Monday, April 17, 2017

Number 4...

When I went out to feed the sheep this morning, Cameron stayed in the middle stall. I had seen her laying down pushing as I walked over. I thought I should put the other 6 sheep and alpacas over next door, but that was a stupid idea. Cameron went all crazy. So got the sheep back over here so she could see them.

It was about 30 minutes later when I saw a white head coming out. I could tell right away it was a ram lamb because I saw little horn buds. The ram I used had pretty impressive horns. But that was all I saw, just a head. No feet. She was pushing and pushing, but not much happening. I went in and found the left leg and started pulling when she pushed. Then tried to get the other leg. He finally came out. But he was weak. I got him dried as much as I could with Cameron's help. He's a little cuties, eye liner and all. He's all white with a little black spot on his right hip.

Then about 30 minutes later, I saw another water bubble. And a foot this time. She pushed a few times and out popped the head. I could also tell this was another ram lamb. But this little guy was dead. Nothing I did got him going. I can see no reason for him to be dead. But he was. I dried him off and left him there for Cameron to clean off. I out him over to the side. Then I buried him behind the barn. So sad.

Little Bilbo Baggins is doing just fine though. He's so cute. I love brand new lambs, they are all legs and big fluffy  head. Too cute.

So 2 down, 6 more to go. And it's supposed to rain later today.

1 comment:

  1. I could not handle all the excitement, Kris! I love the eyeliner on the little one, but had tears when you said one was dead......couldn't do it! But now you have a good start!
