Monday, February 4, 2013


Do you ever just want to throw your hands up in the air and run as far away as you possibly can? Sometimes I do. I just want to give up. Sell all my animals and everything else. Go start a new life on an island out in the middle of nowhere.

One time not too long ago, I almost did this. I was very frustrated with my whole life. I called a friend and asked her if she wanted my animals or knew someone who would buy them all. She got on the phone and called people and she had every one of my animals sold in a just a few hours. Well, by then, I was so over it. I just cried and cried. There's NO way I could sell any of my sheep or goats. Everything else, yeah. Like chickens or cats. Well, I'd give cats away. I'd have to take Bubba and Stella anywhere I went. And the sheep and goats too.

So I learned my lesson that time. And even my friend told me to wait a good 12 hours when this happens again. Because a lot can happen in 12 hours.

But right now, I am just about sick of sick goats. I have 3 does who have just had kids. All 3 are having problems. Trudy, the newest doe, who I bought already bred, has got the hardest udder ever. She has good milk apparently because I have only had to bottle feed the kids once or twice. And I have been giving her shots and drenches and this and that. Her udder was feeling a little softer yesterday. Then this morning, hard as a rock again. And I got her for a milk goat. HA!

Then yesterday, both Abby and Penelope had their kids at the same time in the same stall. First time for that. SO Abby, who will be 11 in a few days, has been eating like a pig and bloating. I have been drenching her, giving her shots, doing all I can for her. Then she kidded and now she's looking depressed. My friend I call for help said it sounds like ketosis. Good grief! Her kids are doing great and she has tons of milk. She's a great mother. So back to giving her stuff all day.

Then Penelope. Again, good grief! She won't eat now. I brought her to the milk room and milked her out because her teats were rather big and it was hard for her kids to get their mouths around them. I got a quart. SO easy to milk too for a first freshener. But she too looks depressed. I guess maybe a little stunned? I did put her in another stall.

So, when it rains, it pours. Always something around here. Just need to vent I guess. Seems like it's all happening at once right now. My car's transmission is acting up. The wood heater gets all clogged with creosote. Can't use it now. We're broke as usual. And it's so COLD. And MUDDY. and just plain ole nasty outside. And I can't seem to fix my electric fence. Spent half the day yesterday out there doing repairs on the whole fence and looked out there and all the goats were back out in the field. Darn goats.

I'll be fine. I know I am not the only one who's felt like this. Just one of those days.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Maybe a broken leg?

This little one might have a broken leg. It's the back left leg. You can't see it too good here, but it's bent all the way backwards. Not at all like this leg looks, with the pointed part going up. Would that be the ankle? I'm not good at goat parts. I will keep an eye on her and if she's still standing with the leg bent back, I may have to take her to a vet. I'm going tomorrow to get a few things from the co-op, like some Bose and some Vit. E, just in case it might just be a little Selenium deficiency.

Anyone have any ideas what it could be? When I went out this morning and found them, all the kids were all together and Abby was all over. She could have stepped on her leg. It was a little crazy out there.

My bad

I was out in the barn lovin' on the new babies and happened to get a good rear end look at this little one. The one I thought was a buck. I thought it looked a little like some girl parts. Then felt underneath again. And it's NOT a buck but a doe! So Penelope had 2 does! Isn't she the cutest little thing ever?