Thursday, March 27, 2014

1 down, 3 to go!

Yay! Penelope had twins just awhile ago!!!!

The one that looks like her and John Henry is the first born and a buck. The little black one is a doe! She's so small. They both have little tiny Gopher ears too. So cute.

So yay, we have goat milk again!!!! I am so happy! And all is well. They are in that back stall, all warm and away from the March wind that's blowing like crazy out there today.

And in a few days I can start milking her for the lambs too. She has so much milk.

Hopefully, the other 3 will follow and we will be done with babes.


  1. Yay for Penelope.

    I can't wait for our actual PLANNED kidding season to start.


  2. Congrats!
    We are still waiting!

  3. Thanks! They are SO cute and the softest little kids ever.
