Wednesday, June 8, 2016


It's been the most glorious weather the past few days. Breezy but cool. No humidity! I have been loving it.

I went out yesterday and staked the tomato plants. I have to go get some twine as I cannot find all my hay string. And I need some soil so I can start a peppermint garden. I bought some on sale yesterday because I want ALL the mint!

I also ate 2 blueberries yesterday! They are so good. I love blueberries. And to walk right out the front door and pick them is amazing.  I want to get a lot more bushes and plant them down where the tomatoes are, in the fall.

And the elderberries are doing great so far. I really like having some out in the yard now. There are a few more in the grape vine row in the garden.

Have a great hump day!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


 I have a pig! My friends up the road have pigs and I've been giving them goat milk for their pigs. And they were getting some more so he said I could keep one there if I wanted. So yes! I do. The little spotted one is mine. He's also the smallest one. The 2 bigger ones will be going to the butcher soon, so these 3 littles will have more food then.

So yay, I have another pig and I don't have to mess with it too much!! And they will haul it off to the butcher! And the pigs will get goat milk a few times a week! Pretty cool I think.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Flowers for Friday...

Lots of Borage about ready to burst forth with beautiful blue flowers for the bees!

And zinnias everywhere! There are a few brand new blooms already. I can't wait to see this whole row of them in bloom!

And the wild daisies are still going strong, despite not having any rain the past few weeks here.

This is the buckwheat for the bees. It's also popped up here and there all over the garden.

And the squash is coming on really good! I fertilized a few weeks ago with some organic fertilizer. Plus all the watering. I hope to have lots of squash and zucchini! I've already seen lots of bees in the flowers!

I planted green beans way back on May 22nd. Then a few days later, planted sunflower seeds down the middle of the rows. Yesterday, I found 2 sunflowers popping up!!!! I love sunflowers!

So many pretty flowers coming out right now. To brighten up the world. And help the bees.