Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What a crazy day!

Tuesday is my time with my mom. We go have lunch and go shopping and do errands. Sometimes we miss a day here or there. But I look forward to my time together with her.

Today, she wanted to take both her cars in to the Dodge dealer in Ringgold. She's had her eye on a new Jeep Compass. We got there and we test drove a dark blue one. She loved it. So we went in and talked. She wanted to trade both her cars even for this new Jeep. It didn't quite work out the way she wanted, but I do believe she's a happy woman tonight!

She got a totally black Jeep Compass. I mean all shiny smooth cool black, even the wheels. Really nice vehicle. The interior is tan. And the best part about it is that it has HEATED SEATS!!! And believe me, we sure did enjoy those babies on the way home way later.

Because it SNOWED most of the afternoon! Really snowed like crazy snow. It started about 1 or so. We left the car lot and did a few things while they were getting her the black Jeep. They didn't have one there so had to go get it from another lot. And they got it all clean and shiny for her. And a full tank of gas. So while we were in Chattanooga, it was snowing so hard we couldn't see Lookout Mt. Then it would stop. Then start again. All the way to Ft. O and then there was nothing. Blue sky and sun. Then on back to the car lot and it was like a flippin' blizzard! It was coming down so hard and fast, we couldn't see up the road. It took about 3 hours to get all the paper work done. By that time, the sun was back out. But it was freezing. So those nice warm seat warmers felt wonderful. My butt was quite toasty. I want seat warmers now.

And my husband lamb sat for me. He even gave them their 2 o'clock bottles. He love them. They follow him around. I had taken them all outside before I left and had to call him to put them back inside because it had gotten so cold. He's good like that. I think I'll keep him after all. By the way, his left ankle is completely healed and the right ankle that's been giving us so much trouble, is almost healed. Just a very small spot now! He's been going on motorcycle rides on Sat. with his "boyfriends". And he has a Wed. night guys night out thing with some other friends. I enjoy this, believe me. So he is still around and doing great.

I got home about 6:30 and had to move sheep back over to the stalls for the freezing cold night. Supposed to be 24. Good grief already, winter. You can go away anytime now, ok? I am over this. I sure hope none of the goats decide to have kids tonight. I've told them all to please wait a few more days. So far they have.

Wed. I start the Main St. farmer's market again! I made dandelion jelly tonight. I hope it jells so I can take it. I'll also pick dandelion greens and flowers in the morning to take too. Also want to try to get some herd shares.

I have had several people stop when they drive by. They want to know what I have here. Some buy eggs and a couple got one of my chickens I butchered last fall. So we really need to get this place cleaned up. We have been gradually clearing off the fence along the driveway. Just need it to look inviting. I also mentioned to my friend up the road about an "open farm" day. We will be working on that for maybe April and have several farms out here involved. Like on a Sunday afternoon. I am excited about that. One couple came out because of a local magazine that has info about local farms. So this is exciting to me. Lots going on now and a busy time here.

I'll have pictures next post. Sorry this is so long. I am going to bed now! Good night all.


  1. Wow Kris! What exactly do you do in your OTHER spare time? You certainly deserved a good night's rest. I am so pleased to hear Tiny is doing so well. And your Mom---well---nothing much can lift your spirits more than a shiny new car! Now I hope the goats waited to kid until after this cold spell......

  2. Busy lady for sure.
    Hopefully the kids will come when it warms up a bit...

  3. No kids yet, thank goodness!

    Now off to market. I have to go get my oldest grand daughter Chloe. She's going to help me today.

  4. Sounds like a great day (minus the snow). I'm sure your mom is loving her new wheels.

    Good luck at the market. Ours starts 4/1. I've had so many calls for goat milk and I don't have any yet! I was going to lock the kids up last night to milk this morning, but it was just too cold.

  5. I told Kris that next Tuesday will be her day, because it took all day for my "stuff" this week. I so appreciated all her help with decisions, and her time. I knew she had other things to do. We did do a couple for her while waiting for the car to be delivered. I also appreciate the quick conversation via phone with Mark, who is always supportive and has good ideas. I want to thank Charlie (Tiny) for lamb-sitting! We couldn't have done it without his help. So look for me: the "cool" grandma in the cool black car, with the really "cool" black hubcaps!!!

  6. Mom really does look good in her new Jeep. It almost looks like a Ga. State Patrol vehicle. And the people at the car place were ALL so nice and helpful. And I had fun Mom!
