Monday, June 30, 2014

A Monday overload...

It has rained every day now for over a month.It probably hasn't quite that much, but it sure feels like it. I think the fact it rains several times in one day makes it feel that way. The ground is saturated. I am worn out walking in the garden. No need to wear boots because the mud would just make it harder to walk. I just go barefoot.  But I am still tired. My garden is a mess right now. I get a few squash and zucchini at a time. I've been getting hot and sweet banana peppers. A few tomatoes. Some beans. But the weeds! They are taking over. I would love to just mow it all down, but I can't get a mower in there.

But it sure makes some pretty pictures. I love the foggy mist on the mountains and in the valley. So mystical.

This is my view of Pigeon Mt. across the road, with a horse thrown in.

The corn fields across the road to the South. I'm afraid my bees are over there, bringing back pollen from the corn. I hope it doesn't kill them. I see them coming in with their legs loaded with pollen. I do see them on the sunflowers too.And the Sourwood is blooming here.

I love my sheep and alpacas. This pasture is finally growing. And pretty fast. I'll have to mow. 14 sheep cannot keep it down. I've already mowed the other pasture.

Some of my zinnias. My favorite flower.

And of course, lots of sunflowers too. Some are volunteer. Some are seeds from the feed I buy for my goats and chickens. I planted 2 rows and they are all blooming now. So beautiful.

Bees on the front porch. I think I need to add another box. But it's been so cloudy and rainy. I've heard and read to not mess with bees on cloudy nasty days. Well, that's all we've had lately.

One of our Maple trees is dying. Lots of this on the trunk and limbs.

These were taken a little later and with my shorter lens.

I got an email from the lady who's getting Zee and Penelope. She was coming Tuesday afternoon, but now will have to wait a few more days. That's fine. Penelope is giving so much milk, I'm giving the cats and dogs a lot of it. My fridge is FULL. And I just don't have the heart to make cheese. I should freeze some for soap. Just thought of that.

I've been taking things over to the studio. Almost moved in. It's looking so good and I love staying over there. It's so quiet. Until the creature under the house growls. I don't really know what it is. But when the dogs come over, they sniff around the opening and make the creature mad. It needs to leave.

And I am washing a fleece of white wool right now. I need to make more dryer balls for market. I have sold all the ones I've made and need more. And I need more soap. But need oils. And Eo's. So lots to do around here.

I hope you all are having a good week so far.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tom and Pete just left.

Tom and Pete just left this afternoon. In the rain. In the back of the truck in a dog crate. They were going away from the rain though. I hope they dry them off when they get them home.

So only Penelope and Zeeboo are left. I was hoping they would get the boys this weekend, so I can see if Zee will have milk. They are supposed to be going to Alabama later Tuesday.

Then I shall be goatless.

I was talking to a lady at the farmer's market earlier today. She was saying how goats keep snakes away. They actually will kill them. So I really need to keep it cut down back there. I do not want snakes to be coming around. I'll wait a week or so, then put the sheep back there.

And it's already rained 3 times today.


I was painting some wooden frames yesterday, for my studio,  and found this little fella. I kept trying to get it to jump off, but he kept going around the frame. He finally did jump off, right onto my shirt. But he's just fine. Wasn't expecting that. He kept getting greener.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cats and goat milk

Just a few more days of this scene here. Soshe, the gray cat,  used to be the only cat that would come in for milk. And the dogs always stand at the ends of the stanchions and I'd squirt milk for them. But the past several days, most all of the cats come in. I have 6 cats. So I got this pie plate so they could all get in. These cats are all so old. They don't do a whole lot anymore. They are still ornery though. Gilbert, who's not in this picture, swatted Sybil, who was trying to come in for milk. She's not in this picture either, because she left after that. And I couldn't find Andy.

Zeeboo is still puffy some. I'm giving her Red Cell still, but no more worm meds. She's going with Penelope next Tuesday. I hope she's better by then. I'm milking Penelope twice a day and her milk is finally getting better. We can actually drink it now! I'll have to find milk somewhere after next week. This will be strange for awhile. But I think I will be fine.