Thursday, August 8, 2013

The hens

I am really enjoying my new hens. It's been a few months since I've had laying hens. It was nice to have a little break though. It made me appreciate them even more. And all those wonderful eggs! I am getting 10 a day now. All 6 of the Leghorns are laying with 4 of the Red Stars laying. I can hardly wait til all 21 of them are laying soon.

They're all getting along better now. I still hear a squeal every now and then from one of the bigger hens picking on the smaller Barred Rocks. But they will be as big as the others soon. I hope to be able to let them out in the evenings a little, maybe next month. I have the Freedom Rangers free ranging in the same pasture and they all pretty much stay in there. I just need to get them all butchered before I let the layers out. Which will be happening the end of the month. They are growing but not as big as I want them yet. A few more weeks and they should be ready.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What I did today

I have really enjoyed my day today. It's been a rainy day. But in between the rains, I went out to the garden to see what was out there. I brought baskets. Came back inside with a basket of beautiful tomatoes, bell peppers, basil, cucumbers and field peas. Later I picked a whole bucket of pretty sweet grapes for jelly tomorrow. The corn I bought from a little road side stand in Ringgold.

And this is what I got from all this. 4 bags of corn cut off the cob. 2 bags of field peas. 7 pints of canned tomato sauce plus a small bag of sauce for the freezer. So not too bad for a days work. My freezers are a bit full right now.

I also picked a bunch of beautiful zinnias for all over the house. I love these flowers and they just make me so happy seeing them. And washed 4 loads of laundry. I will have nice fresh clean sheets on my bed tonight!

I also got 10 eggs today! All 6 Leghorns are laying now! And 4 of the Red Stars. So I have almost 2 dozen eggs now!

Tomorrow I have GOT to clean this house! There is enough dog hair to cover a bald dog. I need to shave Bubba. He moves and fur flies.

What are y'all canning and freezing right now? I love doing this. Sometimes I have to make myself do it, but when it's done, I love that satisfaction of seeing all these beautiful jars of produce that will be SO good this winter.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's so quiet now!

I moved all the sheep, except for Abraham, over to the fresh pasture a few days ago. He's still over in the other pasture, recovering. I need to move John Henry up there with him so he won't be alone. Although, the Freedom Ranger chickens are all over him. He's getting better, slowly. A friend called me yesterday who has been reading about all I've been doing for him. She said that Red Cell has some copper in it. So I have quit giving him that. I didn't even think about it. There is a sheep Nutri-drench I'll go get for him. But he's eating sheep feed with kelp. So he's getting there.

It's been a fast and busy 5 days for me here. I am gone all day at Mrs. T's, taking her to the beauty shop, grocery shopping, out to eat lunch, hearing aide center. Saturday was moving my daughter and grand daughter out of my house!!!! I got Mrs. T's little itty bitty red house for them to live in. It's the cutest little house ever. It used to be a little hat shop in downtown Chattanooga a hundred years ago. The Varnell's bought it and had it moved to their property for their maid to live. There's been a couple renting it for almost a year now and just finally found another place to live. So as soon as they were all moved out, Heather and Kansas were in!

It's just the perfect little house for Heather and Kansas. At least for awhile til they can find something bigger. I love it and would live there myself. It's like a little fairy house in the woods.

Then we all went to our family reunion in Spring City, Tn. My husband's sister and BIL live there on a lake and have the family there on Sat. for food and swimming and boating. Lots of family from Indiana come down.

Then on Sunday, we all go to the Cumberland State Park in Crossville for the bigger reunion with extended family. Always fun to see the new babies and growing families. And eat all that great food too!

Monday, my husband and mother and I went to find a washer and dryer for Heather. Mom wanted to buy them for her. We found some at a used appliance store where she had bought her dryer for just $75. So we got them loaded up and called the son-in-law who lives next door to Heather, to come help unload. It took about 4 hours to get everything hooked up and working.

My husband has been on vacation for over a week. So it was time for him to hit the road! Me and my mom took him back to Atlanta to his truck. Then me and mom went to an outlet mall on the way home. She wanted to go to the Coach store. She bought 2 really nice big purses. Then to a sun glass store and she bought us both a pair of cool sunglasses. Then to Costco, then the bread store for old bread for the sheep, goats, chickens and pigs. Then to the meat market for dog food scraps. By then, it was pouring down rain! Took mom home and it was really raining then. And almost all the way home it rained. And nothing out here.

So Wed. and Thurs. I am not leaving my yard. I have SO much to get done here. I need to make a list. But now I have plenty of time, because IT'S JUST ME HERE NOW!!!!!!!! I really just have a little over a week, then me and mom are going to Colorado Springs to see my brother, sister and all their kids and grands. For a week. Not really looking forward to the long drive. But will be good to see everyone again.

And I got 8 eggs today!!! 5 white eggs and 3 brown. And of course, not having a basket to put them in, while shutting the door, I dropped one. I'll have enough to start selling now, since it'll be JUST ME HERE now! Can y'all tell how excited I  am to FINALLY have my house back after a year? Well, I AM!

Oh, and I sold some chicken to a Guatemalan family who stopped by yesterday. They were all so nice. This couple had 3 of the sweetest cutest little boys. I gave them a few cards and told them to tell their friends. I need to sell these chickens in the freezer.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Husband. In orange.

This is my husband, Tiny. He's been on vacation this week. It's the Sherrill family reunion this weekend up in Spring City and Crossville, Tn. Lots of family from Indiana and Tn. Always a fun weekend. He and 2 of his nephews from In. rode their motorcycles on the Dragon's Tail yesterday. He got home about 11:00 last night. A pretty long ride for an old guy. He bought this bright orange t-shirt that has stuff about the Dragon's Tail route on it. And he was eating yummy orange peaches and cantaloupe this morning. I thought it was a cool picture with his really white beard. The main reunion is at the Cumberland Co. State Park in Crossville Tn.  I can always tell I'm at the right reunion from all the white headed people! His whole family looks just like this. We've been married almost 35 years and he's been white headed about 33 of those years. His beard was red when we met and stayed red for a long time, with a white streak down the middle. Now he looks like Santa Clause! He's the best husband I could ever have asked for. I love him.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Much, much better now!

Here is Abraham this morning with the rest of the flock. Outside, eating. He looks almost normal again! I gave him another shot of LA200 and B complex. I will be giving him Red Cell every day for awhile, just to boost his red cell level and give him the iron he's needing apparently. Anemia is not a good thing.

His jaw is nearly back to his normal size again. I am so happy to see this. I only wish now that I had known to do all this when Lucinda was so sick last year. I could have saved her.

Thank you all who have been concerned about him. I think he's on the uphill climb now.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Abraham, a little better now.

Here is Abraham this morning. I just gave him Red cell. No wormer. He still looks puffy here.

And here he is just now this evening. He looks much better. I hope he makes it. He's such a good ram. Very laid back and nice for a ram. But he's still young, so who knows. But I like the boy. And he's had one sweet little ewe lamb so far. And I hope he has lots more to come.