Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Rain!!! And markets.

 It's been so dry here that I've been feeding the sheep and alpacas a little bit in the mornings. Some alfalfa pellets, sunflower seeds and minerals. They also get baking soda. They sure don't look like they need anything extra. But there is hardly anything out there growing.

So Saturday, I called my hay guy up the road to bring me a round bale. So it's here if they want it.

So yesterday, while I was at the market in Rad Bank, it was pouring rain here at the house, for several hours!!!! As I was driving home, I could almost see everything turning green again! It was amazing! All the buckets and other things laying aroun had at least 5" of water in them!

You can see here how green it already looks.

But all that rain just bent over most of the borage. I've been gone all day so haven't been back out there to check on it. I hope it was able to get back up after all the water ran off them. The bees are loving all the flowers. So are the Japanese beetles. They are all over them too.

But walking out there this morning, everything looked so refreshed and different. There's just nothing like rain water to get things going in a garden. The beans and sunflowers looked like they had all grown a foot.

I won't have to water for several days!!

I have been so busy the past week. Last Friday, I started going to the Erlanger hospital market at 11-1. It's inside the hospital in the food court area. So we park in the garage and have to haul everything inside about a block away. And I found out after putting soap out, that I cannot sell it there. I had already sold 2 bars too. So I have lots of flowers, herbs and dryer balls. And when I get veggies, I will sell them there too.

After I leave that market, I go straight over to St. Elmo market at 3 and set up there. I can sell anything there.

Then Sunday, there's a new market up on the mountain at Lookout Trading Post. These 2 guys have a great little store where they make pottery and have a little gift shop and have a really good lunch menu. So we get to set up there for free! But it's 9-3. It was so hot Sunday. Then it rained like crazy. Up there. Not a drop down in the valley. But I'm not complaining at all. Everyone needs rain.

Then Mondays are the Red Bank market from 4-7. Then Tuesday is Audobon Acres 4-7.

So 5 markets a week now. I have no time for anything.At least I can leave everything in the Trooper for 3 days in a row.

My goal is to have my own shop right here so I don;t have to go anywhere like I am now. I want an open studio-store right here. I want to add on at least 300 sf onto my studio. I want a pottery studio. Then have the wool things in the new addition. And the soap in the kitchen area. I'd like to have it all done and opened by at least September. It's a dream right this minute that I hope will come true.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

New soap and pottery...

 Been busy making soap and pottery.

Today I made a plantain-lavender-oatmeal goat milk soap. With lavender buds on top. I hope it's a good one.

Tuesday I made a rosemary-mint with fresh rosemary and mint from my garden. It smells amazing! And I've had people asking for eucalyptus soap, so I made a lemon-eucalyptus soap. It smells really nice.

Got the handles on the mugs and little pitcher. They are ready to go get fired. I'll take them next week.

These are some things I picked up yesterday from the studio.

I really love these bowls. I made 4 bowls and 4 mugs, all glazed in 2 blue glazes. When I got the yesterday, I was told to not do this again. Because the top glaze ran down and they all were stuck to the shelf in the kiln. Not a good thing. But I think they turned out so pretty.

If I can get them sanded down enough, I might be able to sell them. I shall see.. If not, we will use them.

This is my first vase. I finally got to use a glaze I love but that's non food safe. It's so pretty. I glazed a few yarn bowls with this too.

And my first ever yarn bowl. All glazed and ready to use. I have 4 more ready to fire too. It was fun making these. I hope to make many more.

I'm trying to stay inside as much as possible. In the 90's. And I need to get ready for the 2 farmers markets tomorrow. I got in the Erlanger hospital market! It's from 11-2 inside the hospital. I can only use a small 5' table and will have to condense all my stuff. Gonna be fun! Then the St. Elmo market from 4-7. And it will be in the mid 90's tomorrow too.

Listening to cool cello music makes all this look so pretty!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Birds and garden...

 The babies are back! This is where they roost at night now. Under the open garage door. We can't shut it now. Because the babies are more important, ya know?

Here's Sally, with the biggest mouth full of big ole bugs! Looking for her babes.

Just had to show my breakfast a few days ago. On a plate I made. With eggs from my hens. And the best cheese ever, from Sequatchie Cove Creamery. I LOVE their cheeses.

I just glazed 6 bowls in these same 2 glazes, nutmeg and oatmeal. They will probably not look like the plates though, as it's a different clay. We don't know what kind of clay this is. David had a note on the plates when I went to pick them up last week. It said "not our clay" . Well, I don't know who's clay it is but I bought it there. We never could figure out what kind of clay it was. But I liked the way the glazes looked on it.

And my flower-herb garden is growing like crazy! I just love all the insect activity out there. Except for those darn Japanese beetles. They are everywhere. I have been going out a few times a day with a little bucket of gas and knocking them off into the gas. I have a lot of weeds though, so they are mainly eating those right now. But they will not get it all!

