Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Meet #'s 17, 18 and 19...

This morning, after feeding all the animals, I looked out the front window and saw something small by Gracie way up in the front pasture. So out I went to see what was going on.

Gracie had one lamb already and was cleaning him off. I went to get a towel to help her. I could see some feet coming out so I knew there was another lamb soon. She came just a few minutes later. I got her head all dried off and let Gracie do the rest.

                                               So this is #17, a ram lamb. I named him Clark.

                                                     And his little sister, # 18, Cadie.

Years ago we had the best preacher. I just loved his family. His wife's name is Marquita and they had a daughter and twins. A boy and girl named Clark and Cadie. So I said when we had  another set of twins I'd name them after those twins. And here they are!

Then a few minutes later, after having gone back inside for a few minutes, I looked out and saw this little black and white lamb with Biatrix, way up front by the fence. So ran back out there and sure enough, she had this little sweetie. # 18, a little tiny ewe lamb. Her name is Claire.

What's so funny is that Biatrix is Gracie's daughter from last year. So Gracie is a Grand mother now. I know, Biatrix is only just a year old. I had not planned on such young mothers. But she's a good size and already a good mother. I think Bridget is bred too. She's the same age as Biatrix.

So we've had a busy morning here at Outback Farm. I had to call my mom and cancel our day out together because I wanted to be here in case there were more lambs. And of course, no more yet.

I have always had early morning or daytime lambs here so far. I have never had to go out all night to do night time checks. Never had any at night. They go anywhere from about 6 a.m. to about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. But that could all change. Ya just never know with sheep!

So far: 2 sets of twins, a ram and ewe each and 2 single ewe lambs. The ewes are ahead so far. I'd like tto have more rams please, ladies!

Anyone else having babies?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Meet # 16:

 Charlotte Belle. A single ewe lamb from Fiona. I kept waiting and waiting for her to have a few more lambs, but nothing. And she still hasn't passed the afterbirth. I hope nothing is wrong. She had a really long yellow goo before having the lamb. And she was covered in yellow that looked like meconium. I cleaned her off as best as I could.

And you can see where she went as fast as she could get there! Straight to the milk. And she didn't fool around either.

I am kind of glad Fiona didn't have more because she's the one who had Bonnie and Bridget last year. And didn't want poor little Bonnie. I had to go get matching sweaters for them and had a time getting Fiona to stop trying to kill Bonnie. She finally did kind of accept her but would only let her nurse from the back end. So I guess Fiona does better with one baby. She's so pretty too.

So I hope they have lambs like every few days because both stalls are full right now. But then, I'd love to have them all here and done. I am SO allergic to lambs! My eyes are so red and puffy and my nose is all stuffy and I'm sneezing. It's horrible when all I want to do is love on these sweet babies.


 Sunday, we had most of the family here for lunch. Son-in-law Jason and middle grand daughter Coryn weren't here. But we had lots of fun. It was a beautiful day and we sat outside. I even got to do some knitting.

This is Kansas, meeting little Cassidy for the first time. Aren't they both adorable?

I gave Chloe some honeysuckle vines for the alpacas. Of course only Misha would eat it. He's so sweet.

I have wanted this lone pecan tree cut down for years now. It's right there in the garden and cuts off all the morning sun so nothing will grow in half the garden. It's down now. I was taking a break while hubby rested, to write some here. I'm piling up all the branches to burn later and stacking the wood right near the trunk. We'll let it sit there til next year. I'm fine with that. Then we'll burn the brush pile in a few weeks. I am so glad it's down. It never really had but a few pecans on it ever. This way the whole garden will be in sunlight now.


And see that big cedar tree back there? It needs to go as well because it blocks the afternoon sun. And it's a stinkin' cedar tree. They're all over and I have apple trees.

I put the sheep back over in this pasture. I'm getting another round bale delivered today. Darla loves this back scratcher! They all take a turn here when they first come back over here. I guess I need to make one in the other pasture for them.  She is huge! When are they going to have lambs???

  And I banded the little lamb's tails last night. It sure was nice having help holding them this time. I had my husband stand at the gate and I was going to bring the lambs to him to hold. Well, he did the first one and when I got back with the 2nd lamb, he was gone.  I had to go all the way to the house to get him. He didn't know there were 2! Silly man.

But they are both fine this morning and out playing in the sunshine with all the big sheep. Just waiting on more lambs to play with.

Better get back out there. I hear the chain saw a hummin'!