Tuesday, March 3, 2015


 I love trees. And something about bare trees, all naked and waiting to give birth to new leaves, is so awesome to me. And the first signs of little tiny baby green leaves makes me so happy! Like they're telling me that winter is finally over and new life will be popping up all over soon. Such a happy time.

And they seem to have so much character, these bare naked trees. All their curves and bends. Some are rough and some are smooth. Some are so old, they are just barely standing straight. Like the first strong wing that blows will just knock them to the ground.

Some grow up together, all entwined with their neighbor, but with no arguments, only love for each other. Some have stories to tell, if they could but talk. Oh, the sights some of these old trees have seen in their amazing lifetime. I would love to hear those stories.

Trees are amazing and I hope they will be around forever. And soon, these same trees will burst forth with beautiful leaves for all to see and enjoy!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Bees all out all over the place today!!! Loaded with red and yellow pollen. oh, what a happy day!

Bees are doing well.

Yesterday, the bees were out.  Some were full of red pollen from the maple trees. They've had big fat buds on them for over a month now. I love seeing the bees coming back to the hive with legs all full of red pollen.

Lots of dead bees in front of the hive too. But that's a good sign. That means the live bees are cleaning house and making room for all the new bees that will be hatching soon.

You can see all the buds on the maple trees. So pretty. It's the 2nd day of March. And we will have lots of rain this week and a chance of more snow Thursday. They are calling for 1 1/2". So probably no school. Again. School was out Tuesday through Friday last week.

I am SO glad to tell February goodbye! It's been a crazy month. There is nothing but mud out there now. And I hate mud. I was just worn out this morning. I got a wagon full of old hay to lay down for a path for the sheep to walk on. And me. It just wears me out trudging through all this mud. Worse than sand. So, more rain and snow this week. Maybe we'll have dry ground one day.