Wednesday, October 28, 2015

37 years...

 and wouldn't trade it for anything..

I was at lunch today with my mom and looked at the date and realized it was my anniversary.  Isn't that crazy? Just forget something like that?

This guy is amazing. I first met him in St. Elmo all those years ago. It was like we looked at each other and knew each other. I didn't live here. Me and a friend had come up here looking for her friend. And met my future husband. We stayed here a few days, then went back to South Ga. I had his phone number. I didn't call him for a few weeks. When I did, he said he wanted me to come back. He had a little house he'd just bought and it would be perfect for us. So I did. I was just 20 years old. He was 30. That was in June. We got married in October.

I loaded up all my belongings in my Pinto and drove up here to Chattanooga. Been here ever since. 37 years now. This is home. We've raised to beautiful daughters. And now have 3 beautiful grand daughters. It's been a good life. Not always happy. Not always fun. But we never gave up. There were times when I wanted to leave. And did a few times. But I could never give up on what we have.

Tiny is a good man. And good father. A great husband. He'd do anything for me. And for his kids. And for his friends. He's so giving and loving and kind. And such a hard worker too. I love this man. Through thick and thin. Good times and bad. Rich and lean. It's always been good.

I hope to have 37 more years with him.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Mrs. T.

 This is Mrs. T. I am just one of her many caretakers. She's 98 and says she feels it every day. She's a sweet lady. Her kids send her flowers about once a month. My friend Faith owns the flower shop shop now. She did this arrangement herself, just for Mrs. T. She really did a beautiful job on this one.

                                                                       This is the back.

                                                                      And the front.

Just beautiful all the way around. And it smells amazing too.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Rainy Monday

It is really raining out there today. Since this morning, nothing but rain. It's cold too. Going to be like this til Thursday, according to the weather people. My husband pulled up the weather app on his phone and asked if I wanted to see it. While he's got the weather channel on tv watching it. Really? No, I can look out the flippin' windows! Thanks anyway.

I am cold and tired. Long weekend.

I need to make soap but don't want to.

Why are potato chips so good??????

And apples with peanut butter... and roasted almonds.,,, and cottage cheese with pears... UGH!

It's so quiet in my studio, except for the rain falling outside. Freja was making a lot of noise when I first got here. Even she's quiet now. All I can hear is rain.  

The buck jumped over the fence last week. He's been with the girls since. He likes it this way.

Happy Monday!