Monday, April 1, 2013


Easter Sunday was a day of sunshine and rain. Off and on again. I saw lots of little green plants coming up in the garden, like collards, kale and mustard. Some lettuce and radishes too. I always like to see that. I was getting a little worried that I planted too early. But with all the rain and sun, things just happen.

I would have liked to have had lots of flowers on the table. But the daffodils started blooming way back in Jan. so none of them. But did find lots of henbit, which I was excited about for the bees. But they don't really stand out in vases. I have lots of dandelion though, but didn't want to take too many. I put those on the runner along with yellow Peeps. I just love yellow and white in early spring. 

This is one of my ram lambs I had butchered a month ago. I marinated it in olive oil, crushed garlic and fresh rosemary overnight. Then put it in the oven at 400 for about 35 minutes, then turned it down to 200 for a few hours, Took it out and let it rest for about 30 minutes. It was SO good. I didn't think anyone would eat any, but it went pretty fast. It's like good roast beef. Red in the middle and tender and so juicy. It was a 6 pound leg. I have another one in the freezer. But was very happy how it turned out.

And here are the grand kids. Coryn is on the left. She's 11. Chloe is in the middle. She'll be 14 the end of May. And Kansas will be 10 the end of April. So we decided to let them all hunt eggs. I wanted to hunt eggs too. I still love doing that. It's so fun.

So we had a great day together. My youngest daughter Abby and her husband rode their motorcycle down to Pensicola, Fla. for the weekend so they missed us. We really missed them too. But Abby will probably come tonight for left overs. Mom made a Watergate cake that was SO good. And I made banana pudding, my husband's favorite.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. And have a great week too.


  1. That leg of lamb looks delicious. Sounds like you had a lovely Easter.

  2. I really was good and tender and juicy. I think I'll make some Gyros for lunch today.
