Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 5: Tuesdays with my mother

I am so blessed to have my mother so close now. Her and my step dad bought a house and moved up here 2 1/2 years ago. It's only 25 miles from me. It sounds far, but I drive way more than that most days. My step dad passed away May 28th, so now mom and I go out on Tuesdays and do errands and shopping together. And of course have lunch!

So I am very thankful for my mother. And that I get to see her and talk to her almost every day. I love her so much and she is my inspiration. I want to have her gentle spirit and love for everyone.

I love you, mom!


  1. Moms are the best! I'm glad yours is close. Mine is 17 miles from me- a far cry from the 700+ she was when I first moved to Georgia.

  2. I know. They used to live near Metter. Way too far to just go visit for the day. I'm glad your mom is close to you too. They are special for sure.
