Friday, December 28, 2012

I wonder

what Stella is thinking? Sometimes she just sits right there and looks all around. Deep in thought. She'll turn her head and look in the other direction, then back that way. Just sits there and looks. She's such a good dog.

 Until I see her big pile of stuff just over to the left. Big pile of stuff, too. All hers. Bones and chewed up bowls. Sticks and branches from the wood pile. More bones. She's a mess, that Stella Bella Luna.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy new year!

I was inspired by Jon Katz from Bedlam Farm up in NY to give all my animals treats this Christmas. I don't usually give a lot of treats to them. Just when I have stale crackers or cookies or bread I'll give them to the goats. Or apples to the sheep. But a few months ago I had won a big box of cat and dog treats. There was a squeeky toy and a small frisbee that I gave to my grand dog Daisy. Stella is afraid of the sqeeky toys. There was also a few bags of dog treats that the dogs loved. And a can of cat food that I mixed in the dry cat food. They all loved that.

The goats got lots of animal cookies and vanilla wafers and crackers. It's really hard to feed the goats. Some will eat and some won't. Those who like the cookies are selfish and push the others out of the way. I have figured out how to do it though. I say their names and they get a cookie. Then the next one. And on and on. The sheep got apples, which they love. The rams got extra grain with apples in it. And even the chickens got some goodies. And of course extra hay because it just about rained all day here.

So it was a good day. Everyone came here for breakfast and to open gifts from us. Then we went to my parents to have dinner and open more gifts. Then back home. I was so tired by then I could hardly keep my eyes open on the way home. It was fun though.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas day where ever you are. And wishing you all a very happy fun filled new year.
I love St. Francis. And he should have a place here on this post about animals.

I will see you all next year!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas to me!

Meet the new girls. I just got them today.

This is Z. That's what they call her. So I am trying to think of a Z name. I like ZeeBoo, Zeborah, Zariyah, and Zia. Can't make up my mind. But will probably just call her ZeeBoo for now. She is a 3 year old Lamancha doe. She looks a lot like my Abby but a bit smaller and she has tan lines on her face, where Abby's are white. And she has the white on her belly. She is not bred, but in heat. So the guy put their buck with her but he was so small I don't know if it worked. Or rather, if they made contact. I like this doe. As soon as I get John Henry back, he will go in with her.

And this is Truck. Her name will be Trudy from now on. She is 2 years old and is bred to kid in February. The guy said she was bred to the Boer buck. So I hope she has a buckling. This will be her first kid. The black one has had a kid before but it looks to have been awhile as she is very dried up right now.

This is a back view of ZeeBoo's udder, which I like already. I like the long teats. They said she was an easy milker.
I have them both up front in the garden right now til I can get the electric fence fixed out back. The goats are still getting through it. So when it is fixed, the new does will go in the back yard and the other does will go out back. That way they can see each other and hopefully get used to each other so I can put them all together.

Now I will be anxious for February to see how Trudy does on the milk stand. I'll have to wait til May or June for ZeeBoo, but that's ok. I am so happy I got these two. The people I got them from had got some turkey eggs from me a few years back. When I emailed her, she said she didn't answer any more emails because she wanted me to have first pick. So thank you, Sherri and Bill! Bill even followed me home with Trudy in his SUV. That was nice.

I now have 8 does and 1 borrowed doe. Looks like she may be staying. So 9 does.I will need a few pigs later to help with all the milk.