Friday, November 1, 2013

November 1st. A month of being thankful.

Just another day at the office!

This month, I would like to name something I am thankful for every day. Since it is the month of Thanksgiving, it only seems appropriate.

So first, I'll start my thankful month off with my hens. I was without chickens for awhile this year. But it's really hard to not have any. I was having to buy eggs. And no one has eggs quite like mine. I guess because mine are on grass all day, pecking around eating all that goodness. The yolks are almost dark orange. And I have never found anyone else's eggs as good as my chicken's eggs. Ever.

So thank you, my girls! You work so hard. And Black Bart, the rooster. Haven't heard a crow out of the boy yet. I hope he starts soon! I miss hearing the crowing. I think he's just a little intimidated by all the girls!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The colors of Autumn, God's handwriting

 I took a walk out back behind the house this morning, with the dogs and goats. Didn't want to go all the way back to the ridge because it is deer season. Don't want to get shot! So these photos are from behind my house up on the goat hill, looking at the ridge. It's amazingly beautiful right now, all of a sudden.

                           Can you see a few goats? They kind of blend in to the landscape here.

 This is the hay fields behind the house. All brown now. So pretty with the vibrant colors of the trees and bushes.

 This little bare tree has some pretty red vines for decoration. So creative, nature.
My favorite goat, Sandy. I love this picture of her with all the pretty color behind her.

I hope everyone is seeing the beauty all around them. My mother put up a quote on her FB this morning: "Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Right now, this season, God's handwriting is everywhere we look. Please don't fail to see it.

Wasps and bees and bugs, oh my!

 Last week, I spilled a 5 gallon bucket of honey in the back of the Trooper. I got what I could all cleaned up. Or so I thought. Ever since, I have been taken over by every kind of bee and wasp around. They have covered the whole driveway, from the kitchen door all the way down the driveway. From the dripping honey. From the back of the car. Apparently, there is still about a gallon of honey, down in the hole under the carpet, where the tire tools are stored. That I haven't looked at yet. Because now, the bees and wasps are covering the whole back end of the car. I mean, literally covering it. From top to bottom and underneath. And inside.

So yesterday was market day. I could not even open the back door without hundreds of bees and wasps flying inside the car. It was really hard. Then, to top it all off, thousands of ladybugs too! And these are NOT the good lady bugs. Oh, and it's also Box Elder beetle time! Yippee! So I am being taken over by every kind of insect  right now.

I finally got the car loaded and headed down the road. With bees and wasps and lady bugs flying all around me. I rolled the windows down. Collard greens flying everywhere too! SO had to stop down the road, open the doors and starts swatting them to get out. I got some out.

Drove another few miles and did the same thing. Finally got to the market and I think there were 2 honey bees left. And some lady bugs. And when I got home, it was dark, so quickly unloaded everything and drove the car to the road and parked it there. I am going to have to take it to a detail car wash and get them to clean out the back, so this madness can stop finally. I love the honey bees and will gladly feed them. But the others, I can live without. I have to say though, that I have stood right in the middle of them all, and never once got stung. They were all too busy!

I cannot get enough of this maple tree! It's amazing. It's never been this beautiful. So I am constantly taking pictures of it.

Now, here is a GOOD insect. I love Praying Mantis'. I want them here. And she's a beauty. I got close and she followed my every move. She was a great model. Let me take lots of pictures.

I love this shot. Looking out at the garden, where I'd love her to live. And raise a huge family. And be happy. She's heading that way!

On the way to the market, I stopped at the new meat market, beside the bread store where I get day old bread for the critters. I walked in and introduced myself. Told them I have lamb. They are going to come out and look at the sheep! They buy from local farms and I would LOVE to be a source for them. In the future. Right now, I have 2 lambs sold for meat. I might sell them the last one, just to get my name up on the board. And on the cuts of meat. How exciting that would be! Way better than my name in lights on a marquee. It would get my name out there to the community. What a great opportunity for me! So I am just a bit excited about this!

