Monday, October 15, 2012


Same tree. On the left was taken this morning, in fog. On the right was taken just a little while ago, while picking apples. So pretty.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Lookout Mountain

On the way to town this morning, I had to stop and take these pictures. It was so pretty. Lookout Mt. shrouded in fog.

                                   This is my favorite view. You can just see hints of Autumn color.

It's raining

It's wet and rainy this morning. The goats hate it. This is Sandy and the very little young Boer buck, out back in their shed. They are not going out in this. No. So I can just throw a flake of hay through the window. I like easy. Isn't that funny that Sandy's eyes are pink and his are blue? Wonder why?

I hope you all are nice and dry and warm this morning. And have a great fall weekend!