Friday, April 3, 2015

Fluffy Friday

 Just some very fluffy sheep pics for your Friday enjoyment. Have a wonderful Easter weekend y'all!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Wood Faeries

We have wood faeries. They live up on the mountain. We've known them for years and they are the best friends ever. They came last week while we were both gone and filled up the wood shed and the metal wood stand. It's so nice to have wood faeries. This is a great start for next year's wood pile. Thank you, sweet wood faeries!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sunburst Granny Squares

This is something else I've been working on lately. I take my bag everywhere with me. Always when I have to take mom or Mrs. T to a doctor. I have 74 so far. I'll make 16 more, for a total of 80.

I think I'll give this to my oldest grand daughter for her 16th birthday May 27th. It should be finished by then. I hope. If not, it will be for graduation.

It's made with cotton yarn. I love it. And really easy and fast. And a conversation starter too. I had taken Mrs. T's car in for an oil change and check up last week. Brought this along. And a man asked me what I was making. He said his wife keeps telling him he needs a hobby. I told him lots of men crochet and knit. I hope he'll at least try. He seemed to like the squares.