Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pinto beans on the wood stove.

Last night, I put on a pot of pinto beans. On the wood stove. They were boiling within minutes. Had to put the top down and just set them on top of the stove for the night. Then this morning, opened the lid back up and set the pot on the hot top. They are almost done. The house sure smells good.

But it's supposed to get warm the next several days. So we'll let the wood burn down. It's going to be in the 70's by Sunday, but stormy with lots of rain heading our way. It's been nice the last few days too.

Yesterday afternoon at the market, I got a sunny spot. Didn't even put my canopy up. It's just an hour now, from 4-5. I had on short sleeves with a vest. When that sun went behind the building across the street, it got cold! And then I couldn't get warmed back up. This morning it was only about 28. But in the 60's by this afternoon. I'll take it!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Just that kinda day.

 It's beautiful outside today! Bright blue sky, Sun shining. Just the perfect breeze blowing. So I washed a load of towels and sheets and some rugs. Hung them out back. The poor alpacas still aren't too sure about these things flapping in the wind. But I sure do love it.

I'm taking a needle felting break. It really is tedious work. So I get up and do other things in between making a sheep or something.

I sure hope it's a beautiful day all over the country, so everyone can enjoy this too. Maybe I might get more than 5 eggs today too.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas markets and more needle felting.

It was a very busy full weekend for me. I went to the Bizarre Christmas Bazaar  Saturday from 10-6. Long day there. But it was so fun. We had live music, good food and really nice people. I had fun.

Then Sunday, from 1-7 was the Christmas in the Cove market. In an old barn. The county bought this farm and now there is a restaurant and the barn is used for weddings and events. It's a beautiful barn. I had a good time again there.  

And I actually sold some of my felted sheep! People like the white ones. And a little girl bought Annabelle and Buttercup. She loved them. There were a few other kids that wanted white sheep too. SO I am making more for the Wed. Main St. market.

 Here are the ones I've made so far. To the far right is the pig. And a snowman. Then a white sheep and the darker sheep. And I made a rainbow unicorn. I love this one. I'll have to make more. But it took about 2 hours to make. And I'll have to get more of the colored roving from All Books. I do believe I am hooked on needle felting

                    And here are the Suffolk ewe and lamb. I'll make more of these for Wednesday.

                                               The rainbow unicorn. What do you think?

                                               The old barn at Mt. Cove Farm. It's so pretty.

 The inside was decorated so pretty and Christmasy. But it was freezing! And there was some snow on the mountain. Cold all day. But we had a fantastic turnout, both days here. I will definitely go again next year.

                                          I hope you all had a great weekend. And a good week.