Monday, March 30, 2015

Around the farm...

This is my farm sign. When I had it made, they added 4 small signs that can hang at the bottom. One says lamb, with a cute little lamb on it. Another is produce. Then eggs. And a goat milk sing. Since I don't have any of that right now, I have them all off. Although, I should hang the egg sign back up. These hens are laying so good.

When we first bought this place, there were big tall cedar trees lining the driveway. Out son-in-law cut them down about 6 years ago. They were pretty, but were blocking the sun from the garden. We still have about 15 cedar trees that need to be cut down. That big one to the left is at the top of the garden and blocks all the afternoon sun. Then there are 3 in the yard by my studio and it is constantly wet over there. And a few more back in what was the goat yard. Never dries out back there either. They provide great shade, but that's about it. And I have 9 apple trees. Not good to have cedars around apple trees. And I'd rather have apple trees. So one day, we will have most of these cut down.

Here's a honey bee on a dandelion flower. My garden is full of dandelions not. I love them. And so do all the bees and bugs. And I have violets, henbit and the nettle flowers. And soon, the clover will be blooming!

My house. With the green grass that my husband had to mow last week. It was getting pretty high. And we had to start the wood heater again. It's still on. We had a good frost Saturday night.

I do believe this is the same bird that built the laundry room nest last year. They have been busy for weeks now building this nest. It's so fun to watch. So many birds are building here now.

The apple trees are getting full of leaves and buds now. I was so glad they waited to bloom til this crazy freezing weather was over. My mom has 2 peach trees that were in full bloom and I think they all got frost bit.

 I covered up the blueberry bushes that had buds on them for 2 nights. And the lilacs. They are all fine now.

Here's Cosmo the kitty next to the blueberry bush with the most blooms. I had 10 bushes but the sheep got 1 of the bigger ones. And last year the chickens got all the blueberries. Not this year!

This morning. Some of the sheep taking their mid morning siesta. They are so funny, these sheep.  I love them.

My very first flowers on the biggest Redbud tree!!! I have waited years for it to bloom. I love these trees. They are in full bloom most everywhere around here now. One of the weathermen said we had Redbud winter this past weekend. never have heard that one before. Have you? We have Dogwood winter in April. Then blackberry winter too. But never a Redbud winter. Something new around here I suppose.

This is the Early June apple tree. One of the oldest trees here. I was so worried that the sheep killed it and the other 2. But they are all putting on leaves and buds now.

The plumbers need to come back when it's dry enough and finish their mess. There are still holes where they never covered enough dirt over the pipes. And they left a big diesel tank here.

My Mom's eye looks amazing! Like it never happened. We go back Wednesday and  I know that doctor will be amazed and proud of her and his work. She has done everything he told her to do. For 3 days, she faithfully put an ice pack on her eye for 30 minutes, every 30 minutes. So she had no swelling at all and very minimal bruising. She started her exercise class at church Saturday and had a good class. The only thing we're concerned with is a big hole right under her tear duct. Don't know what or why this has happened. Unless he used a huge needle.

And as of this morning, I have lost a total of 18 pounds!!!! I am so happy. I hope by my birthday, June 5th, I will be under the 200 mark. I know I can do it. I want to do it. I was at a birthday party yesterday sitting right next to the cake and pizza. It smelled SO good. But also it didn't. So I can say no to stuff like that and be ok about it.

Saturday, I walked up to my friend's farm almost 2 miles from here. Checked on all the goats. Gave Ada a shot. Washed off the little goat kid. He's a mess. Ada has awful runny poop and the kid stands to nurse at her back end. It's gross. But Ada is getting better, day by day. Then I walked back home. It was a beautiful day.

Yesterday, we all went to mom's to get her yard cleaned up. I did most of the mowing, with her old NOT self-propelled lawn mower. UGH, what a workout that was! I wish I had taken my camera to do before and after pics. It looks amazing. Got her white wicker lawn furniture back out. She can now go outside and enjoy her yard and sit down while her little dog runs around and chases squirrels and digs big holes to China!

And today, I am very sore. Y'all have a great week!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Tea anyone?

Since I quit drinking coffee, I have a big cup of dandelion tea with honey every day. I love it. I have always drank it. But since I gave up sugar, I can't have my creamer and I hate black coffee. So I put a small spoon of good raw local honey in the tea. It's a great spring tonic too. And gives me energy. It's from my garden, so is free and organic. It has pollen in it so is so far staving off the horrid allergies I would normally have right now. I've had 1 day of itchy eyes so far, that's it.

So y'all go out and find some good organic dandelion flowers, put in a pot of water (about a handful per cup), let it come to a boil, then simmer a few minutes. Strain and add a little honey. And enjoy!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mineral block

I bought this 33 pound mineral block yesterday. I gave it to the sheep and alpacas when I got home later. This is what's left this morning. They love this stuff. But at $12 I can't afford to give them one every other day. Geeze.

That's my big ole fluff ball Cara. Her wool is  amazing. The shearer changed the shearing day to mid to late April. Kind of glad, because this weekend, back down in the low 30's at night.

(And yes, it is specifically for sheep.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My grand daughter's drawing for me.

This a a drawing from my oldest grand daughter, Chloe. She is so talented. I hope she does something with her talent. She's in 10th grade and in an art class. I really want her to pursue art in some form or other. Her dad is really good too but has never done a thing with his talent. This is about all Chloe does. She loves to draw.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Prayers please?

