheep wormed when I saw her.(This was before she was sheared back in March.) I had to make a catch pen and it took most of the day to get things ready just to give them worm meds. I did it though! All except for Adele, one of the ewe lambs.

This is Adele when she was younger. She looks nothing like this now. I suppose when she is sheared, she'll still have spots? We shall see. That's her momma, Leelah. She looks like a Viking now with her wool hanging off her back. I grab some when she walks by and pull it off. She's Dorper and Katahdin. They look horrible til their wool falls off.

Then this morning I noticed Adalaide had a big puffy place under her chin. So had to get the door on the stall fixed and get all their feed bowls in there and get a fence panel up and get all my worm supplies ready. Got the ram lambs moved out then got the ewes over there in the stall. It's a 10x10 stall with a door. I caught all 9 of those ewes and wormed them all! By myself!! I am so proud of me. And I am loving my shepherd's crook. That's about the handiest tool ever for sheep catching. Although I thought I was going to break poor Adele's neck.

I love this picture. They are so cute. I love fluffy butts. I don't have a picture of the 2 newest ewe lambs, Adalaide and Amarillo. I'll have to take some of them. They are still a little unsure about me. But if Lucinda can like me after all this, they will too some day.

But all this worm mess is a little disheartening. I wish I had fence to be able to rotate them. That's why I don't want too many sheep. This happened a few years back when I had too many goats.  Anyway, I hope this works and they will be ok. I don't want to lose any of them.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Farmer's Market

Today was the farmer's market in Rock Spring. I started getting ready yesterday. Picking and cutting and pulling all kinds of veggies and fruits and flowers. I had apples, beets, cabbage, carrots, hot and sweet and bell peppers, Blue Lake beans and purple beans, red and Yukon Gold and Adirondack blue potatoes, lettuce, and zucchini bread, regular and chocolate.  Plus my soaps over to the left. And my pretty flower vases full of zinnias and cosmos. I did really good today. It was SO hot but we had a nice breeze that blew my signs over. Several little girls kept coming to my table to look around. One girl said she loved my tables because they are so colorful and pretty. She is a soap customer, about 12 years old. Another young girl who is a granddaughter of one of the other vendors, came over and bought some blue and yellow potatoes. So today was actually one of my best days so far. I might have to go back Sat.

I do hope that there are some good farmer's markets where you all live and that you go support your local farmers. This is really hard work. (I am not complaining. I really love doing this. But it is discouraging sometimes.) People don't realize how much work goes in to just getting ready for market days. And so many do this alone or with just another person. All this took  a day to get together and loaded up. So please go out and buy from some roadside stand or market. You will really be helping so many people by doing this one little thing. And you get to know some great people too.

(I had a lot more pictures but somehow lost them while loading in the computer. They are still in here somewhere I hope.)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Well, that was scary, green eggs, meat birds and hay

Just went out to gather eggs. There is that same broody hen, sitting on an empty nest this time. So in the "timeout" cage she goes. I think she's been in several times so far. I might end up having to dunk her rear end in a bucket of ice water before it's over. So I got 11 eggs today!!!! And the prettiest green egg I have ever seen. I mean, this egg is green. Like the green Folgers coffee container green. I might have to keep this egg.

So I saw one of the water bowls upside down, kicked it over and about had a heart attack. I screamed loud enough for the neighbors to hear. There was one of the little Barred Rock chicks underneath the bowl. Scared me to death! I sure didn't expect that. She seems fine. She wasn't there this morning so must have just happened. She got up and went to eating. Silly bird.

But I got 11 eggs today! I have been getting between 7-9 eggs lately. Not enough for all my egg customers.

Also butchered 5 more meat chickens. They weren't as big as the 6 I did a few weeks ago. These were around 4 pounds. So I'll wait a few more weeks to do the other 5. Then I'll be done till I order more.

I have a truckload of hay outside waiting to be unloaded. This is the first time ever that I got a truckload of hay and I never touched it. My friend had some guys loading hay today and I got them to do it for me. Of course I have to pay them. Not too much. And darn well worth it. I just drove the truck. Which, actually is hard work, believe it or not. I have to listen to the guy in the truck bed and go slow and steady. Really hard for me to do. I heard him hit the roof a few times! I drive fast. So it was hard. I think I'd rather be throwing hay into the truck than driving. But it was HOT. So now I wish the guys could've come home with me to unload all this hay. It's 7:15 and seems like noon out there. 50 bales of hay. Gotta go do it soon. That makes me having 86 bales so far. Need about 70 for the winter.

And what is with people who get so close to the rear of my truckload of hay that if a bale were to fall off, it would go through their windshield? And with plenty of opportunities to pass me. They still stay right behind me. I am going like 35 all the way home, about 20 miles on 2 lane roads. People are stupid like that. I even slow down and get over so far without actually going OFF the road for them to pass and they act like they don't know what's going on. Ugh! People! I would have passed me several times and on a double yellow line in a curve. I just don't know.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

My New Goat Milker

My oldest grand daughter Chloe asked if she could help milk. I never turn down help! So I gave her a bucket and there she went. She had that bucket full of milk in about 3 minutes! She's milking Abby. Abby sort of picked her feet up a few times but I told Chloe to just grab on and not let go. She did great! I am very proud of her. All 3 grands love goat milk.

It took awhile to get Abby's milk to taste good. Last year it did too. She is 10 years old now. I am thinking about retirement for her. I am going to look for a nice place for old animals to live out the rest of their lives. There has to be a place like that somewhere, right? I have had Abby the longest of all my goats, 7 years. She is the best milker I have ever had. I will miss not milking her. And she has given me 2 does the last 2 years now. So she deserves a nice place to retire. I'll milk her til she dries up next year. Then I'll see what's next.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Busy Week

Have you ever been so tired you just cannot sleep? That's me right now. I have had a pretty busy 3 days here. Wednesday I was up early.  Fed animals, milked the goats, went out to the gardens and started picking, pulling, digging, cutting and then washing, weighing and bagging all that produce for market that afternoon. And I had 2 grand kids here. Do you think they helped? They did later when I had to load it all up. And unload at the market and set it all up. Then had to go back Thursday. And today I am at work all day. I help take care of an almost 95 year old lady.

Saturday, I will stay home. All day. I have a lot to mow. I wanted to leave the clover for the bees but that's all I have is clover. So it looks like no one lives here. I have to mow. And there are some green beans to pick. And squash. And I need to finish a row of running beans and do another row. Then I am done with running bean twine and all that. I don't think I will do running beans again. They are a lot of work. But they are so good.

Also need to clean out the milk room. And get the cat room where I can put all my market things, like tables and baskets. I need to get organized here.

 I sure wish I could wiggle my nose and turn my dogs into some people to help me.  Don't they look like they would be great help?