Friday, April 10, 2015

Fun weekend!

I;ll be at Mrs. T's all day today. But it's Friday and the weekend is coming! And NO grand kids!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's going to be a busy weekend. Saturday morning, off to a friends to help plant their garden. Mr. Farmer was attacked by their dog and has lots of stitches, so can't do anything right now, and the plants in flats  are in desperate need of planting.

Then Saturday night is a barn party at some friends barn. So excited about this. We haven't really been a whole lot of places just to have fun and relax with friends in a long time. We need this. So looking forward to reconnecting with friends and making new ones.

And Sunday, since we didn't have an Easter gathering, the family will be going to mom's for a big dinner. Fun!

So what are y'all doing? It's April, rain showers bringing on the green grass and leaves and flowers here. But looks like a great weekend, with great weather, family and friends.

 Have a great weekend, y'all!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sheep on greens.

I let the sheep and alpacas over here Sunday. Could have  been a little longer, but they wanted to go. They are happy now.

Last weekend, they were out back. I checked on them before I went to bed that night. They were all laying out under the stars, just fine. The gate was open so they could get back in the yard if they wanted.

When I got up the next morning, the gate was all torn up. It's a chain link gate. All torn up. I checked the sheep, they seemed fine. I have no idea what happened. It was shut when I checked it out.

Then I started noticing little Campbelle, off by herself most of the time. I just thought she needed some quiet time. Then later, I noticed she was a little slow when she walked. So, a few days ago, she was laying down in the barn and I saw her back right leg. Right above the hoof looked swollen. And she's limping when she walks.

I think, whatever happened that night the gate was torn up, she was in the middle of it and got her foot broken. All the others are fine. She hangs out with the alpacas. They are slow and she feels comfortable with them. I guess maybe they got spooked, maybe by coyotes, and tried to get to the front yard, but the gate had gotten closed by wind and they wanted out bad. I can't even imagine how they did it.

I'm just going to have to let Campbelle's leg heal on it's own I think. I might go by the vet and get a few shots of Banamine for pain though.

Monday, April 6, 2015

I did it!

Isn't this cute? I made this! Well, with a whole lotta help from my friend Jennie. Couldn't have done it without her really. But she let me do most of it. This new sewing machine had her stumped a few times. But she likes it. And I finally figured out the back up stitch. That will help a lot.

Kansas loves it. And it fits perfect. But not for long. She's growing like a weed. She can wear leggings under it or shorts.

I am right proud of this! I haven't made any clothing since I was in 8th grade Home Ec. And I hated it! Took me a whole year just to sew a pair of pants. Why can't we have school when we're older? I want to learn everything now.

But this was fun. I can't wait til I lose more weight, so I can make some clothes for me. What fun! Another goal for me to work toward.

Can you tell Kansas loves to pose? Such a ham, she is.