Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New camera and farmer's markets.

I found a camera. A Canon Rebel. I do not know how to use it though. Good grief, I'll have to take photography classes again! So bear with me as I learn how to take a picture.

Today was the official grand opening of the Main St. farmer's market. I took my 3 lambs with me. They were a huge hit with everyone who came by. And they got lots and lots of clover to eat! But oh goodness, were they 3 tired little girls by the end of market. First trip to the city and I think they were ready to get back to their farm. And this Saturday is the opening of the Brainerd market. They'll be going to that one as well. It's so good to be going back to the farmer's markets again. And I have actual produce to sell! Although I will have to replant green beans, squash, zucchini and sunflowers. I should know not to plant these things in April by now. All the rain we got a few nights ago washed so much away.

I will be back in a few days when things settle down here. I hope you all have a great week and weekend too!


  1. I have a Rebel, too! I watched a bunch of tutorials, read the books and still just use it on the "auto" settings for most photos. I did buy several sizes of lenses and love the one that does the close-ups. The first year, I must have taken a thousand photos of bees, flowers, etc.

  2. I am scared to death of this camera! Wishing now I had just gotten another like I had. This one is huge. I guess, when I get some free time, I'll watch the cd's that came with it. I really wanted to take close ups of flowers and birds and bees when I get them. I'll learn, I hope.

  3. I would love to get a new camera!
    I hope you have a good year at the farmers market!

  4. So happy to hear from you! Was worrying about you the other night while all those tornado warnings were around.