This is Cosmo the cat, in front of cosmos the flowers. She is my garden companion. She follows me all around the garden while I water.

I am loving all the bees and butterflies all over these flowers right now! Always busy out there. Little legs full of pollen. I am so glad I planted all this for them. If it weren't for all the bees and other bugs, I would not water out here. But I do, for them. A few times a day. It takes a few hours too. Our water bill is pretty big. But it's all worth it.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Before and after...

 the alpacas finally got sheared today!!!!! I am SO relieved and I know they are too. It's been so hot here. And I've been afraid to get them wet, thinking the other guy would be here any day and they'd be wet and couldn't be sheared. So now, they can get soaking wet if they want to. And they sure did, right after they were done.

And look at these poor little skinny guys! They are so happy to have all that 6" of fiber off of them! They were not happy at all while it was happening though. Poor guys. But it was ALL worth it.

They got their   feet trimmed. CDT shots. Eyes checked. By the way, they were both bright pink!! So no sings of parasites!

But man, are they little now!

And Sugar is wet. He lays down like this when I spray them down.

And the sheep kept looking at them and sniffing them. It was quite funny! But they are all back together again and doing great. SO glad this is over. And I met a lady who lives in the area who shears alpacas who said she will do mine next year! So, this will not happen again.

Market booth

 This was my booth last Saturday at the Catoosa Market. I borrowed all these wooden crates from Susan at the feed store. She's so sweet. I just think pottery looks good in wooden crates.

I also brought my hand spun yarns and dryer balls. I sold a skein of yarn! And a lot of dryer balls.

And sold a lot of soap too. It was fun. But really hot. And a long day.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

I'm an empty nester. Again.

My baby barn swallows grew up too fast. They were just hatched a few weeks ago. Harry and Sally are just really good parents. 

This was a few days ago. There were 5 of the babies. But 1 fell out. There was not a whole lot of room in that little nest. And they got big fast!

This was yesterday morning. They were getting ready to fly. I put the cats in the cat room, so they couldn't get any of the babies while they were trying to fly.

Just look how big these guys are! They are all so sweet. I talk to them all the time, so they were never afraid of me.

This was yesterday, after I got done milking the goats. The first baby flew out to the wire. I had to be gone all day, so was going to miss all the fun.

When I got back home, I went to check on them. This is what I saw. The only one who flew out, flew back in to his siblings. Couldn't get back in the bed though. It was too full!

And this was later this morning. I went back out after milking, and saw 6 birds on the wire. Then they all took off flying around. It was so pretty to see.

But then a little while later, I went in to get the milk out of the freezer. I looked up and saw one of the parent birds on the wire in front of the nest. Then it flew over to that board to the right. I didn't even see the little baby over there. Can you see it?

It was just sitting up there, being really quiet. The next time I went in, it was gone.

So I am now an empty nester. I will miss those birds a lot. It was so fun to have them there, for such a short time though. I worried about them too much though. And I am so sad that one of the babies didn't ever get to fly.

But there will be more again. And they will come back next spring.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Around the yard...

 this is my new mint and rosemary garden. Because I needed more things to water right now. And I want ALL the mint and rosemary!

                         My old Bubba, in the window, guarding the house for us. He's a good ole boy.

                                                      Some of the day lilies, all blooming all over.

I tell ya what, there's nothing like going out in the mornings now and picking a hand full of juicy ripe blueberries out of the front yard!

Another little flower garden. The honey bees are using this bird bath for water. I'm trying to keep it clean and full for them all. I also finally got some humming birds again! They were late this year.

And an elderberry popped up in this little garden.

My little tire garden, planted with bee balm and red pineapple sage. A few of the Russian sage I planted last year came up.

And I forgot I had put this little pot of Hens and Chicks outside. So I got it all cleaned up and re-potted.

The rock garden kind of got a little out of hand. It needs weeded. I've been watering it a lot.

The front of the house and yard. I love these big trees for shade, but they sure are scary in a storm!

I have planted a lot of sunflowers for the honey bees. They are loaded down with all the pretty yellow pollen.

And the elderberries are blooming too, so the bees and lots of other insects, are taking advantage of them.

The bees are very busy right now. I am thankful for all the plants and trees and flowers that provide food for them and their brood. I hope these hives grow and grow!

This morning, when I went out to water and fill up water troughs and buckets for the critters, there was a snake in the big trough. I was wondering when I would see some. It's so dry here, I figured they would be around. Scared me to pieces! I do like like snakes and don't want them here at all.

I am getting ready for a big show in Ft. Oglethorpe tomorrow. Making more dryer balls. I'll get the car and truck loaded after the sun goes behind the garage. It's HOT out there.

Have a great weekend! And happy father's day to all you men out there!