Monday, April 1, 2013

Milking Zarah. Or not.

So this is what Zarah's udder looked like this morning after putting the kids up for the night. And Ella Belle was out this morning. Apparently she had just gotten out. If you look real close or zoom in, you can see her teats. About maybe 1 1/2" long and the size of a pencil width. I could get 1 finger plus the thumb on them. She was tight as a drum. And SO hard to milk. I have not even attempted to milk her since I had wormed her with the Dectomax 4 weeks ago. And it has a 32 day milk withdrawal time.

So, between her kicking and raising her feet or else just plain sitting down like a dog on top of the bucket, I was plum worn out. She did not like this or want anything at all to do with it. I even tried to get Ella to come in and nurse some. But what happens when you actually WANT a kid to nurse on the stand?? Nothing. She ran around and played hide and seek and "catch me if you can", which of course I couldn't in the milk room. Too much to get behind and under. So, after about 20 minutes of me not wanting her to think she was gonna win this first round, I quit. Went and got Ira Joe out of the stall. They both tried to nurse but she only stood still for a few seconds. They did some more for a little while, while I watched. I sure don't want Zarah to get mastitis.

So, a few days ago, a friend in Tn. called about a milking machine she had just bought from a man near her up around Nashville. He makes these machines. For $175.00. Everything except the battery, which is only a little more. She milks about 9 goats and she is loving this machine. It filters and cools the milk. Really nice. Well, when she called, I thought I didn't need a machine. But after this morning, I called the guy. I told him about Zarah's small teats and he said he didn't think the suction things would stay on such small teats. But he said he'd look for a smaller size. Because I think I really want one now. Just for Zarah. Because I am worn out and it was NO fun at all. For her or me. And I don't want her to hate this.

So my 1st day of April has not turned out so good. Like the guy suggested, get the kids up on the stand and let them nurse some milk out, then try again. Sounds like a plan, if the kids will do it. They should be hungry enough to. I was so hoping that Zarah would take after her mother Abby. Maybe next time? She is a first freshener.


  1. Have you tried a hand pump? I use the one from

    It's $45 and works like a charm on small teats. I'd recommend getting the larger sized teat cup too since it comes with the one for pygmies.

    Trixie's teats are literally an inch long making it so hard to milk her especially if she's bagged up tight. The pump works even better when they're bagged up tight and as an added bonus, they can't go put a foot in the milk bucket!

    Can you tell I'm a fan? I usually pump until flow stops then hand milk the rest of the way out. It's so much faster than hand milking alone.

  2. Kristin, I've heard of the Udderly Easy hand pump, but not the one you use. I'll go look it up. Thanks.

    I tried again tonight. I think I just need to work with her every day til she gets used to being handled. I have just never had a problem with first time milkers before. Penelope has me spoiled I guess. I'll keep trying and hopefully she'll settle down. But I do think I'll need some kind of milker for Zarah. I hope she doesn't always stay this small?

  3. Kris, keep it up, she will get the hang of it. I used to put a bucket under the one doe because she was older, had many, many kids, but had never been milked when I got her. She always tried to lay down. Eventually got the hang of it.

    Do you have a link to the milker you mentioned in your post?


    Linda, it's really a good set up. I am not going to give up on Zarah. She will eventually get the idea. This is Abby's daughter. She's 2 years old this month. I was just hoping she's be a good milk doe. I know she will.

  5. Thank you Kris for the link... intriguing! I wish he gave more info on the system. I will write to him.

  6. Linda, I've been talking to him and he's going to make a special one just for Zarah for a little extra. I think I'll drive up there early next week. He's just a little North of Nashville. I really think I'll need a machine for her. And really, the older I get, the more my hands are hurting when I milk more than a few. And I will hopefully have 4 to milk by summer. Sandy is due in a few weeks now.

  7. I forgot to say that a friend of mine called me and told me about him. She is milking 9 goats right now and she bought one of these machines and loves it. It has an outer container you put water in and freeze it. Then when you milk, the bucket fits down in the frozen container and cools the milk really fast.

  8. Oh I was wondering about the water. In the ad he shows water in the outer bucket. I will call him in a few days and discuss this milker. I am very interested. The price is not that bad either. Although shipping may make it out of my reach. Perhaps he can supply part and I can supply the inner and outer bucket. We will see.

  9. Does it have a pulsing pump? I've looked at some milkers and read that a plain vacuum without the pulsing can be ineffective and can damage the goats. I'm no expert, but it may be something to look into.

  10. I don't know. When I go up Monday, he's going to wait til I get there to milk his goats so I can see how it works and get to actually try it.
