Thursday, May 7, 2015

In the garden May 6th

I think I'll join Amanda over on Blog. She's starting her Thursday gardening posts again and I love them. So here goes for me. No pictures this week as it's too late and things are just too little to see right now.

I have had to water already, many times. I am LOVING my garden hydrant-faucet out there. It sure has made it so much easier for me. Before, I'd have to unhook then hook up all the hoses just to reach the garden, and then it never got to the end of the garden. Then I'd have to walk from the studio, through 3 gates, then to the garden, just to water. It really was a hassle. Not to mention all the kinks along the way!

So was wandering along the newly planted rows this evening and saw 2 crowder peas and a corn! Yes! No green beans to be seen yet. And lots of radishes and collards and kale and lettuce so far. The tomato, squash, zucchini and pepper plants are all looking great.

So hopefully, soon, I'll not have to buy kale anymore. Or spring lettuce. Or spinach. How exciting!

I still need to mulch with the old hay out there. And plant okra. And some more zinnias and sunflowers seeds. And weed. And water some more.

But it's getting there!

What's coming up in your gardens these days?


  1. A variety of things! We have chocolate mint, spear mint, lemon balm, sage, oregano, thyme, basil, peppers, tomatoes and savory.

    We are also growing ginger in the house and believe acorn squash is attempting to grow out of our compost heap. Oops. :D

  2. Sounds like a good garden going there. We have a few farmers who grow ginger here. I love it. And I keep saying I'm going to plant some garlic every September, but haven't yet.

    Always some surprises coming from the compost piles!

  3. A.N. I just looked at your blog. Tries to comment but it didn't show up. You are close to me. I spent the night in Maryville a few weekends ago.
