Saturday, April 29, 2017

Bee swarm!!!

So, this morning, as I was cleaning out the 2 hives that didn't make it through the winter,  I noticed a whole lotta bees around the one remaining hive. They had done this a few days ago and I thought they were going to swarm, so I got another box and added it to the hive. They seemed to be ok.

Til this morning. There were SO many bees, all over, heading south to the cedar tree about 30 feet away maybe. So I watched them. And I saw where they were headed. About 10' up in the cedar! Couldn't be any better.

I grabbed a brood box and only had 5 good frames to go in it, which would be ok til I got them in and settled. Fixed a new place to put the hive too. By then, they had pretty much gotten settled around the queen and a good branch.

So pulled the Trooper up under the tree. Got my little step ladder and box and brush and clippers. Trimmed all the branches that were in the way. Got all ready. My heart was pounding, by the way. Got the box as under the branch as I could. Then pulled the branch down. Then counted to 3 and shook it!

They all went in! I did get stung one time on my left middle finger, the one right beside my smooshed index finger. But that was all.

And now, they are on the hood of my Trooper, til I can get them to the new spot. I've been moving the car a few feet at a time, til I can get it over where I want the hive. Tonight, I'll get my hubby to help set it down off the car. Then I'll add the rest of the frames. And see what happens! Hopefully, they will stay put.

If you go up about an inch, that's where the branch is where they landed. Great height for me.

Right now, a few hours later, all but a few stragglers are in the hive. So I know the queen is in there. I did see a lot of bees fanning at the entrance!

So now I have 2 hives. I hope the other hive will be ok and make another queen.

Friday, April 28, 2017

And we are done!!!!

Yesterday was a busy day here. First off, it was stormy, lots of rain. Then Annabelle decided to lamb right out in the front pasture. It was pretty bad for awhile. I had to just walk away and leave her alone. She would not let me get near to help. There was a lamb head hanging out for a long time. I assumed it would be dead when she finally did get it out. So when I came back out to check, there were 3 little lamb heads, bobbing around. I did get them all into a stall and Annabelle followed. Then when I came back out a little later, there was another lamb! She had quads. 3 ewe lambs and a ram. So cute. And all doing well. Except, she really wasn't paying much attention to the last 3.

So I called a friend who has been wanting bottle lambs. She also has 3 young kids. Asked if she was ready for some lambs and she said sure. So they came a little later, after I'd bottle fed them all colostrum. They all seemed t be doing great so far. The first biggest lamb was nursing.

So off the 3 littles went, all wrapped up in towels and carried by their new people. They are all doing great this morning. Carrie was a little stressed about one of the ewe lambs, but she's great this morning, as are the other 2.

And Annabelle's little ewe lamb that stayed with her is doing great too!

So, later that afternoon, Campbelle decided she's had enough and wanted to have her lambs too. Out in the field. It was nice and sunshiney by then. So I went and grabbed more clean towels and a book and sat outside with her.

She finally had this big ewe lamb. She is huge! She was up and going for the milk bar soon after.

I had gone to check on Annabelle after she had that one lamb. I saw that one of the pallets needed adjusted. So grabbed the huge mallet-hammer and proceeded to smash my left index finger. Geeze, that hurt like heck! Ran inside to get my husband to see what I'd done, because I couldn't look. It was pretty bad. The whole tip of my finger is crushed. And it hurts. And I cannot milk the goats. UGH!

Got it wrapped up and went back outside to get Campbelle in a stall. That baby walked by herself most of the way there! And Campbelle followed her.

I got her some food and water and made sure the lamb was dried. Then noticed she was pushing. I thought she was pushing out afterbirth. But no, there was a big head! She was having another lamb. I was sure it would be dead because it had been a good hour since she'd had the first lamb. But he was fine and alive! He looks just like Frodo, the black and white ram lamb of Darla's. SO cute!

Campbelle is my very favorite ewe. And Galadriel looks just like her.

I have named the boy Tom Bomdadil and the ewe is Galadriel. Annabelle's ewe lamb is Goldberry.

So we are officially finished with lambing! They had 20 lambs total. 3 stillborn lambs. 2 rams and a ewe. I have 14 here, 7 rams and 7 ewes. Carrie has 2 ewes and a ram. So 17 live births. And equal males to females. So just get ready for lots of really cute lamb pics. Sorry! But they are so adorable.

It's going to be really hard to decide how many to keep.

Thursday, April 27, 2017


had a little litter of lambs this morning. 4 of them. 3 ewes and a ram. That brought the number of lambs to 18 so far. 3 have died. And I have 1 ewe left to lamb, Campbelle.

I woke up really early this morning with thunder, lightening and very heavy rain going on outside. I lay there in bed worrying about all the sheep, if they had their lambs inside. I finally got up at 6 and went out to check on them.

Annabelle was out in the front pasture. I went to look at her, and sure enough, there was a water bubble. She would not go in, so I left her. I couldn't get close to her. I went to get towels and when I came back out, there was a head out. She would not let me near her to help. So I left her.

When I came back out, there were 3 lambs laying on the wet grass, all alive. I thought for sure that first one was dead, the way it hung there for so long.

So I picked all 3 up and got her to follow me to a stall. She was not happy about it, but she went inside. I didn't want to bother her too much because she was a bit crazy. So I left her again.

When I came back out to check on the lambs, there was another one laying there! Geeze already!

So anyway, she was not paying much attention to the last 3 lambs. So I dried them off as much as I could. I went in and got a bottle of colostrum and fed the 3 smallest lambs. They drank it all. Then I called my friend Carrie and asked her if she wanted 3 lambs for her 3 sweet kids. They came a few hours later, with towels and bottles. Those little lambs will be loved and spoiled before the day is over. Annabelle never even looked at them.

So she has the biggest ewe lamb with her. She's doing great. Annabelle is Buttercup's mother. Buttercup had triplet ewe lambs on Easter Sunday. So between these 2 ewes, they had 7 live lambs, 6 ewes and a ram!

The sun is shining again! It's a big mud pit outside. But the lambs (there are 12 of them at the moment)  are running about, playing and having fun together...