Sunday, June 14, 2015


 So here they are, the little happy couple. Bluebirds! They are so pretty. I just hope none of my 5 cats discovers them here and kills them. I don't know what to do to protect the birds from the cats. It's just too easy. But so far, I haven't seen any cats interested in them.

I love this shot, like she's saying hello to me.

The handsome father. Helping out with the nest building. I love watching them.

Here you can see a little bit of wool I had thrown from a fleece I'm working on, in his beak for the nest. So cool!

So I guess I'm going to have to move my fleece skirting station off the front porch, where the bird nest is. They leave when I go out there. And I hate to disturb them. They are so busy. And there are 3 eggs now! I think when they start setting on them, it just takes a few weeks to hatch. Then a few more weeks for the babes to fly.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Now there's 3.

And now there are 3 perfect little teeny weeny blue eggs in the coffee can bird nest!This is so exciting!

I went ahead and put some duct tape around the bottom to keep it from falling. But when I moved it over a few inches, it was really heavy. Like it has sand in the bottom. I don't think it would have fallen off anyway.

So I saw a little tiny brown bird awhile ago. Someone said it's probably a Finch. I just don't see how there's a little baby bird in that jelly bean sized egg. Just amazing. I so hope they make it so I can see them. But I do have 5 cats.

I went to the farmers market this morning. Woke up at 6. I had gotten the car loaded last night. Picked kale and radishes last night. So this morning just had to pick lettuce, which I didn't sell any of. Last week I sold almost all of it. I left it loose, so maybe I should have bagged it up. But I sold some soap, salve, lotion bar, dryer balls, kale and a bunch of radishes.

I had several people come look at my wool yarn. And so many kids today. The first thing they do is run to the felted sheep, pick every one of them up, them slam them down on the table. Ugh, I just want to make them go away! But I want them to be able to touch them and see what wool feels like. I just don't want them to tear them up. And some had dirty sticky fingers, touching the white yarns. I guess I might need to put up a sign. But had a great morning.

I had a message last night from a lady wanting to know if I sell goat milk. She wanted some to make soap. I said sure, selling for soap making is probably legal. She wanted 2 gallons. I ran over to look in the fridge to see how much I had. I had just enough for 1 1/2 gallons. That left us with NO MILK IN THE FRIDGE! no milk! And all I wanted has been milk. All day. So just milked Freja and got enough for us tonight. I've had a few gallons in the fridge now since I started milking her. I have a few people who get milk during the week, but I still have milk for us. It was just strange to have no milk at all today. I love goat milk! But am happy to share it with others as well.

One more thing and I'll stop. Yesterday, I was gone all day. I asked my husband to go get the eggs out of the coop. He didn't. I just had a feeling the snake would be back and get some eggs. So when I finally got around to checking them, there were no eggs. None. I have never had this happen before. I'd at least get 1 or 2. But there weren't any. I asked him if he did get them and he said no. So I figured that darn snake came and ate every single egg. I had gotten 5 the day before. And today, 6 eggs. I guess the darn snake os quite full right now. I'm gonna get that darn snake, sooner or later.

Friday, June 12, 2015

All done. And another egg!

 There's another egg in the coffee can bird nest today! Isn't this the cutest thing? I sure hope they all hatch and they get to live a long happy life out here.

And we're done with shearing for the year!!! This is Cara, she was the first of the last 4. She looks so cute all sheared now.

And next was Cassidy, then Amarillo then Adele. Boy, those last 2 were pure **** to catch and get them to settle down. and they are HUGE! It was quite scary to say the least.

Here they are here, all happy again. It was Cara and Cassidy's first time to be sheared and they did great.

Don't they all look nice and neat now? They all got their feet trimmed. And they all looked great after shearing, nice and healthy. Nice pink eyelids too. So no de-worming to do. I am just SO glad they are all sheared now.

This is the only way I can get a picture of my favorite baby, Campbelle. She;s always right here. She's the sweetest baby ever.

So now to get the car all packed up for the farmers market in the morning.