Just wanted to thank each of you who have commented on the last post. It really means a lot to me to know what you think. Really.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Your opinions, please!

I am just wondering about my blog and if it's actually something that I need to keep doing. I know there are millions of farm blogs out there. And they all talk about the same things basically. But they are all different as well. So I am wondering if my blog is relevant at all.

I look at the stats and looking at my post about John Henry coming back home, that got 45 views. But not a single comment. And some don't have any views at all. Kind of strange to me.

So please let me know what you think about the posts on this blog and if they are helpful or not. I would LOVE to know. And I can take criticism too, IF it is done right. I don't like hurtful criticism. But I need to know if this is worthwhile.

I love my blog. It does help me to know when something happened or when a goat had kids or whatever. I can just look it up if I need to.  I love taking pictures. I am always looking for opportunities to take pictures. I almost always have my camera with me anymore.

So please, feel free to leave a comment about what you think about my blog. And thank you all so much for looking. And I do appreciate  ALL of my cyber friends who come here often.

Just an afterthought here: I know people are busy and they just come to check in or whatever. I realize that. I do the same thing. I have several favorite blogs I go to every day. I don't always comment on every post because I just don't have anything to say about it. So I know how that is. Just wanted to add this. And I am not trying to get compliments or anything like that. Just wanting to know what you all think about the posts mainly.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Insect invasion!

The past week has been crazy. When I spilled the 5 gallon bucket of honey in the back of my Trooper and on the driveway, we have nothing but bees and wasps out there for days, cleaning it all up for me. Which I am very happy they are doing this. BUT, there are Yellow Jackets too. And they are in my Trooper. Like I think I have them all out and I'm driving down the road, and here comes a bee flying up in my face! I think they may be making a hive underneath the back of the car. As soon as I drove in to the driveway and got out this afternoon, there they all were again. I don't know how long it will take them to clean up all this honey, but until then, we have to be really careful where we step. I am not in the least afraid of the honey bees. It's the wasps I don't like.

And NOW, if the bees and wasps weren't enough, the LADYBUGS are back! Whoopee! Ladybugs. All over the house, inside and out. And they STINK! And these are not the good kind of lady bugs. Nope. These are annoying, in your face insects. They get in the clothes, the furniture, all over the place. And on me.

So where is a nice hard killing freeze when ya need one?

Monday, October 28, 2013

He's back!

                                                               Let the party begin!

Can you see Sandy behind the fence? She's like "I do not want anything to do with that! Nope. Not me." And she won't either. She's just like that. She is always the last doe to kid. Because I usually have to pen her and the buck up in the stall til I know the deed's been done. She's not getting off that easy. Not this time. I'm on to her. Yes I am.

But John Henry, he hasn't even had a vacation yet. Straight from one pasture of does, right back here for more. He's young. He can do it. He hasn't let me down yet.

Bucks are gross.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Meet Bilbo Baggins. New herd sire.

 This is my new ram, Bilbo Baggins. Isn't he too cute? He's the same age as all my lambs born this year. He's Katahdin. I am hoping he'll add some color to my drab flock. Maybe not this breeding season, but next for sure. I think most of the ewes are already bred.

And if these 3 ewes don't lamb in the next month, they need to go on a serious diet! They are SO big.I got the 3 ewes standing around him from the same place. Not Annabelle, the wooly one, but the other 3.

Now I need to decide what to do with Abraham, the Finn ram. I am leaning more toward butchering him in a month or so. Then start looking for a good wool breed ram for all my wool ewes. I don't think I'll get a Finn ram though. Wonder what other breed would be good to breed Finn ewes to? Any ideas, all you shepherds out there? I think I'm going to Fiber in the 'Boro bext weekend up in Murfreesboro, Tn. I'm sure there will be lots of sheep people there to talk to.

I wish I had gotten Bilbo earlier, but maybe the younger ewes aren't bred yet. And they are all hair sheep. Except for little Buttercup. And she's too young to breed.

I am happy I got this ram. He looks like he'll make a fine herd sire.