Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday on the farm

Last night it got down to around 39 degrees. It was cold! But we didn't turn the heat on. Or start a fire yet. My husband had that procedure done Friday on his leg veins and the doctor said no heavy lifting for awhile. So no getting in firewood for him yet. I guess if I have to I will. But sure is nice to have someone else do it for me. And it gives him something to do, right? He's doing great so far. His legs are warm, which is a miracle in itself. We are hoping now that he is getting a good blood flow to his foot now, that that nasty ulcer will heal faster. So for now, he is taking it easy. Been watching this boring show all day called Jessie Stone. I am so glad I've been busy all day. But when I come in, all I hear is that boring music and droning voice.

So I have been in my studio, making soap and a few fairies. And taking lots of pictures too. Here are some of the animals of Outback Farm...

Louise, the cow. I think she looks a lot bigger than when she came here a few months ago. And the sheep and alpacas hang out with her now.

These darn chickens. I got 2 eggs today. I found 9 eggs over in my flower garden a few days ago. I'll get 6 or 7 eggs in the nester in the coop most days. But then I have to go on egg hunts to find more. I am sort of getting tired of this. They are laying them some place that I can't find now and I am not liking it. I have only gotten 2 dozen eggs since Thursday. Not good when I need to sell them at the market. Eggs go for $6 a dozen right now. So I think these guys will be in chicken jail for awhile again.

This is Sybil. I've had this cat for about 9 years now. I got her and her brother from a friend. My daughter took the boy a little later. Had them both fixed. I have all my cats and dogs fixed. She's a good cat. She is deaf. I sneak up on her sometimes and it scares her. I don't mean to. I have 5 other cats. All as old or older than she is. And the fig trees have doubled in size since last year. They have little figs on them, but I don't think I'll be getting any.

Here's my alpaca boys. I've had these guys a year now and have probably touched them maybe 5 times? The red one. The white one maybe 2 times. He just does not like me. He tolerates me, but does not like me. I always get the ears back and that silly look when I talk to him. The red one is a little more friendly. But if they see me with the water hose, they come closer to get hosed down. They love getting wet on a hot day.
I like these guys, but they sure are strange animals. Maybe one day, they'll like me. From what I hear, they live a very long time. So maybe, just maybe, we might learn to like each other by then.

I hope you all have had a nice weekend. It's been a beautiful fall weekend here. The trees have just a hint of color now. My mom's eye has more fall color than the trees do right now! It's all kinds of yellow. Her hand is not different colors anymore, except her thumb.  And her knee is a bit better. Except that she mowed her yard Thursday. She said she probably shouldn't have. Ya think. mom? But she's stubborn.

I did make more soap today. I'll post pics this week. Some different soaps for sure.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday ramblings...

 This is my little harvest yesterday for market. Lots of nice young tender kale, radishes and okra. Those apple are from my new trees. They are so good and crunchy and juicy. I think they are Golden Delicious. I love them. And so sweet.

I just don't sell a lot of produce at the Wed. market. I don't know why. I did sell some kale and okra, but that was it. There's a church that comes at the end and gets any left over stuff people will give them. So I gave them some. But took a lot to my mom and some for her friend. It could be that people are just used to me selling soap and wool stuff. I just don't know. I'll try a few more weeks and see.

I called my friend Susie last night to see if she wanted to come out today to learn to make soap. So she came this morning. I also had my bee friend coming to check on my bees. But he couldn't come this morning like he was going to, so came later this afternoon. Which worked out perfect. Bees are doing good, but no honey is being built up in the upper box for winter. So I have to start pumping the sugar water to them Darn it. I didn't want to have to do that. But the hive out back was already eating what honey they did have stored. Poor bees. So I did start the sugar water.

Anyway, Susie came and we went to the studio to make some soap. She picked out a nice Cedar-Saffron EO and we got to soaping. I'm not the best teacher, and she had been doing some reading and watching videos, so knew a little. But had never had any hands-on learning. So I showed her how to pour the lye and let her do some. Then did the oils. I let her stir and do the stick blender. It was fun. Got the soap in the mold. Now have to wait the horribly long 2 days to unmold it.

