Thursday, February 7, 2013

Who's the oddball?

Can you spot the oddball in this picture. Well, there are 2, but the biggest oddball.

If you said the big ram, you'd be right. I had to move Abraham back here with the goats because the sheep are getting ready for lambs. And I didn't want him around when that happens. Does anyone with sheep leave the rams in all the time? Or the bucks? I have always taken the bucks and rams away from the ewes and does. I made that mistake one time with a doe that had just had kids and the buck would not leave her alone. It was horrible. I have never done it since. So I thought it best to move Abraham from the ewes now. He is SO lonely and misses the girls so much. But he's doing ok with the goaties.


  1. I leave the Ram and Buck in after breeding season. If we do have a Ram that is a bother to the ewes or lambs I would remove him but we don't usually have any problems. The current ram we have chose to hang out with the Steers in the pasture and ignored the ewes after breeding season.
    I do take him out mid summer to keep from having winter lambs.

  2. Sandra, I left a buck in with the does once and one of the does kidded. He would not leave her alone. Poor goat. I had to take him away. So I've always since then never kept bucks with does, only during breeding time. I was just wondering what a ram would do to a ewe right after lambing.
