Thursday, February 28, 2013

All around the country and back again

This yeast has been all over the country. Traveling with my husband in his big truck. It was quite the mystery too.

I was going to make bread several weeks ago. I always keep the yeast in a container like this in the freezer. It's also the same type containers I put food in for my husband to take with him on the road when he leaves. And I usually pack everything for him , well, because he's a man. But that particular time, he was leaving like very early morning and I just told him where things were.

Anyway, when I went to make bread, I could not find that yeast. Anywhere. I cleaned out the freezer looking for it. It was no where to be seen.

Meanwhile, my husband had called wanting to know what was in that square container with the blue lid. I had no idea. And couldn't figure it out.

It all came together when I had to go pick him up from his truck when he came home. He was handing me stuff from his truck and gave me this container. He said that's what he's been carrying all over the country, not knowing what it was, all this time. And it was my yeast!

I was So happy to have it back. And to know what happened to it. Now I am making bread! And the house smells so good again.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Outside today

(This is Gracie on the left with her 2, Beatrix on left and Tater Tot in the middle. Then Leelah with her little Blossom.)

I let all the new mommas out with their lambs this morning for some fresh air and a little green grass. It was a bit chaotic for awhile, with lambs running around chasing other ewes, asking them if they are their mommas. Then getting butted away. Then finally it all settled down, with the right lambs staying with the right mommas. All is well again.

So just went back out, to take lamb pics. In my long johns. Still haven't gotten dressed. I did have my Carhart jacket on, thank goodness. Because when you go outside wearing pj's to take lamb pictures, people will come to see. And they did. First was the meter reader. Then as he's trying to back down the driveway, in backs the FedEx truck, to bring me my elderberries. So yeah, if ya want company, wear your pj's outside. And of course no make up. And hay in your hair is an added bonus. At least I did have my bra on.

It's not bad out right now. But the weather people say we can have flurries and cooler temps the next 3 days.

Here's Darla with her 2, #8 and #7. Haven't come up with names for them yet. B names this year. Except for Tater Tot. Just because.

Both Darla and Gracie are doing much better.   And the lambs are just too stinkin' precious!


So this morning I have no goat's milk for my coffee. What to do? I have to have milk in my coffee. My daughter does not like goat milk so gets store bought milk. I know. A gallon of store bought milk (well, that's actually questionable to say milk) in my fridge. So I tried some. And man, is there a big difference. It does not taste good to me at all. It tastes like sugar water, that's about it.

So today, while I am out, I will go to my friends and get some of her cow milk and some home made yogurt. Because I will not be able to use my goat's milk for about another week while I am treating them for all their ailments. Actually, Penelope is fine, but I will treat her along with the rest of them. I just want them all to be healthy. And I know they will be.