Monday, May 28, 2012

Great Day To Make Soap

It is really hot outside.  The dogs are already back inside under the ceiling fan. Smart animals, they are. I did go out this morning after feeding critters and finished up the mowing in the orchard. It kind of looks like it might just rain some. Fine with me.

So I am making soap. And bread. More on that in a minute.

First batch is from the  base I made a few weeks ago. I remelted 3 lbs. with 36oz. of goat milk. Then when it was all melted really good, I added lots of Patchouli EO and Sweet Orange EO. And some grated orange rind. Put some orange rind on top in the mold. It smells SO GOOD! This is my very favorite soap ever.

Next I made a veggie base. Then added at trace about 2 1/2 T of finely ground coconut and about 2 1/2 oz. of rosewood EO. I put coconut on top in the mold.

I am now waiting on the lye to get near 100 degrees to melt the oil for some peppermint soap. I'll add about 2 oz. of peppermint EO and some crushed dried peppermint leaves from my herb garden. Then put some on top as well. So 3 batches of soap today. Not bad.

I was just thinking how comfortable I am now making soap. Maybe a little too comfortable. I usually wear gloves and do the lye on the back porch. Today I did it in the kitchen. With no gloves. I know I should be way more careful with the lye solution. But it's just way too hot outside for it to cool. So I am doing it the slow way and just letting it cool on it's own in the kitchen.  I have plenty of time. While it's cooling I get the oils in the pot and set on the stove and get my molds ready and all the oils lined up. And the blankets on the dining room table.

So now the bread. I have been making the best bread ever. I just love crunchy chewy sour dough type breads. And they are about $4-$6 at Wholefoods. So I found a recipe in a Mother Earth News magazine. I make it at least once a week now. But yesterday I added chopped crushed fresh rosemary leaves and crushed garlic cloves chopped up. It just came out of the oven and smells so good. The only bad part about this bread is I have to wait an hour to eat it after it comes out of the oven.

I have made the cranberry walnut bread too. So yummy! If anyone wants the recipe, I can post it. I am taking pictures of all this so when I learn how to get them in here again, I'll show all this good stuff.

I am waiting on my order from Brambleberry to come hopefully tomorrow. Then I will make some more soaps. This is fun! And makes my house smell really good and clean.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Wanna Live In A Condo

In downtown Chattanooga. A highrise. No grass anywhere. Not even any plants on the balcony. Only a few chairs and a table with an umbrella. And a small fridge with ice cold drinks. That is what I am thinking right now.

I am tired. It seems like I am mowing grass somewhere on this property every day. There is always something to do somewhere. In the garden. In the house. In the goat yard. In the barn. In the sheep pasture. In the gardens. In the chicken yard. Last night I added on to the chicken run area because I got 10 more laying hens. They're just 3 months old. But I already had 29 hens and Mr. Rooney. So this makes 39 hens. Well, actually, I think 2 of the Barred Rock young chicks I got a few months ago could quite possible be roosters. They are quite alot bigger than the other one I got at the same time. They have really long white legs. I was looking at my older BR hen, Judy Moody, and she has short yellow legs. Hmmm...

So I was out there in the field behind the chicken house getting the netting on the other side of the fence. They had just mowed and baled hay so I was feeling like it would be ok to go out there. But next to the fence was still really tall. I made my dog Bubba go with me. For protection. He's a good snake killing dog, for the record. So got that all done. The chickens all thanked me this morning as they were eating the grass in the new run. They have alot more room now.

It just seems like something has to be done, or has to be fixed. Or mowed again. And it's been 93 the past few days. I finally broke down and turned the AC on yesterday morning. I might as well enjoy it.

But as I was taking my sheets and towels off the line just now, I was thinking how at least I can do all this myself. I can walk. I am still young and can do things. I am thankful I can mow. And that the grass is green. Just a few weeks ago the grass was crunchy from no rain. Now it's growing like crazy again. And flowers are blooming. And birds are drinking in the bird bath that has water in it. And we do have water. I can take a nice cool shower after sweating profusely. And jump in my bed with freshly cleaned sheets dried in the sun all day under a beautiful blue sky. Yes, I am thankful. Mighty thankful.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sweet Rain!

It started sprinkling yesterday evening. And kept on all night. A nice gentle steady rain that was needed so badly. I had just finished planting the one row of Kentucky Wonder beans in the North garden to finsih that garden up. And tilled another row for Blue Lake beans in the South garden. And had started putting up the long branches I have been saving  for all the running beans. I thought I had alot. But only got half way down the Macasslen bean row and about 1/4 down the Kentucky Wonder row. And I have 2 more rows to go. I had cut a bunch of bamboo a few weeks ago at a friend's place so need to go get them. But I got the beans that were already trying to run right now. I had to replant most of them a few weeks ago.

And my friend came to get the only buck we had this year. He is a Nubian and full of spots. So cute. I hated to let him go but no way I could keep him. I just have his mother and sister. I'll be getting a new buck and another doe that are Nubian in about a month. I think I need to retire Abby. She is 10 and it is taking so long for her milk to get where we can drink it. Same thing last year. I would love to find a place where she could go live the rest of her life, like a goat retirement center. I'm checking this out.