Thursday, November 13, 2014

Going away!

I'm heading out in the morning for Brasstown, N. Carolina, for my spinning class! I'm so excited! I hope I can do this. I'm taking my spinning wheel, so I can see if they can get it going for me. If I'm going to be spinning on my wheel, I want to learn on it. And I'll take some of my roving too, just to make sure it's spinnable.

I am so ready for a weekend away. I hope my camera stays charged. I can't find my little charger.

I also hope it doesn't snow. There were flurries this afternoon here. And there will be a hard freeze tonight. And I did hear there could be snow where I'll be on Sunday. Not ready for that.

Y'all have a great weekend! Be back next week. Hopefully with some hand spun yarn. Wish me luck, y'all!

Mrs. T.

Mrs. T is 97 years old. She tells everyone she's 100. We all just let it go now. If she wants to be 100, then 100 she shall be.

And this is what she does when she goes outside for a walk. She cannot just go out and enjoy the beauty of her yard. She has to work. She has always taken care of her almost 3 acre yard. It's called Azalea Hill. There must be over a hundred azaleas here. Her mother started planting them, then she added a lot more. It's beautiful in the spring. She used to have garden tours and garden parties. People come to take pictures. It's just amazing, this yard.

And when she would go out before, when she could go out and walk alone, she would always have an armload of sticks to take to her ever growing brush pile. She was always working, while walking.

So this is what she does now. I had wheeled her out to her "formal" garden, with this bench at the end for her to sit and enjoy the beautiful fall colors. Then ram inside real quick to grab my camera. This is what I saw when I came back. She had reached down and got a stick and was raking the leaves at her feet. Typical mrs. T. Even though she can't really walk too good anymore, she can still do this.

I had to call her name several times to get her to look up. She's so beautiful. Just so photogenic. I love this lady.