Sunday, April 27, 2014

Camera shopping

I dropped my camera right in the little pool I had just filled up for the sheep and alpacas today. Right after taking some really good pictures of them all on their new green grass in the yard next door. I'm so upset with myself for doing that.So I'll be looking for a new camera tomorrow or Tuesday.

This evening, right before feeding the bottle lambs, a car came up the driveway. It was a couple who had bought a buck several years ago. They had seen my CL ad about the sheep and wanted to come see them. Diane just fell in love with Clack, one of the quads. He came right up to her and loved all over her. She just melted. Even picked him up and he almost fell asleep on her shoulder. So she wants him and Cora. I'll castrate him in a few weeks. I noticed his brother, Click, is probably not going to stay truly black but I think Clack will. Click has some cream color underneath the black now. Clack is all black, all the way through and so is Cameron, the other black lamb.  I told her there's no telling what they'll look like in a few months. So I have 4 lambs spoken for. I'll be keeping the 3 bottle lambs. So that leaves 10 lambs. And 6 ewes. Possibly 7. I think I could sell Fiona in a heartbeat if someone wanted her. She's the instigator of the flock. She jumps a fence and they all follow her.

I got the new 4' welded wire fence put up this morning for the sheep yard next door. I need to take the 3' fence I took down and put it over the barbed wire fence the sheep like to go through out into the field they aren't supposed to be in. Then take the electric net fence and put down the middle of the big South pasture. Then they can go out there soon. It is greening up. And with rain in the forecast for the next few days, it should start to grow good.

I got to take a nap this afternoon! I love Sunday afternoon naps. I hope you all had a good restful Sunday.

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