Thursday, January 7, 2016


I got my buttons yesterday from Taryn at Wooly Moss Roots in Oregon! I love their hand made wood buttons. They do such a great job. And the little honey bee buttons are so little. I got them for the little yellow sweater. And the bigger Lamancha goat buttons will be for my sweater.

                                                                     Aren't they so cute?

                                                      Lamancha goat buttons. I love these!!!

So now, I just need to sew these cute little buttons on this baby sweater and bonnet and get them over to my sweet friend Cara. She's due the end of January with their 5th baby! Might come early.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Look what I found...

My camera charger. I knew I'd find it some crazy place. We were looking for the remote to the tv in the bedroom and sure enough, there it was, on the little table, covered up with all sorts of things. Then yesterday, the new charger came. So now I have 2 chargers to lose!

The ground was frozen this morning. First morning to haul water to the animals so far.

I went to feed the chickens this morning and there was a mouse in the barrel. Scared me! So I called the dogs and they reached in and got the little thing. I felt bad for it. But there are so many around here. And apparently, my old cats aren't doing a good job. So 1 less mouse.

I don't know if I'm not dreaming much anymore, or just not remembering my dreams. I can have some pretty good dreams too. My favorite dreams are house dreams. I love them. They are usually really big houses, that just go on and on. New rooms around every corner. Hidden rooms. Rooms in the attics. I love these dreams. Anyone ever have house dreams? I wonder what they mean?

So this morning, as I lay in bed trying to get up, I remembered dreaming about a sheep that was with all my other sheep. But it didn't look familiar at all. It was small and had very kinky dark dirty grey wool.  And it's little face was so sweet. But not at all the way my sheep looked. It kept following me all over and I kept having to pet it and reassure the poor little lamb. But I just kept thinking how it wasn't mine. And where did it come from?  Then I woke up. Some dreams just stay with me.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Olga is looking much better now. The hair is growing back on her neck. I really can't tell if she's pregnant or not. She has no udder at all right now. She's never had kids before either. I saw Oden on her when I thought she was in standing heat. So I know something happened in October. We will see soon enough I suppose.

And my Freja. She's so sweet. I know she is pregnant. But still not very big at all. I think she was in standing heat a few days before Olga.

Here they both are. Olga is so fluffy, it really is hard to tell. And she's a big girl. Wide rear end too.

And Oden is a daddy! He went to my friend Cara's farm for awhile to breed some of her does. Wafer had twins a few days ago. A boy and a girl. Wafer has ears, so one of them has long ears and the other one has a little bit longer elf ears. We are hoping they are both polled. And Wafer is white. So the twins are an off white-cream color. I sure hope I have some colored kids. I am not a big fan of white goats.

                                 A little better shot of Freja. I had cut some cedar branches for them to eat.

It is freezing today! Windy cold here. I hope the wind and sun dry up some of this mud. That would be nice. But it's freezing.

Yesterday, I went for a walk down my road. I could not stop looking at all the trash along the way. On both sides of the road. It was horrible. I mean trash every few feet. And I walked a few miles. So on the way back, I found someone's empty bag of deer corn. I started picking up trash on the other side of the road and had that 50 lb bag full within minutes. I l aid it beside a fence and went back later to get it. I then found a small cardboard box and started filling it up. All kinds of trash. Like people just throw out their garbage while they ride down the road. Just ugly. And heartbreaking to see it. So I will go again later with bags and pick up more. I think I'll take 1 bag just for soda cans so I can start saving them then take them in for money.

This is one thing I have drilled into my husband, my kids and now my grand kids. Do not throw anything out of a car!!! Just throw it on the floorboard and when you get home, clean out the car and throw it all in the trash! It's just that simple. One time, right after I met my husband, he threw something out of the car. I almost screamed. We had to go back and get it. He never did it again. And my kids, one time, did it. We went back and got it. They never have done it  again. Or my grand kids. So I hope they have realized how it makes the scenery so ugly.  I'm done now.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello 2016!

If spending the night with goats, sheep and alpacas at the end of the year is any indication of how the new year will go, then I'll be living in a barn.

The fireworks started when it got dark. The people down the road do this twice a year. New year's eve and July 4th. The goats were literally terrified, running around like they didn't know what was happening. The sheep and alpacas ran to the back yard. I had to go out there and give them hay to keep their minds off all the noise. Poor babies. I hate fireworks. Really hate them. People just don't realize how terrified animals get. This is when dogs and cats get so scared, they run. And keep running. And then get lost. Terrified and now lost. If I wasn't outside with my goats, they would have bolted through the electric fence and kept running. But I was with them, hugging them and talking to them. They were all fine and went back to the barn when it was all over. Then it happens again in 7 months.

Our 2 grand daughters have been here since last Thursday. We have done nothing but go, go , go. We have shopped and shopped some more. We go to my mom's this afternoon for turnip greens, Hoppin' John black eyed peas and rice, ham and corn bread. Yum! Can hardly wait.

I'll take the girls to get their hair cut Saturday. I am getting mine cut too. Time for a change.

So since March 7th, 2015, I have lost 47 pounds. Then I just stopped a few months ago. I was holding at 202 for awhile. Then a friend called and said she found Lay's Biscuits and Gravy potato chips at Walmart! OMG! That was when my sister was here for the holiday markets and I was too busy to go. She went to Walmart and I asked her to check on the chips. They had a whole bunch of them. So she got me 6 bags. Yes. 6 bags of biscuits and gravy chips! They are so good y'all. And I ate all 6 bags. I am over them right now.

