Wednesday, March 18, 2015

We have water!

 The plumbers showed up early yesterday morning. Lots of trucks and guys. And a very loud ditch digging tractor. They started at the water meter at the road. The worked their way back to the house. At least 650'. I was so worried about my bees. You can see how close they had to get to the hive.  So I got my bee suit and hats and gloves, in case anyone got nervous about the bees. I stood out there with the bees while he got closer and closer. And right when he got beside the hive, he took a break. Geeze.

But ti all worked out. The bees were all out and about, busy as could be. And not paying any attention to loud tractors and strange guys at all. So again, I worried  for nothing.

I did go ahead and add another hive box on top. I haven't really had time to do a thorough check on the whole hive, but have taken the top off. I can see where they are building comb and are all up in that 2nd box. So decided to give them more room to grow. They are going across the road to the Bradford pear trees, in full bloom, and bringing back white pollen. So cool! I love to just sit out there and watch them work.

This is my new garden faucet. I am more happy about this than the whole water line. I have wanted a faucet out there in the garden since we moved here. I have been hauling hundreds of feet of water hose all over from the studio to water everything. I hate it! So this will help so much. Really happy about this.

It is mess out there now. It was so wet that they blew a hose on the tractor while filling the trench. So they had to stop and came back this morning. They had another job they had to get to so will come back with a smaller tractor to finish all this mess up. I want it leveled and all the huge rocks moved.

And now we have more reliable water. Having to go out and flip breakers every few hours was getting old fast.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Around the farm today.

This is the most beautiful day! Nearly 80. I was sitting on my studio porch, spinning some Romney wool, and it sounds like spring. I was trying to think of how winter sounds. Rain drops. Squishy mud. Sheep bawling. Not too much noise. But spring sounds like new life! Birds chirping and hopping around, looking for fat juice worms. Looking for the best nests. Flying all over the place. Bees buzzing, gathering all the pollen off the trees. Sheep munching grass and hay. Slurping water. Wool growing like crazy! Chickens singing the egg laying song. Or Black Bart, calling the girls to come get some bugs. Spring just sounds different.

So I started walking around the yard, seeing all the new life popping up around me.

This little red maple I planted like 5 years ago. It has pretty red leaf buds. It's a really slow growing tree, compared to just silver maples. But I love them in the Fall.

This is my biggest of 2 Red Bud trees. I do believe we will have the pretty purple flowers this year on this tree! This is my favorite tree.

The day lillies are popping up all over. This bed needs some work and clean up.

And we have 3 really old apple trees in the yard where my studio is. And the sheep are in this yard a lot. And they seem to like apple tree bark. I really need to get some kind of wound spray before we lose them. This is the old Yates apple tree. My favorite apple. There is a really old variety that my mother-in-law called an early June transparent apple. It's really good cooked with the peel on. That's about all they're good for. But we love them and were so happy to find out that's what this tree is.

Here are some apple blossoms starts on the old Granny Smith apple tree!! The bees will be all over these trees when they are in bloom! We also have 6 more younger apple trees and 3 pears down in the lower garden. They are all looking good too.

And this poor ole Clematis vine. It just keeps on growing, despite the fact my husband's weed whacked it down way too many times to count. And the sheep and goats have eaten it to the ground a few times too. But it's a persistent vine and keeps coming back every year. It's beautiful when it's in bloom.

Sp lots of new life all around these days. I love spring. But it just doesn't seem to stick around very long any more. We might get a few good weeks of nice weather where we can open all the windows. But them BOOM, it's 100 degrees and the AC comes on.

I am down 10 pounds since Sunday. I won't weigh again til Saturday. I am doing way better than I thought I would. I am eating real food now. I feel SO much better. Not all crappy like I did before after I'd eat. I hope I can keep this up.

I did 6 more dreads this morning for a total of 14 so far. They really look bad and probably will for awhile, til they get to where they are supposed to be. And they are underneath so I can hide them if I don't feel like showing them to the world yet.

So y'all have a great week! I hope it's like this where you are.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


  I have lost 5 pounds already since this past Saturday! I feel so good too. My hands feel lots better. And I haven't had to drink any soda water because I feel so bloated.

  I decided I need to lose weight and eat better. So I have stopped eating sugar and anything with flour. Basically just  eating fruits, veggies and meat. And kombucha. No coffee because I had to have a lot of Natural Bliss creamer. It's SO good but has sugar. I've been drinking dandelion tea with my friend's honey. (I hope to have my own honey soon!) And of course cheese and eggs too. And fresh raw cow's milk.

  I really do feel so much better. And down 5 pounds already!!!!  I haven't even craved any sweets either.

  I'll be getting into the garden soon, when we dry out. So I'll be more active then. Can't wait to get started again. I have all kinds of plans. Just need to have some dryer ground.

  So y'all please send some good thoughts my way so I can continue this way. I would so appreciate it.

  So in the water situation, we have none. I am so bummed about this. We were using the well water. It's never been used this much, ever. I've only used it to water the gardens some. And the animals. So, it's been flipping breakers. Like a LOT. A friend came today and seems to think it's the well motor thing. And that's about $500. As much as I like the thought of using well water (it's free) we will just go ahead and get the plumbers here and get the new water line done. Plus, I'll get a faucet in the garden too! That is something I have wanted for years. Can't wait to get that. So, in the meantime, we have no water in this house. I am thankful for the rain, which is in several buckets now. And a 50 gallon barrel out back that catches rain water. That's our toilet flushing water.

And we should be getting all this amazing wool sheared off this month! Can hardly wait. But would like it a lot dryer please.