Friday, January 4, 2013

Now a little blue

It is BEAUTIFUL outside today!! Bright blue sky and sunshine! Everything's frozen but that's ok. I would rather walk on frozen solid mud than squishy mud any day. I did have to haul warm water to the goats and cats and dogs this morning. The doe's water bucket was nearly empty. Penelope stood there and drank for 5 minutes. Had to go get more after that. I need to check water buckets more often. But the sheep's water trough is still full. Plus 2 buckets. I did have to break the ice on theirs.

I am so happy to see this pretty blue today after so many gloomy drab grey days. I know, it is January and winter. It's supposed to be like this. So this is a very welcome sight to see. I hope it's like this all over today.

Kansas came outside long enough to hug Sybil.

This is all the wood that's left. We need more. But with the new wood heater, we aren't using nearly as much wood as we did last year with the open fireplace. We have a lot of wood inside. Enough to last a few days. I went yesterday to a place that sells wood. Oak is $50 for the smallest size. A rick? I can't remember. And the hickory was $60. But there were a lot of really small pieces. I'll look around some more. I have seen lots of ads on Craig's list. I'd love to have it delivered because our truck gets about 4 miles per gallon.


  1. Hi Kris,
    At $50. a rick I would think that it SHOULD be delivered ... We are still so muddy here.Picked up the last 75 bales of hay yesterday ... I have a very nice man I purchase my hay from ... he stores it for me, and I pick up about 50 -75 bales at a time.
    My pastures are brown and my lawn is green!
    Take care, lambing season starts in about 2 months for me.

    1. I'm down to about 35 bales of hay now and getting worried. Not really worried. I know there is plenty of hay to get. There's a farm up the road that has really good hay in the barn that I can get any time. I just need to go get it. It's better quality hay but the goats and sheep don't like it too much. They're used to the crappy hay I've been buying.

      It would be nice to be ablt to let the sheep and goats in the yard. Mine is green and pretty tall here too. But they always go straight for the bushes and flowers.