So my goal in 2016 is to get down to 160 pounds. By my birthday June 5th. I can do this.

I also want to concentrate on my fiber studio. My ex SIL's girlfriend is a graphic designer. She's going to help me get a website for my studio up and running. And I want to open it as a little shop too. So I have a lot of work to do here. Lots of wool to spin!

I had to order a charger for my camera, since I can't find it. Anywhere. I swear, stuff just disappears around here as soon as I put it down. But if I find it, I'll put it by a plug in so I won't lose it again.

I hope the comments work, since I haven't gotten any in awhile. I've had lots of people looking, but no comments. So I just wonder if people are not able to comment or just don't have anything to say.  Just wondering.

So happy 2016 to you all! I hope and pray this year will be wonderful for everyone. And do something nice for someone as much as you can ok?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

End of December...

 Hello. Thought I better update this blog. I hope everyone had an awesome, amazing Christmas.

This is my table, set for Christmas dinner with my family. I love these dishes. They are very old. Homer Laughlin. Some of them were here in the house when we bought it. I've had them on the shelf in the dining room all these years. Never have used them. A few weeks ago, I was in the mood to clean! And throw stuff away. And give stuff away. My sister and her oldest daughter were here and they came over and took about 10 boxes of stuff just from the dining room alone!! Oh, it feels good to get things out of the house and clean.

So I took what was left off all the shelves and cleaned everything. All the pottery, dishes and cookbooks. (Which my niece took one whole shelf of cookbooks!) And fell in love with these dishes all over. But I only had 4 plates and saucers and only 3 cups. My mom and I were out last week and saw a thrift store next to the grocery store and decided to go in. And I found 5 of these plates and saucers! For only $2.00! Of course I had to have them. So I have 9 plates and 8 big saucers. I still need cups and bowls and little saucers. I will keep looking.

         And my little wooden Christmas tree my husband made me last year. It was just perfect for us.

                                       Some greenery and red berries and candles. Just right.

                   You can see here how my shelves look now. There's 1 whole shelf empty! So nice.

                           I also cleaned out the 2 cabinets. The one on the left has nothing in it!

And here is my flooded property. The water was gushing from the back yard, around the side of the house and out to the pastures. Just a flooded muddy mess. Everywhere we looked, water. You can see the pond to the left of the coop and to the right.

                    This is the garden, under water. Ponds and rivers and lakes all over this valley.

This morning, while I was cooking breakfast, my husband walked in. He asked what I was cooking. Ham, he asked? Really???

And these chickens. They like to come stand (and poop) on the front steps. The only real dry spot on this farm. And it gets sun here. See the 2 headless roosters? They need to be headless and in the pot! Darn roosters. All they do is stand under the windows and crow. All day! Ugh!

So we had a good Christmas here. I really didn't get in the Christmas spirit til we left my mom's Christmas eve and went to look at lights. We drove up Missionary Ridge and went across the interstate to the other side. Never have I done that before, and I've lived here 37 years. It's beautiful up there! The houses are gorgeous and really old. We got to the end of that road, where Greenwood comes up and over and down the other side. And got stopped at the stop sign by a Christmas parade. There must have been a hundred police cars and fire trucks, all with their sirens going. Busses full of people wearing Santa hats. A huge long limo, with Santa in the back seat, all lit up. It turned out to be a fund raiser parade for St. Jude's Children"s hospital. So fun!  On Christmas Eve. It was so warm too.

Then we when downtown to see the EPB building. Every year they do all the windows with scenes for Christmas. It's so pretty, all lit up.

It was then that I wanted to go get a real tree and decorate my house. But it'll have to wait til next year.

Our 2 oldest grand daughters are here with us. We have done some shopping. I am not a shopper. Especially when it's raining. And yesterday was horrible. In and out of the rain all day. No fun at all. Today is beautiful. Blue sky and lots of sun shine. But tomorrow, it starts again. I think we have enough rain, thank you!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Can I slow down now?

 I have been so busy these past few months. Getting ready for holiday markets. All the preparation and making and loading and unloading. Setting up and taking down. Loading back up, then unloading again. It is a lot of work, these little markets. But so fun and I really enjoy them. I love meeting new people and finding kindred spirits. I love talking to "goat" and "sheep" people. Making new friends.

But I am tired! And Christmas is next week!!! OMG! Really?

So I am going to slow down and take it easy for once. I am going to walk slowly. Eat slowly. Enjoy this time I have right now. Look at the sun rises and sun sets. Like yesterday morning. I had to get up early to get to Mrs. T's for the day. Walked outside to feed the masses and saw this. I had to stop and just look. Then I ran in to grab my camera and start snapping all these amazing pictures of God's awesome art work. Just amazing and beautiful and awesome. And it was like this all the way around where ever I looked too. I really want to be able to see the little things in life. Not be so rushed and hurried like I usually am these days. Be more like a turtle, not a rabbit.

                                               This was just a few minutes later. Just beautiful.


                                                        And still a few minutes later.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Hello. It's me.

I've been watching some of the funny parodies of Adele's Hello. I love that song and could listen to it all day.

So here's the start of mi parody. It's about chickens.

Hello. It's me. Up here on this hay bale, laying eggs for you to eat.

That's all so far.