This morning, I'm going to get mom and take her to the surgery center for a little surgery on her left bottom eye lid. When she fell last fall, she hit on the left side of her face and right under her left eye. So when the scab was all gone, it sort of pulled her eyelid down a little, enough to be noticeable. So went to her eye doctor and they scheduled a nip and tuck surgery. Supposed to be there at 11 this morning. While they are doing this, they'll repair her tear duct. She will be so happy to have that done. She's tried the plugs but they just don't work on the eye. I'll spend the night with her, then hubby will stay the day tomorrow with her. Then Saturday, she starts teaching her exercise class at her church! She's got 14 people so far signed up and she is very excited and a little nervous. So 2 prayer requests here. Eye surgery and class. Thank you all!

I made kraut Saturday. I don't really know if this should be called kraut or just fermented cabbage? I added Chioga beets to it. I love this stuff.

This is the coolest bell. It's at the gate by the apple trees. It's starting to get some moss growing on it. Cool.

See y'all later! Have a good Tuesday.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Around the farm...

 I might just start a new series on Mondays here. Around the farm Mondays. This is the 2nd one. It's just so pretty here, I have to share.

There are so many things bursting forth with new life, it's just beautiful to see. I know it's like this everywhere right now. Or at least I hope it is. It's been such a long winter. And this weekend, we will be back down in the 30's at night. We started a fire again last week, because it's just chilly.

I hope you can look past the kitty doing what kitties do, but here are my 2 lilac bushes I got a few years ago. They are looking pretty good so far, if I can keep Stella from digging them up. 4 years old and still acts like a puppy.

I have 10 blueberry bushes around my herb-flower garden. 1 has not made it, but the rest look good. I had let the sheep out in the yard last month and I think they got some. I had to cut some of the dead branches off. And last year, I got no blueberries because of the chickens. This year, I will have to put netting over them if I'm going to get any at all.

Same with the elderberries. Birds got every single berry. They do every year. But this year, I'll try to cover them too. I have a huge one up front. But I'm starting to get them in the yard and I would love to have my own elderberries.

Can you see way across the road? The Bradford pear trees are in full bloom. The bees head straight over there and are covered in white pollen when they come back home. You can also see how green that field is over there. I call it the Monsanto Field. They plant corn and the next day it's knee high. Then a few weeks later, it's taller than me. Pretty scary. They were over there a few weeks ago spraying something.

Last fall I planted clover for a cover crop. It's so thick and tall now. I am waiting for blooms. The bees will be all over it. I don't want to have a garden because there's so much good stuff out there for the bees. I might have to just plant the garden over  on the other side this year.

This is the little bee garden I started last year. Never saw a bee here at all. I heard bees love blue, so it's all blue flowering plants. It needs to be weeded then I need to cut all the dead stuff.

The sheep pasture is getting greener every day. They want to be over there, but I'll wait a few more weeks. I've been letting them out back and in the back yard and in the big pasture. They have a huge round bale of hay too. So they can wait a while longer. I'd like it to be at least 4" tall.

I added another box to the hive. They are already up there in it. I just do not want them to swarm. They're doing so good now. I talked to a friend last week who got 2 hives when I got mine a few years ago. Mine got the wax moths but his thrived. He kept adding on more boxes. He didn't even feed his for the last 2 winters. They got lots of honey last year. But last week, he went to check on them and they were all gone. Both hives. So sad.

The garden is also full of Henbit too! The bees are loving it. Can you see the one little bee here? And also full of dandelions too. I've been drinking dandelion tea since they's been blooming. So far so good on the allergies! I did have itchy eyes Sat. for awhile. I put local raw honey in the tea. I love it! Good spring tonic too.

And it seems I am stuck at just 13 pounds lost. Can't seem to get past 237. I didn't even look this morning. I'll just wait again til Saturday. I think I need to start exercising. I want a bike too. I live 5 miles from the end of W. Cove Rd. then it goes up Lookout Mt. My goal will be to ride there and back. 10 miles. And it's a beautiful ride too. So I should be able to work up to that. Just need a good bike now.

Hope y'all have a good week! And happy 1st week of spring to you all!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dread pics

I have 14 dreads so far. I had to re do 2 of them this morning. Roots were really loose.

So this is how I wore my hair today. I washed it last night, and it's been raining, so my hair is a big ball of frizz right now. And so grey. But I love it.

And it's hard to take a back shot with a big Canon.

                                                      Maybe you can see the dreads here.

                                               And here's some curlies. It's just messy right now.

Look how frizzy! Good grief! Hopefully, they will get tighter. The wrapped one is the oldest. It's loose at the roots so I decided to wrap it. And I like wrapped dreads. I'd like to get some beads too.

(I almost forgot to say that I am doing the twist and rip method. But it will only go about halfway. So a few of them I have finished with a braid. That's why the little colored rubber bands are at the bottom. And I like the loose wispy ends too. And I will probably only do a partial as I really like my hair and don't know if I want to go all the way with dreads. Plus I have seen a few videos of reasons why not to get dreads. And all have mentioned if you don't like people looking at you, or attention drawn to you, then you should not get dreads. Because people will stare. or make ugly comments. or want to touch them or smell them. Ew. So probably only the bottom half will become dreads. But I am liking them so far.)

So this is as good as I can get. Maybe more later when I can get someone else to take a good picture.

And I have lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks!!!!!!!! I am so proud of me for sticking with this. I feel SO much better eating this way. so I am down to 236 now. I want to get under 200. I hate being this heavy. I WILL DO IT!

Y'all have a great weekend! First day of spring here was wet, cold, dreary and just plain ole yucky. Hope it gets better.