Saturday, December 6, 2014


I have been making lots of needle felted woolies this past week, getting ready for the first of 2 holiday markets in a row. The first was today. It was so fun! I did really good there. Sold a lot of soap and dryer balls. And sheep. Other things too, but mostly those things. So I will be making more this next week.

I made these cute little pin cushions. I love them. But didn't sell any today. I'll be going to the Main St. market Wed. so maybe I can sell a few there. I think this will be my last Wed. market. It's getting to be too cold for outside markets. Especially for just 1 hour.

Some more little owlies. They are so sweet. I need to look for some little feathers and put on the little heads.

I did sell lots of sheep. One lady bought 3, then wanted a little lamb. So had to get that made while there and her grand daughter took it home to her. I had one of the other vendors ask if I could maybe make a bass or catfish for her husband. I told her I could certainly try. She said she's call to see how much I'd charge. She'd like a life-sized fish, so not really sure what to charge. Also another lady wanted to me to make an Airstream camper for her husband who is restoring one. Still working on that.

I love going to markets and meeting new people. I met a new neighbor out my way here. She was next to me today. And saw so many old friends there. It's always fun.

Now to get ready for next week! Hope y'all have a great Sunday.

(Almost forgot to say that anything I make is for sale! So let me know if anything catches your eye. These would make great gifts! And shipping probably wouldn't be too much.)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December already!

    I am so busy I don't know where to start. Or go. I have a Holiday Market at 2 different churches the next 2 Saturdays that I am trying to get ready for. I've been ordering fleeces and getting some of them delivered. I've been washing a white Romney fleece I got Monday, so I can make dryer balls, snow people and owls with it for markets.

Also trying to take care of Mrs. T and her household problems. And trying to spend time with my Mom and sister, while she's here at Mom's. I am SO thankful my sister Heidi has been able to be here so much during this time. My mom fell a few weeks ago and broke her right knee. She won't be able to drive til after Christmas now. She's walking, so can do some things for her self now. And my brother was her last week from Colorado. He left Monday morning. So it's been fun. And lots of food. And traveling here and there.

So I am trying to get some things made for the holiday markets in between all this. Haven't had much luck though. I have 2 more full days to work at it. Just seems like so much to be done still.

And my hive outback was empty last Friday when I was showing my brother the hives. Slap empty. Well, we did see a few bees buzzing around it. I was just stunned to find it empty. It was full just the day before. I've been feeding both hives sugar water so I know there were bees in both hives.

So now, the garden hive bees have been out back in that hive, cleaning it out. I suppose some of that hive's bees joined the garden hive. The queen must have died. I did see what looked like a few queen cells on the bottom of a few frames up there. But the bees are doing a good job of getting all the pollen and honey moved to the good hive. When they are done, I'll put that hive away for next year's new bees. Or a split from the garden hive.

So this is why I have not been here lately. Just so much to do! What is going on in your lives out there in blog land?

Saturday, November 29, 2014

1st crocheted hats...

 My sister has been here since Monday, staying with mom. We went to my niece's in Tn. Wed. to learn to crochet hats. My sister just learned to crochet and loves it. And I have crocheted for years, but have never made hats. I had learned to knit a hat a few years ago, but it takes too long. And I HATE round knitting needles. So Jill said to come on up and she'd teach us a simple hat. And it really is simple and that's what we like! So this is my first hat. Made for my youngest grand daughter, Kansas, who was more than happy to be my model. She's just a natural, don't you think?

And this is my 2nd hat, made for my oldest grand daughter Chloe, who was too shy to model it. So Kansas said she would. It's more slouchy, which I like.

This is the 3rd hat, made today in a few hours, at my mom's. For my oldest daughter, Heather. I first made one too many rows at the beginning, where I have to add a few more stitches. So when she tried it on, it was quite big. Like she could do her hair in dreads and it would have fit fine. So I took it all out to the 5th row and then went from there to this.

I learned a new  stitch to make a ribbed look. I love this stitch. Something like front and back stitch. And this pattern is SO easy and fast to make for even a beginner. Heidi, my sister, who has just started crocheting, has already made 2 hats. So this is what we have been doing together. I love it!

So everyone is getting crocheted hats and scarves for Christmas this year! Done!

Thanksgiving was different this year. My youngest daughter and her husband always had to leave to get to his parents house by 4 on Thanksgiving day. So we decided to do it on Friday this year. So Thursday, we just had a ham dinner at Mom's. Friday, everyone came to my house and we had turkey and all the rest of the usual stuff. So much nicer.

AND, this is the first year I DID NOT LEAVE MY HOUSE!!! The WHOLE day! It was fantastic! We have always gone shopping on Friday. But the past few years, I have not wanted to go. But my mom always made me go with her. So I did. Naw, I really did enjoy spending time with mom. Just the past few years, I haven't even wanted to think about Christmas. And getting out in all that mess? UGH! Not my favorite thing to do anymore. Plus, Mom had broken her knew a few weeks ago, so can't be on her feet too long. So it was different this year. I am not complaining  at all.

I hope you all had a wonderful week with family and friends. And that you didn't eat too much.