Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I also have 9 Bourbon Red turkey poults. They are about 2 months now. I have put them outside in a stall. Some of them have been getting out. They stay right around though. I guess they are very "herdy" animals. So tonight a little before sunset I went ahead and opened the door. One at a time they hopped out. They all stayed right near the door. Soem would hop back in then come right back out again. They were eating grass and bugs and just exploring their new world. Then all of a sudden they all went back in. I shut the door. I will start letting them out about an hour before sunset each day. Then gradually lenghten the time. I just love these little birds. I'm going to have a hard time deciding which to keep and which to butcher. I will probably end up keeping them all for breeding stock. We'll see!

It was a very hot day today. I took all 3 granddaughters to Chattanooga for a "free fun" day. We went to the sculpture garden in the Bluff View art district. then to a very nice art gallery. Then to Coolodge Park to play in the fountain. Then to the aquarium to play in the water there. All free so far! On the way to my mom's for lunch we stopped at Wendy's for Frosties. $3.00. Then to my mom's for lunch and to play in the stream behind their house. Not a bad day and only spent $3.00.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mazie's still there and not here.

Our 2nd attempt to bring Mazie home has failed also. I feel like a bad cow momma. We had help. Our 2 daughters and one boyfriend were here for dinner. They volunteered to help. But they couldn't get her in either. So I think we need to bring in the big guns. A bigger trailor and some herding dogs and a few rodeo cow lasooers maybe? Or I could maybe just get a 5 gallon bucket of apples and lead her home. It's just about a mile from here. I'm so upset.

Anyway, dinner was really good. I made a chicken and rice casserole, corn on the cob, fried green tomatoes, cole slaw, sliced tomatoes. And made a banana cake for desert. It really was good.

Some of the turkeys have been getting out. I can't figure out how. Last night there were 6 out. Today there are 4. A tom and 3 hens. I will get them back in tonight. Just to be on the safe side. I'd hate for something to get them. They are so stinkin' cute. It will be very hard to put some of them in the freezer. I have a few picked out to keep for breeding so far. One of the toms (the one who escaped) is very friendly. I will keep him. I want to keep 1 tom and at least 3 hens for breeding.

I am hoping to be able to get the camper ready to take it to Chester Frost Park sometime this week. The grands have not been anywhere or done anything fun this whole summer. And school starts back in a few weeks. We did get the kitchen faucet fixed. So that's a little less money we have to spend on it. Hubby will spend the night with the kids while I go home at night. I have 4 goats to milk in the mornings. Then I will go back.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

We didn't bring Mazie home last night. We are not cattle rustlers for sure. I had some apples for her and thought she'd just climb on in the trailor like she did before. But NO. She would not get all the way in. (This is a double horse trailor. It's lots smaller than the one she went down there in.) And my hubby is afraid of cows apparently. He would not push her in. So we need some cattle people to come help us. I am very upset. And so is Roxie.

I went to the farmer's market this morning to look for corn. The only people who had any had already shucked it. Now why would they do that? That's the fun of getting corn. The shucking. And the goats LOVE corn shucks. And the chickens LOVE the worms. So we all miss out on the good stuff. I got some anyway. A gallon size bag was $5.00. Good grief! And to think Roxie and the goats got in the big garden and ate all that I had planted. SO really, they did get some corn. And shucks. And worms too. So there.

I need to go pick tomatoes out in the jungle. But I am waiting til later when the sun goes down behind the trees. It's too hot. Then I read someone's post over on MJF about being in her garden and a snake ran across her feet. So now I don't know. I always take Bubba out there with me. I might get hubby to do it. He wears boots. He does not like snakes either. But he's a man and he's supposed to be the strong brave one. So there.