Thursday, February 7, 2013


Sheep are constantly teaching me things. I learn something new just about every day with these guys. They are so different from goats. But there are a lot of similarities too. They all need boundaries. As we do too. It just helps us along the way. And keeps us all safe. If we didn't have boundaries, we'd be in a really big mess.

So, I have been having a time getting the sheep from this side of the yard to that far side without them all going crazy and running all over the yard, trampling my flower beds and eating my bushes, while I'm running around trying to get them all to where I wanted them to be in the first place. It just wears me out. So they have been staying over on this side of the driveway, where there isn't much for them to eat right now. When they could be over in the big pasture where there is actually some green grass to eat.

I was laying in bed yesterday morning, thinking. I came up with this. I had this piece of fence that was the perfect length to stretch from this end of the gate to the apple tree, with a smaller piece for a small gate. They just had to get over there. Which they did, with no problem at all! Just follow the fence line and there they all went, smooth as honey. And I fixed it to where all I have to do is take the fence down and we can drive over it. This will also keep the bad dogs from getting to the gate when people come and opening the gate and jumping all over nice cars. And people.

And the sheep are happy and so is this shepherd. Job well done, if I do say so myself.

NOW, if I could only get those darn goats to stay in their fence! Ha!


  1. That is one thing we have learned about sheep, handling equipment can help you keep your sanity when you are working with them.
    Glad you found a solution to your problem!

  2. Yes, this seems to be working great so far. I need to move them back over to the other side at night, then back to the big pasture during the day. But they are really getting close to lambing so this will make it easier to move lambs too.
