Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6: Friends and neighbors.

Last Saturday night, I went down to a friend's for a bonfire. They do this once a month and several of the neighbors come. Just hanging out, talking, roasting marshmallows, having a good time after a long day of work. Just having fun. We did get a bit silly, some of us! It's fun to just let loose sometimes!

I am very fortunate to live in a good community where people get together for some good old fashioned fun. We also have a community center and meet once a month. We have pot luck dinners, cookouts, fund raisers. It can also get serious too. These people around here mean business when it comes to this community here. Most don't like changes and are set against any new growth here. And when it does come, it's hard to get used to. Like traffic. There is a new restaurant up at the Mt. Cove Farm mansion. Lots of folks didn't want to see that. Growth and traffic and all. We like it quiet out here! But growth and progress are what is happening. We have to adjust to it. And then have a bonfire and have fun!


  1. Ooooh, I want to come! I have been wanting to plan a bonfire for a month.

  2. Come on up next month! It'll be earlier then.

  3. Kristin, don't head up there without your Mama!!

  4. You better come too, Betty Ann!
