Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This is a picture of the Hereford cattle up the road from us. There are alot of them. And this year they waited to have calves when it was warmer. So for the past month they have been popping them out every day. They are all so cute. I love cows. And that is Lookout Mt in the background. I love this shot.

It's been such great weather I am afraid it won't last. It is still March. Ya just never know around here.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


This is Mazie when she was little. So long ago. She is huge now. And a momma. She's a good momma. The other morning it was still dark and I heard her mooing. I thought maybe she's in heat already? Then later after the sun had come up I saw why she was mooing. She had rolled the round hay bale over by the gate and the gate had shut. So she was on the pasture side and poor Chuck was inside. I don't know how long they'd been apart but she was full of milk. And they ran to each other like in a movie. Such love. All is well now though.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Abby and Sandy

Oh my goodness! I hope this works and it shows up. But these are my 2 does that I have left. Abby is on the left. She is Lamancha. SHe just turned 9 in Feb. And she is due to kid in a few weeks. Sandy is on the left. She is mostly Nubiam with a little Togg thrown in. She is also due in a few weeks. She will go first I do believe. The are both HUGE right now and I don't see how they can possibly go any longer. And I am ready for nice fresh goat milk. Right now please!

Is anyone else milking yet?