Thursday, January 3, 2013


It's been a nice day here today. I actually had to wear sunglasses while driving to town. But it's a muddy mess here. I hate that my poor goats and sheep have to step in mud to get anywhere. And everything is so brown and drab.

But I know that in just a few short months, it will be all green and pretty again. And there will be little lambs and goat kids jumping around and chasing each other. Little seeds will be popping up in the gardens. Flowers will start coming up again. Right now everything is just taking a little break. Resting. Meditating. Getting ready for a rebirth. A new beginning. New life. It's awesome. Something to look forward to. To long for. And wait for. It will come. The earth will bring forth new life again.

Until then, a little color. Lots of beautiful red berries, from my good friend's yard. Beautiful bright red.

And this old iron horse on an old barn, hiding from everyone. I had no idea it was even there.


  1. How pretty! Just what I needed.

  2. Wow those berries are beautiful!

  3. My friend has got the most beautful yard. And this bush is huge. It's even more pretty from the sun porch looking out. So much color. And always full of pretty birds too.

    I'm going to do a few more posts of her yard. I just want to make sure it's ok with her first.