 This is her soap. I had to peek and take a picture a little later. We added some paprika for color. I was hoping it would be a little red. I guess I need to add a whole lot more next time. I put about 2 T. in. But who knows what the soap will look like in 2 days. It sure does smell good.

I went back over after my bee friend left. I wanted to try the wine soap next. I had already simmered the wine earlier. Had it cooling in the freezer. Got all my oils melted already. Then got the wine and added the lye to it. It started bubbling up so fast. This happened with the room temp kombucha and I lost all of that. So I started to stir and stir. It came right to the top of the container but I kept stirring. I also started filling the sink with cold water and ice too. It finally calmed down and stopped. I never lost any of it. Isn't that a pretty color? Almost like butterscotch. It's a citrus wine so I added orange and lemon EO's.

This is the wine soap in the mold. Looks orange-brownish now. Again, it will look totally different in 2 days, and even a week later. I love making soap.

I have 3  more soaps I want to make next. One with some grape juice I had canned last year. Another with muscadines I canned last year too. And another with apple spiced Chai tea and spiced apples I had canned too. Yum! But for some reason, I just don't want to make any more today.

My husband had a foot appt. today. He had gone to a doctor that specializes in circulation, whatever that's called, last week and again a few days ago. They were wanting to do a test where they'll go down in his artery in his right leg to check for a blockage. If they can, they will bust it up. If not, they'll do a stint. So he called awhile ago and said they're wanting to do it in the morning at 10. Good thing I have someone to stay with Mrs. T. tomorrow already.

And this weekend is a quilting class I want to go to. It starts at 5 Friday til 9. Then all day Saturday. I already know how to quilt. I just want to get familiar with my new sewing machine. And make a quilted banner for my market booth. I looked through my fabric stash and found some that'll work just fine. I am excited now to finally have a farm banner.

Here's my 2 dirty alpaca boys. They sure love to be hosed down. And it's been really hot here. And awfully dry. In the high 80's yesterday and today. AC is back on here. But that all changes after tonight!!! Cooler days and nights! And lots of rain coming too.

So if you don't hear any more from me here til next week, it's because I'll be busy. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It's looking like fall!

This is my market booth last Saturday. I had a little help, Autumn, from the next booth. Her and her little sister and mom came out to the farm several months ago. She calls me Farmer Kris. I love it! She likes to hang out with me in my booth. So I let her set out my little needle felted critters. She loved it.

Here is my Basil and Peaches-n-Cream soaps I made last week. They really turned out pretty. The basil smells amazing. And I love the peach soap.

Yesterday, I went over to the studio and made a bunch of dryer balls. I made a lot of plain white one and 12 of these cuter ones. I really have fun making these. I never know how they'll turn out. Wool kind of has a mind of it's own.

Here they are, all wrapped into the hose and ready to be dunked in the hot water in the washer. Then they get tossed into the dryer for awhile til they are felted really good. Then into a cute basket and taken to market to sell. Don't know if I already mentioned this, but last week a sweet lady came by my booth and just fell in love with all my woolie things. She ended up buying most all of my decorated wool balls and several felted pumpkins and the cute ewe and lamb that I had made the week before. And she was not going to use the dryer balls in the dryer. She said they were just too pretty to be hidden in the dark dryer. That made me feel so good.

This is the Peaches-n-Cream soap a few days later. I took it outside and am very pleased with how these turned out. I love the sunbeams in this one.

And this one has the old milk room in the back ground. And all the leaves.

And this is the raw milk yogurt with clay soap I made the same day as the other day. It was just a little 2 pound recipe, so not many bars.

And here's my poor momma. She fell Saturday, right on her left side. She's a mess. Broke her left thumb pretty good. Her knee is a whole lot better. Her eye is really a cool color now. She really is so fortunate to only have broken her thumb. She will be looking better in a few weeks. She would have been pretty scary for Halloween, don't ya think? She's so sweet.

And we're hoping my sister will be able to just get the front of her house redone. Still talking to insurance people. Just takes a long time to get anything started. But she will be fine. And have a new house soon.

I'm going to have produce to take to market tomorrow! I have really nice looking baby kale and radishes. Plus dandelion greens and maybe some apples. Seems like there's something else I'm not remembering. I had to borrow another table from mom so I'll have a place to put all that. Plus some eggs too. I need to make more money to pay for my spinning class in November.