Friday, June 12, 2015

Productive day.

 I was busy yesterday! It feels so good to be productive and get things done. My husband had weed whacked the whole place a few days ago so I went around and mowed again. It looks so good when all the weeds are cut and beds edged. I also went through the garden rows and push mowed. I have to leave every daisy and marigold that's popped up in between the rows. And some stray zinnias here and there as well. But it looks so good right now!

I found this yesterday on the porch rail of my studio. How cool! I left this empty coffee container on the rail a few weeks ago and forgot about it. Looked in yesterday and saw this. I hope it works for the little bird. Stupid cats will kill it though.

I made zucchini bread for the market in the morning. I'll be at Mrs. T's all day today, then the shearer will be here at 5 to shear the last 4 girls. So no time today. I'll have to get the car loaded in between all this. The studio smells so good now, and I didn't even want to take a bite of it. I am down to 211 now. So close to my goal, I can't stop now.

And I started this fleece in the washer yesterday. It took 5 hours to get it all cleaned. This is Annabelle's wool. It's still got a lot of crap in it that I'll have to pick out while carding. But it's so pretty. It's about 1/4 of her fleece. This will take forever to do 12 more sheep fleeces and 4 alpaca.

Y'all have a great weekend!

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