Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

 Well, this is what I've been doing on mother's day. Finally cleaned off the studio porch. We pulled the truck over here last night and loaded it up with all the stuff that's been on this porch for a year now. Nothing like procrastinating, right? And I feel SO much better now! Geeze, how could I have left it all on the porch for so long? Now I need to work on the inside.

I love this white chair. So glad I got it. And the old rocker needs to have a new rung made. There's a guy up the road who does wood work, so I think I'll take it to him. Then the shelves need some cool stuff on them. And some flowers on the wire shelf between the chairs.

This is the other side. The little metal table came with this house and has been moved around for so long. I just cleaned it and painted it today. I'll get a pretty pot with some pink and purple flowers for it later.

This window I made for my daughter Abby for Christmas one year. They're remodeling and gave it back to me last year. It's perfect for the wall here. I hung my felted sheep on the little nails. I love it.

Didn't realize these were so alike and I can't delete after I put them on here. So a little closer up view.

I bought this little hooking kit at the fiber show. It sure is addictive. I love doing it. But it would be so much easier if I had a proper frame. Because it takes 4 hands to do this. It's not very big. Now I want to make a bigger rug. It's really fun.

My husband and I went to church this morning with my mom. She goes to the early service, like 9 am. We left our house at 8:30 and it took almost 40 minutes to get there. Anywhere out here takes forever to get to. So they have a band and singers. A loud band. And 2 screens. They sang 1 song forever. I'm just not a fan of standing for 30 minutes, singing the same song, or chorus, over and over again. The pastor had a great message about moms though.

I'm just a little sad at my family though. We are just not a big family here. My mom and step dad moved up here 4 years ago to be near us. I have 2 daughters and 3 grand kids all here. My step dad died almost 2 years ago. We used to get together for every little thing. Every birthday. But since he's been gone, it's kind of slowed down. I feel bad for my mom.  My brother is in Colorado. My sister is in S. Ga.. They hardly ever come anymore. So I feel like I have to do everything. But darn, if there isn't a stinkin' holiday every few weeks now. I am really tired of all these little "special" days for everything. And SO many birthdays! May and June are full of them for us. We did used to have all the May birthdays at one time, then the June. But my kids are so busy lately. And grands scattered all over. Anyway, I'm just feeling a little bummed, I guess.

 I love my mom so much. I'm so glad  she chose to live near me. She really means so much to me. I just don't do enough to let her know. She's very independent. She's like me and likes to do things on her own. But sometimes, it's nice to have family around. We do spend Wednesdays together, but that seems to be rushed lately too. So I stop in when I'm in town.

So I hope you all had a wonderful day. I know there are many special ladies out there. And we do deserve a day just for us.

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