Friday, April 5, 2013

Eggs and fences and kindred spirits

I finally got an egg from the 2 hens in the tractor today! I had lifted the top a few days ago and left it open for a few minutes. Kansas told me a few had gotten out. The rooster and 2 hens. Out. All over the yard. I grabbed some feed and got them in the coop. And they've been there ever since. I keep forgetting to get them back in the tractor. But I did get one egg yesterday from one of the cooped hens. So 2 eggs in 2 days! And after paying $5  for a dozen eggs at the farmer's market Wed.

Also got my Premier sheep netting fences and energizer electric fence I ordered on Wed. That was fast. I'm going to put up one of the fences out in the front yard and let the sheep mow it for me tomorrow. See how the fence works. Each one is 164'. I am planning on putting one up and putting the sheep in it. Then putting the other one up next to it to let them into it after a few days. I'll have to see how that works. That energizer is too cool. I hope I can get it working. I'll take pictures and post again when it's up.

And had some people come over tonight to see about getting goat milk and cheese. So some new customers. And some new friends. I feel like I have met some kindred spirits. They are into fermenting too! So they want to come back and learn how I do it. So fun! I love meeting kindred spirits. Right away, I liked them all. Like I've known them forever. I am finding that there are a lot of people like this around. I have been meeting them all over. And even right here on my blog. I feel like all of you who leave comments are kindred spirits too. So many people doing the same things I am. Sharing what they learn. Learning form others. We need this now. More than ever. Kindred spirits.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


 I have always wanted to find some stinging nettles. I have yet to see any. So last week, when I saw that one of the farmers at the market was going to have some, I went. There was a man in front of me and he got the last 2 bags. Just like that, gone. And I was SO close!

So this week, I got there early. I was the 3rd person in line. I grabbed 2 bags! I was so excited to finally have stinging nettles in my hand.

But even more exciting was having them already picked and in a bag! Man, those things DO sting! And I am still stinging. But I really would love to find a wild patch and pick them anyway.

So last night, I sauteed some with some baby collards and garlic. Pretty good.

But I have also heard that dried nettles makes some good tea. So I am drying some. But first I put some fresh in a pot and boiled it for some fresh tea. I love it. It's really good. So next week, I will try to nab some more. She said she should have a lot more then. So this and dandelion tea, I should be good to go.

Let me know what you think of these prickly little buggers.  Have you ever had any? Have you ever picked any? How do you eat them? Tell me, please. I want to know all about them.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


She's getting bigger. If I get this right, she should be due the end of April. I sure wish she'd have been sooner. But that's ok. I can't wait to see her kids now. After Penelope's little cuties, I know Sandy's will be adorable. I think they are already sold too.