Monday, November 28, 2016

Comings and goings...

I hope everyone had a really nice Thanksgiving. We were short one person this year. Our middle grand daughter, Coryn, was in Chicago. She left late Monday night with 2 bus loads of high school band members to be in the MacDonald's Thanksgiving Parade! They had a full itinerary for each day with so many fun things to do and see there. We sure did miss her. But this was something we all felt was going to be so good for her to experience. And it was worth it. SO glad she and all the kids and parents are back home though.

My sister came for Thanksgiving. With her 2 horses! She has Falcon, an 8 year old Mastiff. And Finja, a 5 year old Great Dane. Seriously, these dogs are HUGE!  When they were in my small kitchen with me and Heidi, there was not much room to move.  But Stella really enjoyed having company. Saturday, my daughter and her husband Jason brought their 2 Boxers, Daisy and Rousey, out to visit too. So there were 5 dogs running around the yard and house!

One day, I will tell you all about what happened to Bubba. I just can't do it now.

So most of the wild fires in our area are pretty much contained now. Not all put out yet, but contained. We are supposed to be getting some good rain tonight and again on Wednesday. We hope this takes care of the fires that are still burning. And clean up the air. I was really sick from the smoke in the air for so many weeks. But better now.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Making friends

This is Shorty. He's almost all Finn. Has some nice wool. And this is Buttercup, his new friend.

Saturday, Darla was the only ewe that would even look at him. All the others ran and hid behind the alpacas.It was quite funny! Then yesterday, I let them all over here and they went to the back yard. He made friends with Annabelle all day. Then took up with her daughter, Buttercup. Still hanging with her this morning.

So, my flock of sheep will triple starting late April on. I am a little nervous about this whole thing. But people have been asking for lamb for awhile now. And a friend up the road wants her own flock. So I hope to be able to sell just about all of the lambs by fall next year.

Anyone need some lambs!