Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Some more...

Got up early to check on the sheep this morning and found these 2 little fellas. I had a feeling Darla was going to have some real soon last night when I checked. I have never seen her lamb at all. She always has hers about 5 or 6 in the morning. They are always all dried and standing up nursing. Same this morning. And she's always had boys. So 2 more ram lambs to add to the growing flock. 6 lambs so far, 3 ewes and 3 rams. These guys are so cute.

So meet Sam and Frodo.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Meeting the babies...

Buttercup went out for a little while with her triplets. Misha and Sugar got to meet them up close. These boys just love babies! They will be great babysitters. The other 6 sheep didn't even bother coming to meet them. Silly sheep.

Last night I banded all the triplet's tails. I hate this part of having lambs. I waited till nearly dark to do it. They did great. Tonight I'll do little Bilbo's tail. He's so sweet.

No more babies today so far. This could drag on for a month, which will be fine with me. I just don't have room to keep 8 sheep with lambs in these 3 shelters.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Number 4...

When I went out to feed the sheep this morning, Cameron stayed in the middle stall. I had seen her laying down pushing as I walked over. I thought I should put the other 6 sheep and alpacas over next door, but that was a stupid idea. Cameron went all crazy. So got the sheep back over here so she could see them.

It was about 30 minutes later when I saw a white head coming out. I could tell right away it was a ram lamb because I saw little horn buds. The ram I used had pretty impressive horns. But that was all I saw, just a head. No feet. She was pushing and pushing, but not much happening. I went in and found the left leg and started pulling when she pushed. Then tried to get the other leg. He finally came out. But he was weak. I got him dried as much as I could with Cameron's help. He's a little cuties, eye liner and all. He's all white with a little black spot on his right hip.

Then about 30 minutes later, I saw another water bubble. And a foot this time. She pushed a few times and out popped the head. I could also tell this was another ram lamb. But this little guy was dead. Nothing I did got him going. I can see no reason for him to be dead. But he was. I dried him off and left him there for Cameron to clean off. I out him over to the side. Then I buried him behind the barn. So sad.

Little Bilbo Baggins is doing just fine though. He's so cute. I love brand new lambs, they are all legs and big fluffy  head. Too cute.

So 2 down, 6 more to go. And it's supposed to rain later today.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

1 down, 7 to go...

Buttercup was back in the maternity ward this morning. About 1 this afternoon, I heard a loud baaaaing, so ran to check the sheep. It was her, in labor. The little white lamb came first. Once her head came out, she slid on out.  But it was rough for a little while. She's adorable!

I thought she might just have the one lamb, but about 45 minutes later, she acted like she was choking and out popped another one. The little black lamb that's standing was 2nd.

Then about 20 minutes later, I saw another water bubble. I was hoping it was afterbirth, but no, here came another lamb!

2 sweet little black lambs and a white with black spots. I think they are all ewe lambs too. And this is Buttercup's first babies!! She even let me get her teats clear for nursing and knock off some of the hay hanging under her belly. She was so good. I did go ahead and give the 2 black lambs some colostrum in a bottle, because the last one was pretty weak. But when I went back out later to give them another bottle, both black lambs were up and nursing!! I am SO proud of Buttercup!

I told the other sheep that they need to spread the lambs out to about every 4 days or so. I hope they listen to me. If this is any indication of lambing, then we could end up with a whole lotta lambs If they all have 3 lambs, that's 24 flippin' lambs! I hope the rest are ram lambs.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Maternity ward...

Can you see Buttercup, in the maternity ward? I noticed her this morning, in the middle stall, by herself. Usually when they are by their selves, they're either sick, or about ready to lamb. And she's ready to lamb!

I think I am ready for this now. I've got all the stalls cleaned and ready for mommas and babies. I have hay and feed. I need to get lots of bands for tails Monday. And to castrate ram lambs.

I feel better about lambing right now. I was pretty stressed out about it. Especially after hearing I won't be able to use the pasture next door. But I think they'll have enough grass to eat with the north pasture, back yard, goat pasture and big garden. I fertilized all but the garden, not thinking I would be having to keep sheep over there. Maybe I can do it anyway.

So bring it on ladies!! We can do this! I have a good feeling. Weather is supposed to be great too.

Next pictures will be of lambs...

Friday, April 14, 2017

They're back!

My birds are back! I'm so happy to see them! I've named them Samwise Gamghee and Rosie Cotton, from The Hobbit. They are so sweet. I love these birds.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Any day now...

there will be lambs galore, running, leaping, chasing each other, jumping on mommas! Oh how I wish it were all over and this was happening. But, it could drag on for a month, which really won't be too bad at all . That will give them all time to bond with their little ones. I just hope they all do.

 3 years ago, Adalaide had twin ewe lambs in early morning rain and cold. She just left them there, on the cold wet ground. Didn't do a  thing. One was already dead when I went out to check on the sheep. The other one, Cara, was barely alive. But she made it and is going to have babies of her own soon. I just hope Adalaide does better this time.

And Annabelle has only had 1 ewe lamb ever, and Buttercup is 4 years old and really really huge herself.

Then there's Amarillo, who had quads. We bottle fed the ewe lambs, Campbelle and Cameron. She kept the 2 boys and raised them just fine. The girls stayed with them after it got warmer and she was ok with that. But she is HUGE! It could be that her wool is making her look a lot bigger, I hope. She was the only one who did not get sheared back in September. Thank goodness the rest did, because this would be a mess.

So there are 4 ewes who have not had lambs. I hope they will all be good mothers and raise their lambs. I do have a friend who will take bottle babies if need be. And I have a freezer full of goat milk, just in case.

Speaking of shearing, we are waiting to hear from my guy. His dad always came to help him, but he has prostate cancer, really bad too. It's all over.  So don't know if he's past away or what. I may need to find someone else. And it will have to wait now anyway, til lambs are born.

So, that's what's happening here on the farm. Waiting, waiting, waiting...